Friday, March 31, 2006

This week:

We went to playgroup on Wednesday. They had a record turn out of 20 kids; Caleb behaved well with the large group. Although, I could tell that he felt a little overwhelmed at times. When he paired off with one to 3 other kids he did better.

We made swedish pancakes. He is such an enthusiatic helper. He ate those pancakes all week. He asked for them, and he ate them. I guess it was a good choice to make.

Aunt Danene came over on Tuesday. Caleb had to show her the goats accross the street. He's got his own little story about the white goat "go away" so that the black goat can eat the carrots. Don't worry, he'll tell you the story at least 3 times if you visit.

Caleb recently has discovered Pigs with a hilarious result. He is playing with a toy of Josh's that makes barnyard noises. As much as the pigs grunt, Caleb laughs. Uncle Jeff doesn't remember it so well, but he too also had a facination with pigs for a time while growing up.

Grammy and Papa Dahl got the stomach flu from Caleb. We are very sorry to have passed it along. Caleb and I prayed for them to feel better. Last night Caleb told me that "Jesus make Grammy papa feel better. Jesus big helper". Awwwwww. I love to see the understanding dawning in my little guy. He also told me "Jesus like truth. Mommy like truth."; we are learning the concept of truth and lies. But it is amazing what he learns and recalls and repeats back to me. He still isn't accurate on his truth yet... especially when it comes time to ask him if he ate all his Breakfast, Lunch or dinner. I told him it doesn't matter if the answer is yes or no, just tell the truth... I think I'll be saying that for years to come.

Caleb is getting better and better at cleaning up his toys after he's played with them. I ask him to do it, but he is getting better at obeying. I'm proud of him and try to communicate that to him. Of course, the real motivation is often that after he picks up his toys he can go outside. Outside is holding a new facination the better the weather is getting. This weeks' big project was to wash the playsets. Caleb said "mommy big helper" after I had finished. He could have said "Jockey big helper" too, because he was in the backpack on my back as I washed the swing set.

Caleb has become an exception big brother. He is constantly telling me that Josh needs me, Josh is crying, Shhhhh Josh is sleeping (although that doesn't necessarily mean he is quiet and won't wake Josh up himself). And for the last two days he has told me that Josh is getting another tooth. Geesh kid, how often are you looking for new teethin the baby's mouth. Josh is just as excited about getting new teeth too, because that would mean he can participate in the the eating ritual he has witnessed so much. Don't let him get too close with his grabby hands, he wil grab you food right off your plate. What I do know is that he has no known allergies to chicken nuggets and a goldfish cracker, he tasted them both before I could keep it away. Big brother will have to keep his food away better, or I hope eaten up better.

Josh LOVES his teething biscuits. As I watched him, I can tell that I have a smart one on my hands. He drops the biscuit between a couple toys and he can fumble around and find it under them. That is a skill to find a hidden object, and he is doing wonderful at it. But for something he loves like a teething biscuit, I'm surprised that he would let it out of his hands for a moment, let alone his hands. He can be very frustrated with where he is at, but hand him a teething biscuit and he is occupied for 15 minutes. Beware of mess, however, those things should come with a plastic overall suit!

Josh's personality is coming through more and more. He is easily bored and frustrated. But just as easily entertained with new things or sights. He has proved to me that he wakes up before he is done sleeping and done with being tired, which means I have to MAKE him fall asleep again by rubbing his back or tummy... and don't forget the PACIFIER. That has become Josh's American Express "DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!!!!!" I'm trying to get Josh to take more frequent naps. If I left it to him he would only take 1 long one and 2- 15 minutes naps. Not enough for a little guy. So I have had to recognize the FIRST sign of tiredness and put him down, because if I wait for the second sign he will already be over tired and cry and distress himself trying to fall asleep almost to the point of inability to sleep. I am forced to be on top of the issue and astutue at watching his signals. With proper sleep, he is happy and less frustrated with the world and it's routines. He is trying to crawl with every ounce of energy so that he can get to the newest object to discover/taste! He is up on hands and knees quite frequently and rocking while he is in that position. He hasn't learned to move forward, but that doesn't stop him from trying to fling himself forward with the rocking motion. I'm trying to get it on video! The things that I don't want to forget. Learning to crawl, the soft warm fuzzy bald head, and his LAUGH. Priceless.

Well, that's all for now.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mommy's Misadventure on the way to Caleb's Great Adventure.

