Saturday, June 30, 2007

Here we are for just a little catch up...

Monday, Caleb saw his best friend Donovyn. He had been saying for weeks that he missed him. So finally we got them together for a playdate. Caleb was excited and relieved. Of course, I got a call just after noon that asked if I had changed my mind on having Caleb in the Summer camp at his preschool. Apparently, I got my dates mixed up and thought that summer came was in July, but here is was at the end of June. So he missed the first day, but attended for the rest of the week. He had a wonderful time and did so many crafts. He is the best kid to run up to me shouting Mommy I missed you, each time I pick him up.

Caleb got his most extreme haircut to date on Wednesday. I decided for the summer to cut his hair really short so that he didn't need haircuts all summer and maybe he'd stay a little cooler. Mike is really happy with it because he looks like a cool little boy. I think that it is a little too short in the bangs, but hair will always grow.

Yesterday the whole family made a very, mad scramble to the movie theater. I found the gift card from the Surface family (from Christmas) and it was just in time to see the new animated, kids film "Ratouille". VERY CUTE! and a good number of chuckles. We got there just in time for the start of the movie, but missed most of the trailers. And Joshy was great up until the last 10-15 minutes when he ran out of things to eat (also purchased with the gift card) and needed to get up and stretch his legs. I thought that was pretty good for him to sit still for an almost 2 hour show. It was a great way to spend a rainy day and only spend $1.56 for the whole family! I'd recommend the show to anyone needing a light chuckle, has kids, or doesn't like the bad language in other movies. I look forward to the day the library finally has this one in circulation so we can see it again!

The boys and I ended the day with dinner and freshly made, home made Strawberry Slurpees. We have been so blessed with our berry patch this season. I had enough berries to make 3 drinks and freeze another whole bag. Caleb was thrilled to slurp down a RED slurpee that did not have food coloring. Not to mention totally organic and sweetened to perfection.

So all of that is the upside. The down side.... Jockey is entering the Two-year old phase. "No" is his favorite answer for everything. He says it for any question we ask just to show he is making decisions, and oh boy does he not like being contradicted. Can we say STRONG WILLED! and LOUD protests! He is talking alot more in general though. Full sentences even. You kind of have to be around him for a while though, because not everything is bell clear. One thing, unfortunately, totally clearly understood... "eat poop". This is repeated numerous times a day by our little Jockey-man. I can't imagine where he picked that up.... CaAAALEEB???!!!

In the meantime, the boys are loving life, the summer means swings, slides, sand and of course berry picking! For July, Caleb is signed up for two different Vacation Bible Schools, which I'm excited for. This will mean he is still around kids all summer, will learn some cool lessons, and I will get time with just Josh. Plus, one of the VBS is held by the church that I want to start attending. It is a bigger church with more structured programs consistently offered for both the kids and adults, as well as several programs not DIRECTLY church related: MOPS and boyscouts! So this is great!

Ok. That's all for now. Have a great sunny day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Caleb and Joshy are back from their camping trip. It was a big success. Caleb talks about riding his bike, going down a big slide, and the various things he did in the pool. Joshy has learned the new word "cold" about a week ago, and he uses that word to go into the hot tub, get cuddled in Mommy's bed or to sit with Mommy on the couch... or just about anything as long as he gets what he wants he is "cold". The cutest is when he holds his little hands together almost in a praying has pose with a touch of wistful added in, then he fake shivers and says "cold". He learned "cold" when trying to run through the sprinkler, it was not like the warm shower water he was expecting, it was "cold"... he didn't want to shower for a few days after the sprinkler because he was afraid that the shower would now be "cold" too! Anyway, he also had a good time with Grammy and Papa Dahl. Both of the boys wanted to sit on me for a long time after they returned, which way nice, except I was trying to cook dinner at the time. Caleb know can thoroughly explain how Papa Dahl checks for sugar in his blood (he is Diabetic.) Caleb gave Auntie Brittany the full run down yesterday. He really is a smart little kiddo. I wonder what else he will have picked up this weekend that I'll get to discover.

Yesterday, we went to story time at the library. Joshy was a hoot to watch. For the first 8 minutes he wanted to sit on my lap and just watch. (Caleb too.) Suddenly, he wanted to get up and dance and stomp and clap as the librarian directed... then he wanted to run around and squeal happily and then land and sommersault on their special little blanket that they put in the center. Lots of the moms were chuckling at him and commenting on how happy he was. Joshy truly did want to interact and be center of attention. Caleb wanted to blow the bubbles, but he was so shy he missed a couple turns before I could convince him that it was no big deal, just go up and ask. I don't know what makes him so shy and afraid to ask. I was that way too, and I just can't figure out how I got through it... sometimes I'm still not, so how can I expect a child to get through it.

The sun is out, the berries are now getting very plentiful... at least the strawberries. Monday night I made Strawberry (and banana) milkshakes for everyone. It was a special treat, and I still had enough strawberries left over for a morning of strawberry topped pancakes. And there are STILL MORE berries to be picked. I might have to start cutting them up and freezing them for the winter just to keep up with the maturity rate. All of this, and I still have little guys out there picking when the like and heading off some of the growth by eating green ones!

We had family movie night last night. We watched Disney's Tarzan from our bed... good thing it's a king size, room for everyone. We had water and popcorn to make it a true movie experience. Joshy got to stay up later to finish watching the movie, he just relished the cuddle time. When they started wrestling, it was near the end of the movie anyway. Then off to bed time.

