Monday, June 11, 2007


Joshy has learned a few words in the last 2-3 days. He now answers "noooo" with cute little puckered lips, like he is sucking on a straw. (Of course, I know there will be a day that he says no in defiance, but for right now he is just answering my questions.) He now says "Okay", and "Coming daddy", and "Caay" which is for Caleb. He is getting so good as using words, and as always he is a wonderful babbler, he babbles in the same cadence as words would sound in a foriegn language. He must be speaking alien boy-ese.

This is Caleb's first week without preschool. He's already saying he is missing his friend Donovyn, but we can't afford to drive to Granite Falls... so I'll have to come up with something else to keep him busy with.

The boys are going camping this weekend. Mike is taking them with Papa and Grammy Dahl to Toppenish. I'm sure that they will enjoy the time at the pool, the park and riding their bikes. And I will do my best to get refreshed and recharged while they are gone.

Today was icky off and on as far as weather, but that didn't stop the boys from running outside and picking berries. Yes, our raspberries are just barely coming in, and our strawberries will be going full blown here in another week or so. Of course, that is all hinging keeping the boys, Joshy especially, from picking the green ones. I try to tell them that green ones never get the chance to turn red and yummy if you pick them. Joshy still doesn't get it. But I guess we have all summer to learn.

We also made a fort today in the living room. The boys really like it. But what is it with forts and having to be naked in them?! I just don't get it. Caleb asked me today how come God fgave me two boys instead of a boy and a girl, and today I was reminded that I would rather build a fort than have a dress up tea party any day of the week. As for Caleb's question, I just told him that God had the best plans and I'm going along with it.

Well, off to the rest of life's duties. Talk to you later.

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