Caleb was to go camping with Grammy and Papa Dahl this weekend, and I had to drive him up to them in Anacortes. That drive turned out to be longer than expected. Caleb was very excited, and for a little guy who often falls asleep in the car, he stayed awake out of excitement. All except for the last 5-10 minutes of the drive, but that would be because we were delayed by at least half hour. On the drive up there, the car's low fuel light came on. Trying to be smart, I got off the highway and find gas on the south end of Mount Vernon. But I never found a gas station there and had to keep going right through town, up and over the free way to the eastside of I-5 and when I finally found a gas station 1/2 block away from the light I was waiting at... The car died in the middle of traffic. I've put my hazard lights on and the car is in nuetral. Caleb asks "mommy what doing?", "Caleb, mom has ran out of gas.", "mommy, what doing?", "Caleb, mommy is trying to push the car off the road." With the help of a stranger I did get the car off the road. But this is where it gets amazing. When the low fuel light came on, I had been on the phone with Danene. Through stalling out, pushing the car and now sitting in a parking lot, a flurry of phone calls transpired. I called Aunt Danene, she called Uncle Jeff, I called Uncle Jeff, I called Cousin Barb, Uncle Jeff called back, I called Cousin Barb back, I called Mike, and Papa Dahl.... see, a flurry.

Uncle Jeff was just getting off work in Burlington when we spoke. He came back into Mount Vernon after borrowing a gas can from work and filled our car up enough to get to the gas station. Caleb was excited to see Uncle Jeff. After a very grateful hug good bye (and as it turned out, see you later) I got into the car to drive away. Caleb talked about Uncle Jeff, "what doing?". I told him Uncle Jeff helped us, the exact words were "Uncle Jeff saved our bums Caleb." Caleb said "Uncle Jeff Big Helper", "Oh yeah Caleb, absolutely!"

From there the endorphins carried me to Anacortes, and Caleb was awake until about 5-10 minutes out. He had been a little trooper and stayed awake and calm and Not Demanding (thank you Caleb and Praise the Lord) the whole time. Josh was also a little trooper too as he was awake as well then entire time.

This really wasn't my week. Starting with Caleb sick, then me, then the rest of the family, then running out of gas.... THEN, I forgot to leave the carseat with Grammy and Papa, so I had to drive back up Saturday morning to drop it off. But the drive was full of beautiful sun and a calm Josh so what more could I ask for.

Caleb had a good time camping with Papa and Grammy for the first time all by himself. He threw rocks and went on walks, 4 miles worth! The highlight was that he tried bowling; Caleb dutifully reported that he got "two pins" and held up his two little fingers. He went to the park, and played with Foster. He climbed rocks. As relayed to me: They were eating at a restaraunt when a lady came up and said to Caleb that he isn't eating much. Caleb's response "Jockey eats"!!! How funny is that! It's true Josh does eat well and I hope that continues, but I really hope I haven't given Caleb a complex about it. I was also told that in the morning Caleb woke up and said "Papa Bishop takin' me fishin'", so he is always thinking adventure. Caleb slept on their couch. He got to push the buttons to recline the couch. While packing he insisted he bring is "Pooh blanket", so he stayed warm and cozy. When he came back, I asked him if he had fun, "yes", and did he want to camp again "Camp again!!!" And I'm sure that wish will come true this summer.

Well, that was our weekend. An adventure and a misadventure.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Pictures as promised, and a few more too:

Caleb thinks he should go outside. I think he's going to feel a bit of a draft.

Caleb crept outside when I was watching Josh, fortunately he rearranged the shirt to cover a bit more.

And while I was trying to get Caleb inside, Josh the pro roller, found this on the floor. If it is good enough for the dog it must be great for someone getting new teeth he thought.

For a more normal shot: Auntie Kristina holding little Jockey. There is a smile behind that sound plug, but without the plug there was such a sound of protest.

And who says girls get all the dress up fun. Here is Caleb in his rendition of a boy dragonfly.

He ans Tessa had a good time dressing up and making a mess. But that is what cousins do best.

That's all for now.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The whole family has rebounded into the flu.

Caleb was sick Monday and I thought he was in the clear, but got sick again early Thursday morning. Josh is on and off again sick... and teething, poor little guy. I got sick late Tuesday night and on through Thursday (so still). I had a nice little temperature of nearly 102; I hope Jockey likes pasturized breastmilk. And Mike caught it Thursday morning.