Caleb his now the proud owner of a new wardrobe. Grandma Bishop, ebay save extraordinaire, found a great lot of clothes and won them and had them shipped directly here. They are all nice, and Caleb is outfitted for good, well probably for the next 15 months... Caleb shouted I love this, when he saw the Pj top of Batman with the attached cape. Then life was complete when he saw the pj tops of Spiderman and "Mr. Incredible". Caleb changed clothes 3 times in a hour... and kept them on too. Normally Caleb might go through 3 outfits in day, but that is because he keeps taking his clothes off and I keep trying to put them back on. This time he actually stayed dressed. Then he wore the Batman top (with cap) to the library story time because in his words "everyone will think my shirt is cool". Caleb called and said thank you, although his excitment didn't really come through the phone, he really is excited. And Joshy would be happy if I tossed the pile on the floor and let him roll around on them. Go figure.

No real plans yet for the weekend. Daddy doens't work. Mommy doesn't have anything lined up as of yet. So I guess we are free agents dictated to only by weather and $. We'll see where it takes us.

(On a personal note, I loved my weekend "off". It was great. I got 5 pages of scrapbooking done, in goal of getting 12 done for Joshy's birthday party. I turned off the phones and didn't get a single phone call from anyone wanting to refinance my house during any naps. I watched movies that I didn't have to cringe because of little ears in the room. Plus, I got to watch Phantom of the Opear, a gorgeous cinema set, that the boys would never understand! I admit to eating food coloring, but did so without fear of having it nabbed and scarffed by little guys. Tigger was a ball of nerves. He would sit on Caleb's bed and bark out the window at the wind or whatever. He didn't pace but it had the same effect, even with going on walks and the chew bones I gave him. Can we say Co-Dependent....On MIKE! Zuma was a delight of low maintenance, just don't ask her to move once she was in a cozy sleeping spot. Anyway, it was nice time that I do feel different, better, to take on the kids for the time being. )

And speaking of kids... back to them... talk more later.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Joshy has learned a few words in the last 2-3 days. He now answers "noooo" with cute little puckered lips, like he is sucking on a straw. (Of course, I know there will be a day that he says no in defiance, but for right now he is just answering my questions.) He now says "Okay", and "Coming daddy", and "Caay" which is for Caleb. He is getting so good as using words, and as always he is a wonderful babbler, he babbles in the same cadence as words would sound in a foriegn language. He must be speaking alien boy-ese.

This is Caleb's first week without preschool. He's already saying he is missing his friend Donovyn, but we can't afford to drive to Granite Falls... so I'll have to come up with something else to keep him busy with.

The boys are going camping this weekend. Mike is taking them with Papa and Grammy Dahl to Toppenish. I'm sure that they will enjoy the time at the pool, the park and riding their bikes. And I will do my best to get refreshed and recharged while they are gone.

Today was icky off and on as far as weather, but that didn't stop the boys from running outside and picking berries. Yes, our raspberries are just barely coming in, and our strawberries will be going full blown here in another week or so. Of course, that is all hinging keeping the boys, Joshy especially, from picking the green ones. I try to tell them that green ones never get the chance to turn red and yummy if you pick them. Joshy still doesn't get it. But I guess we have all summer to learn.

We also made a fort today in the living room. The boys really like it. But what is it with forts and having to be naked in them?! I just don't get it. Caleb asked me today how come God fgave me two boys instead of a boy and a girl, and today I was reminded that I would rather build a fort than have a dress up tea party any day of the week. As for Caleb's question, I just told him that God had the best plans and I'm going along with it.

Well, off to the rest of life's duties. Talk to you later.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Well this last week was Caleb's last week at preschool. He had a regular day on Tuesday and then on Thursday we went to the park for a picnic. It was a gray, chilly, occassionally misty day, but Caleb had a lot of fun. I felt like a good mom that day, I remembered scrap towels to wipe the slides and swings down. (Often it feels like the "good mom" days are rare.) Caleb got to feed the ducks, run around with kids, and eat lunch with the little girl that he kind of likes more than any other kid in his class. He played hard and I look forward to having him back in a peer group soon.

Joshy and I baked cookies this week.

Papa Bill brought over Burger King and played with the boys on Tuesday.

Grandma Bishop sent Caleb some new clothes; Caleb especially likes and looks like a cool dude in this vibrant red hooded sweatshirt. Then we got a really big box this week. It was a basketball hoop for the boys, particularly Joshy. I didn't get it all the way set up and Joshy already had grabbed the ball and started to say THROW THROW. And he did make a few baskets all by himself. The hoop is twice the height of him at the rim. He's having a great time. Caleb has learned all the places he can throw the ball from and still makes a basket. So far his favorite is standing on the couch in the living room and tossing it the distance... sigh. The other one he likes is standing on the piano bench and tossing it in while jumping. again, sigh. Boys.

No big plans for this weekend. Daddy works today, and ALL day tomorrow. But he mowed the lawn yesterday and now the kids can actually navigate outside... and since it's overcast right now, I might be able to convince them to keep their clothes on for warmth.

Well, gotta get back to it. Talk to you later.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Joshy's new phrase: "I did it!" and he lifts his little fists in the air for a big hurray! See picture, although he didn't really use the potty, He just said "I did it!"

Joshy now "Smiles" for the camera. Actually he, himself says "Cheese" and you get the following smile:

And I love this shirt that Joshy is wearing... it fits perfectly when I caught the boys hollering out the bedroom window looking at the things they had thrown out the window onto the roof.

That's all for now. Have a good day.