We'll all make it through, but please nobody jump on anybody's tummies!

In the meantime, Caleb has enjoyed 3 baths today. Baths are Mike's way of warming up, and they are Caleb's idea of a good time, unless you want to wash his hair (a bad experience where he got into the wrong shampoo, definitely not "Tear-free".) Also despite him being sick, I caught him twice running outside with just his "shirt" and yellow, puddle boots on. Pictures to be posted later, can't miss these with his little bum hanging out.

Josh seems in good spirits overall. It's got to be hard getting that second tooth in; it has already cut through, just working on moving up now. It's still so very strange to have him laugh and see a little flash of white in his mouth; I keep thinking that he has gotten into paper or something else that I have to rescue out of his mouth. He is putting his teeth to useful, and painful, ways. He seems to like the teething biscuits; these are cautiously enjoyed. They can be enjoyed and are a great substitute for him biting me, but I have to watch Josh like a hawk to make sure that the little bit (or just big enough to be a problem) don't become choking hazards, and fighting Zuma and Caleb away from them is a chore. One blessing is that Josh is getting more "safe" time on the floor. He is getting up on his knees a bit now; crawling is just around the corner I can picture it! And when there are pictures, you better believe I'll have them posted ASAP!

I want to say thank you to my "new" sister-in-law and Brother, Aunt D and Uncle Jeff, for stopping by on Wednesday and helping with the kids. Caleb was very excited to see you from the moment I mentioned you were coming/here at the house. I wasn't at all a host, but you were such a sincerely help and welcome distraction from feeling sick. Thank you for helping in each moment trying to feed or hold Josh to every moment trying to keep the ever bounding Caleb from jumping on me. You brought a bright spot into a otherwise difficult day.

Josh and Caleb are still delights even when they are sick, unfortunately I can't say the same for myself. Caleb said today "Mommy no happy sick"; Darn right Caleb, and mommy's sorry too. But Josh and Caleb's kindness is getting me through mentally. Josh cuddles and smiles as always. And I laid on the bed so sick I was afraid (and didn't have the energy) to move, Caleb came up and gently stroked my cheek and forehead with the back of his hand. Several times he draped his shirt over me to make "mommy feel better". I'm truly touched and blessed to have such a caring little boy. Caleb is kind and gentle on moment.... and the next he is playing with one of two monster trucks that have songs attached to them and he's saying loudly "wild thing" in the funniest voice I've heard out of him. With us being sick and unable to do much more than what slugs do, the TV has been on more, Caleb is quite ready to be a contestant on Deal or "NO DEAL" as he yells repeatedly.

When we are all well again, I look forward to playing with Caleb in the ever improving weather. If he is going out in less that adult chosen apparel, then he is obviously anxious to explore the outdoors too.

So here are prayers wishing us all well soon, and good night.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I forgot to mention:

1- We were in the car Sunday heading out to a friend's daughter's birthday party. Caleb saw a couple motorcyclists on the side of the road... He immediately said Papa Bill. Which Papa Bo;; does ride motorbikes, but not Harleys. And Caleb has only seem Papa Bill's bike twice, not Papa Bill ON the bike. So it was funny that he made that association.

2- I was putting regular tennis shoes on Caleb today, not the Buzz shoes. Caleb told me today that Papa Bill wears tennis shoes. Again funny. But of course, yesterday we were getting ready to go to playgroup and he wanted to wear his cowboy boots. I told him that they won't let him wear his cowboy boots in the gym on the floor. He proceed to tell my "gym said no boots on floor." Gym sounded just like a person named Jim with all the personification and intensity he put into those words.

Anyhow, these were cute stories, had to tell them. Really, good night now.
Good Job Caleb, way to bounce back!

Caleb is feeling better today, as happy and energetic as usual. However, he excelled today.

It wasn't until it could have been too late that I realized that Caleb has done a stellar job today. We were at the park about 3ish, getting ready to go that I realized that Caleb wasn't wearing a diaper, just underwear and pants. I asked him if he wanted to use the potty before we left the park, which he did with success. But that I began to think and back track when the last time he wore a diaper for today. He woke up with a dry diaper, used the potty and then didn't put one back on. He had been dry and using the potty ALL DAY! We had taken a nap, watched a movie, gone to the library, and now the park without an accident! It was only because of his very tired, preoccupied mommy that he wasn't wearing a diaper; and it was a miracle from Caleb and Jesus that I didn't run into an accident while out, but rather just the realization that Caleb is a phenominal child. I never thought that this day would come, and if I had actually given it thought, Caleb wouldn't have left the house without a diaper. But I guess I have jumped off the cliff of Caleb going out without a diaper.

As a reward, Caleb and I went and got slurpees. Daddy later asked Caleb who got him a slurpee. Caleb said Jesus. How cute. He said that Jesus made the machine work. Well, some day I'll explain to him that Jesus takes care of the slurpee machine, but also a whole lot more in our lives! Daddy asked him who paid for it, "Jesus"; daddy's right Jesus is the source of our blessings.

Josh is getting around VERY well. He is just as independent as if he would be if he walked. He can roll like a Pro! He is scooting and pivoting on his tummy, he can push himself backwards. Crawling isn't all that far off. He's eating very well. A full jar at a time without any cajoaling; very different from big brother at 7 months. I'm sincerely hoping that his tummy will be full enough to sleep through the night. But he is getting that second tooth in, so I'll have to give him grace if he keeps me up a few more nights. I can't believe he is nearly 7 MONTHS! He loves objects, the world is an object waiting to be tasted. He doesn't care to walk to where the object is, he is content with rolling to it and chewing on it. And if he isn't chewing on something, he is telling you about it. Boy is he a talker. And a smiler, and attention greedy.

Speaking of attention greedy, it's time to get back to him , so he says.
Good night.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Josh is cutting in a SECOND TOOTH!

He is a little fussy, which is highly unusual for this little guy. He's running a bit of a temperature and thus got a dose of dye free Tylenol. But he is doing well overall. Of course, EVERYTHING is going into his mouth. I even gave him his first teething biscuit today. Caleb was interested and had one as well. Jockey got through his faster than Caleb! And Josh is a little biter, at least once a day; let's just say that we are working on this behavior, but there isn't a whole lot of explaining that can happen with an infant.

Josh also has discovered noise making. He likes to make as much noise rattling his toys as possible until you look at him, then he smiles so big because you are seeing all that he is accomplishing. He is very proud of himself and likes to get our attention! He also babbles loudly as if he is really talking to us. Josh also likes it when Caleb makes some of the most obnoxious noises to date; Caleb is sure to take Josh's pacifier out first so that he can watch Josh's smile appear.

I can't believe I have two little showmen/show-offs. Josh is so interested in being watched, and so is Caleb. Caleb actual looks at himself in mirrors or reflective windows to study this face or that smile or pout, or in the case of the sliding door, his new walks, marches or sashays. It is so very funny, Josh actually was watching Caleb try out new walks one day and was laughing with me.

Where ever I go, I bring the sideshow. Cute baby, funny boy.
I wish this that a positive post:

Caleb has a stomach flu/virus. He threw up for the first time today. He was just coming awake and he messed up ALL of his bedding and clothes. But worse still, he was scared of the sensations and the tastes. This hasn't ever happenend to him and he wasn't use to it, didn't know what was going on, what to do, etc. I felt so sad for the little guy. Also, I felt a little panickked because this was my first time with a sick to their stomach kiddo, and a little queasy myself when dealing with it all. But I'm the mommy, buck up. I cleaned him up, gave him something to drink, stripped the bed, started the laundry, took his temperature, gave him dye-free tylenol and cuddled up with him to take it easy watching Toy Story 2. I'm sure that he'll be better soon.

Unfortunately, I think Jockey has this last week. I had thought it was something else, but now with both boys going through it, I can better identify it... and only pray that it doesn't come Mikes or my direction next.

Keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Caleb saw Uncle Jeff again, and met Aunt Danene!

Wednesday, we were blessed to see Uncle Jeff again and meet for the first time Aunt Danene, Uncle Jeff's wife. Caleb was VERY excited to have Uncle Jeff come to see him at his home, he must have repeated it a couple dozen times. He demanded that we change his pants into a pair of jeans that had pockets. He insisted that Uncle Jeff was going to look at his pockets. This was hugely funny when Uncle Jeff actually got to our house, and Uncle Jeff dutifully showed Caleb his pockets in return. Caleb jumped on Uncle Jeff as if he has know him all along. Caleb did his trademark headstand on the couch right next to both Aunt Danene and Uncle Jeff. Caleb started taking his clothes off, which I'd like to say means he really knows you and is very comfortable with you, but it simply means he's ready to be a nudist or it is about 1 hour before bedtime. He was very upset, even to tears, that we wouldn't let him "play naked" which he begged to do. Caleb showed Aunt Danene his room, and the hot stove and made sure he instructed her not to touch because it was hot. He even cuddled with Aunt Danene watching the tale end of movie right before they left. Caleb was super hyper trying to show off and impress Uncle Jeff and Aunt Danene. I think he effectively impressed upon them that he is a very high energy, active boy!

Thursday, Caleb, Josh and I braved the Chuck E. Cheese experience again. During the day, during the week is the only way to go! Caleb had a good time. And I felt like a good mommy having made sure that he had a good time and kept a promise to him. He came away with a baggie of toys and he is still discovering the joys of them.

Yesterday, Caleb and Josh got to spend some well deserved time with Daddy while mommy took care of some appointments. They had a good time. And hopefully many more daddy moments will come in the future.

Today, we visited Cousin Tessa, Uncle Ryan, and Aunt Kristina's house. Caleb was excited to see Tessa. The first thing he did was make a mess of her room. He eventually wore her red dragonfly dress up wings with a white Easter hat with a pink flower on it. He, as always, knows Tessa's buttons to push. He had his silly moments, his naked moments, his non eating moments, but overall he was very well behaved. I'm very proud of my little guy.

Josh was good too. He LIKES sweet potatoes/yams. He does NOT like peas... just like Caleb, must run in the family! He is so good for us. I fed him ahead of time and he let me eat in peace; it was Caleb that needed to go to the potty twice and get naked during dinner for me.

Well, that's the catch up. I hope to have more of Caleb's funny sound bites posted later. I have the written down somewhere around here, just have to find them.
Until Later, good night.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"mommy, cow balls!"

That's what he said alright. Of course what he meant to say was: Mommy, I see cows, and mommy I see balls on those wires (near the air field)". Ah the joys of rural driving on the Old Monroe-Snohomish road.

Also, Caleb insisted that he has to get 100% undressed to use the potty, not just the necessary parts! Then he yells "I pee NAKED!" I'm really trying to get him to wear some clothes, and to move potty training to the phase where we have success EVEN while wearing clothes... Too bad Adam and Eve sinned, because it would mean Caleb was already potty trained since he has 100% success when he is without apparel. Darn those two, and I bet my garden would look better with less weeds too!

Caleb has his new Buzz Lightyear Sheets, pillowcase and comforter on his bed. It looks great, and Caleb was very excited to put them on the bed. Of course, I think he just likes helping. He thought the comforter was great, and he inaugurated it by jumping all over the bed. The funny thing is that the blue and sliver lava lamp, which is a nightly must have on thing for Caleb, now seems to match the otherwise "sports and ball" themed room. I'll have to take a picture, he's sleeping right now so it will have to wait.

G'night all.
I know, I know, long time no post.

Things have been quite busy. We have seen Great Papa and Great Grammy Severson again. And we have seen Papa Bill a couple more times; we visited his house and then he met us at Great Papa and Great Grammy's house. We did some new things like Papa Bill took Caleb for a ride on Great Grammy's electric scooter... and we did some old things (like when I was little and growing up) like walk down to the beach and throw rocks. I'm very proud of Caleb's throwing ability and the beach is a perfect place with not alot of "no's". Caleb was ever the entertainer. This time he didn't try to take all the interesting things from G Gs' Seversons, he tried to leave half of his things... well, just another excuse to come visit again!

During the visit to Papa Bill and Judy's house, Caleb was introduced to two little black Shit-tzu dogs. Coalby and Mai-lee. He loved to play with them. At one point he even struggled and wrestled with them both and drug them across the floor as he scooted too. And then he somehow wriggled their harness' (not collars) off them without even unbuckling them, a feat since I'm told the harnesses fit snuggly! But Caleb was wrestling, chasing, and throwing dog toys with the dogs. The he did his own exploring and found a huge exercise ball to play with. Then Papa Bill sat down with Jockey... Coalby the dog jumped up into his lap, so Caleb thought that he should join the crowd and climb up too. There was no more room even if Mai-lee was interested. She was the cute and wise one, she hid from Caleb a few times. They were very good with the kids, wanted to lick them silly but even could be persuaded not to do that.

Caleb (and Josh) met someone new last night. He met Uncle Jeff. Again he surprised me with how quickly he warmed up to a new person. We talked about Uncle Jeff being mommy's brother all the way up to the McDonalds WITH Play Place! He said Hi and "me Caleb" and was off playing with the other kids. But when the fun fodder (other kids) left, he calmed down at bit and hung with Jeff and I at the table. At one point, he asked me if he could sit in Jeff's lap. So cute; I told Caleb he had to ask Uncle Jeff, which he did and Uncle Jeff allowed him to. Then Caleb took his shirt, stuck him thumb in his mouth and laid his head against Uncle Jeff's chest for a little cuddle. Now that was adorable! Unprompted love! And with someone new, Caleb what a blessing, and you bless others with your sensitivity and caring. He also did the macho "give me five" a few times, and when it was time to say good-bye, Caleb specifically asked to say good bye through the window. So cute again. I look forward to another time that I get to see Jeff and that the boys get to play/hand out with their Uncle Jeff. What a big evening out!

Caleb and Josh had Nichelle (a girl from church) visit to play with them for the second time. She is wonderful to have over; she watches the kids for a couple hours, the first hour I do errands and the second hours I get some cleaning done. They have fun, and I'm glad to get some cleaning done without having to redo and redo when Caleb undoes my efforts (i.e. folding laundry, and the picking up of the folded things and tossing them in the air).

Then as if I didn't get enough done in that second hour, a wonderful, helpful, thoughtful lady from church came today and watch the kids for 3 hours while I cleaned the entire time. She played with Caleb and all his trucks, she played with Josh and his little "gym" toy, she read to them. It was great. Caleb and Mrs. Stephanie even went across the street and fed the two city of Monroe goats and played at the park in the lovely weather. (I got SOOOO much done, corners, edges, details; the stuff that I don't generally have time to get to when I'm on a tight time crunch or worried to have my hands in chemicals and have to stop frequently to help the kids. It's wonderful to have the house feel "corners clean".)

So I am not sure what the rest of the week holds for Caleb, other than Wednesday Playgroup (which he asks to go to and communicates to me that I should keep going because he is having fun), but I'll keep everyone posted as much as time allows!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Papa Bill came to playgroup!

Papa Bill came to see us in our natural environment today. Caleb remembered who he was. And Caleb liked giving the gift to Papa Bill, although it took two times to get it there. Caleb helped unwrap it of course. Normally he is even more enthusiatic to open gifts, but come on with all the kids and toys around... But Caleb had a good time, and I hope that Papa Bill had fun watching Caleb interact with the other kids.

Tomorrow, we are driving up to Camano to see Caleb's Great Papa and Great Grammy Severson. And I was told today that Papa Bill will probably be up there too. Caleb is going to have such a great time, and even more fun if their cat stays in the room and plays! And I forsee another pocket shake down right before we leave to make sure he hasn't taken anything that doesn't belong to him.

Well, it's coming close to nap time, but I just wanted to let everyone know what we have been up to. Write more later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Last week was a long week, and this one is looking like it too.

Josh has been up FREQUENTLY during the nights due to his teething. And that means I'm up, and to make it extra interesting Caleb has been getting up 2-3 times in the night. He wants to be with me. And he will say anything to get attention. He says he wants to sleep in my room, he wants to sleep next to Jockey, he is cold and needs the blankets, he wants juice, he's "honkey" and wants chicken nuggets at 4 am.

This week we have more people awake at night than not. Sunday night we didn't sleep well out of concern for our beloved (and now departed) Cosmo cat. Josh is still up every other hour just wanting his gums to feel good. Caleb still wants to be near me. I think the entire house is exhausted and perhaps we are all acting out because of it.

Perhap there could be a better time, but right now we are starting to "furber-ize" Josh... get him to fall asleep on his own in his own crib. It isn't going so well. He gets so wound up that he actually is calling "muhmuhmuhmuh". He has never cried and screamed so loud ever, and that was just after 5-10 minutes. Well, then the Lord brought to mind something that I hope is the "stroke of genius" for this little boy. When Josh was crying so desperately and I came into the room, he stopped just at the sight of me. Well, not to give up easily and willing to put forth a creative effort.... I pinned up all the dangling items from his mobile and taped a picture of me and daddy to the underneath side of it. I'm hoping that that will help. I'm listening to the monitor as I type and so far he hasn't reached the levels of desperate cry he was demonstrating before. A modicum of success in that at least. We'll see how it goes.

I haven't figured it out yet, but I feel often times like Josh is feeling abandoned, worrisome, etc. There are times that I have to put him down to meet Caleb's needs. Josh is the baby that will cry and fuss if you stop playing with him before he is done playing. Acting like "the baby", he crys when he doesn't get the attention that he wants... which could lead him to feel abandoned and then be worried or insecure. But of course, he is ok really, and nothing could be farther from the truth about being abandoned or unloved. This makes it sound like he is always crying and upset, which is also very opposite of what takes place. He is great and tolerant of me having to get things done and not hold him, but I guess he has a line of patience that I shouldn't cross. He really is a good baby with calm and patience exuding from him. But these feelings that I am guessing he is having can be the cause of the difficulty getting him to sleep through the night and in his own room. I'll just have to redouble my efforts.

Caleb spent a lovely, and from what I hear, predominantly naked, Sunday evening with Grammy and Papa Dahl. He wore them out quite well, and they enjoyed every minute of it. They also had Josh that evening. Josh the little eater, he ate the better part of 2 jars of solid food! He has such enthusiam and excitement that he nearly attacks the spoon. I think he would try to swallow the spoon if it was just a little softer.

Monday Caleb visited Grammy and Papa Dahl's house for an overnighter. Again he had a good time. He darn near ate them clean out of strawberries. And he was using the potty with acrobatic positions, although I can't speak to any precision.

Tuesday morning, Grammy Dahl was a tremendous help and life support yet again as I had to go to a dentist appointment. This was her first time with both boys. Caleb was a big helper, and once again Josh ate well for her. She is very appreciated and loved, and I could tell... very tired after Caleb "entertained" her. So on that note, have a great Hawaiian vacation Grammy; rest up, Caleb will miss you.

Tomorrow we are off to a fun time at playgroup in the morning, and hopeful naps in the afternoon. My goal would be to have a "normal" day tomorrow and stick close to a schedule. The better the schedule during the day, cross my fingers, the better the schedule for the night.

Well, as the Lord wills...
God bless all of you readers.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Caleb and Josh met Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Severson!!!!

Here's the pictures:

With short notice, we drove up to Camano Island today and saw my grandparents. This was Caleb and Josh's first time meeting "Great Papa" and "Great Grammy" Severson. He surprised me again and was quickly warm and loving to these new people. He talked with them a bunch. He climbed up on Great Papa's lap. He sat next to Great Grammy and talked with her. Caleb showed a whole bunch of personality... by the end of the visit we had to check the little clepto's pockets for items he'd picked up along the way. He also wanted to search out their cat or watch their TV, but some things will just have to wait for the next visit. I loved showing Caleb around the place that seems timeless since the last time I was there. He seemed very interested in it all, and had a good time. He even did a few little struts and proud pronouncements with his hands on his hips and sunglasses on his face.

Josh was also obliging and sat calmly with each of the grandparents for about 20 minutes. Grandpa seemed to soak up the time with the baby. Josh was phenominal considering he was late for a nap and probably pretty hungry, he acted as if he was the happiest of clams and didn't let on that he was behind on anything! What a gem!

We had a wonderful visit and chatted up a storm. I see many visits to see them in our future.

Of course, if this wasn't an adventure enough, we met Papa and Grammy Dahl at the Mount Vernon Chuck E. Cheese. We had a good and noisy time. But we came away with pictures!

Well, we still have tokens so I know that we will go to this coveted place again... But since Daddy went last night and then again today... it might be a while!!!

Well, that's the news for today, Good night!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Can you believe it! My little baby just got a little farther from being an infant! I guess he thought that if he is getting solid food, he better get the chomppers to eat it with. Little does he know it will mushy for quite some time and he didn't have to be in such a hurry. (I certainly wasn't pushing for it, says the mother-producer/provider of 95% of all food). But here Jockey is, with a single, sharp little ridge of a tooth poking through on the lower left. This would certainly explain some of his nasal congestion (that lasted longer than any that would have been part of any illness) and a little of the break out and night time fussiness that he has been experiencing. Finally a solution! I thought that Don was a little crazy when he mentioned Josh could be teething... I mean, Josh has been very mouthy from 1-2 months on, but Don was right!

So here is the little man and his tooth:

For all the pain that teething can be, Josh handled it very well with minimal fussiness. He did so well, that I couldn't pin point the problem (of course until it was over). I'm so proud of him, and I will be very happy as long as he doesn't bite.

So that's the landmark for today. Jockey's first tooth at 6 months!