Friday, March 31, 2006

This week:

We went to playgroup on Wednesday. They had a record turn out of 20 kids; Caleb behaved well with the large group. Although, I could tell that he felt a little overwhelmed at times. When he paired off with one to 3 other kids he did better.

We made swedish pancakes. He is such an enthusiatic helper. He ate those pancakes all week. He asked for them, and he ate them. I guess it was a good choice to make.

Aunt Danene came over on Tuesday. Caleb had to show her the goats accross the street. He's got his own little story about the white goat "go away" so that the black goat can eat the carrots. Don't worry, he'll tell you the story at least 3 times if you visit.

Caleb recently has discovered Pigs with a hilarious result. He is playing with a toy of Josh's that makes barnyard noises. As much as the pigs grunt, Caleb laughs. Uncle Jeff doesn't remember it so well, but he too also had a facination with pigs for a time while growing up.

Grammy and Papa Dahl got the stomach flu from Caleb. We are very sorry to have passed it along. Caleb and I prayed for them to feel better. Last night Caleb told me that "Jesus make Grammy papa feel better. Jesus big helper". Awwwwww. I love to see the understanding dawning in my little guy. He also told me "Jesus like truth. Mommy like truth."; we are learning the concept of truth and lies. But it is amazing what he learns and recalls and repeats back to me. He still isn't accurate on his truth yet... especially when it comes time to ask him if he ate all his Breakfast, Lunch or dinner. I told him it doesn't matter if the answer is yes or no, just tell the truth... I think I'll be saying that for years to come.

Caleb is getting better and better at cleaning up his toys after he's played with them. I ask him to do it, but he is getting better at obeying. I'm proud of him and try to communicate that to him. Of course, the real motivation is often that after he picks up his toys he can go outside. Outside is holding a new facination the better the weather is getting. This weeks' big project was to wash the playsets. Caleb said "mommy big helper" after I had finished. He could have said "Jockey big helper" too, because he was in the backpack on my back as I washed the swing set.

Caleb has become an exception big brother. He is constantly telling me that Josh needs me, Josh is crying, Shhhhh Josh is sleeping (although that doesn't necessarily mean he is quiet and won't wake Josh up himself). And for the last two days he has told me that Josh is getting another tooth. Geesh kid, how often are you looking for new teethin the baby's mouth. Josh is just as excited about getting new teeth too, because that would mean he can participate in the the eating ritual he has witnessed so much. Don't let him get too close with his grabby hands, he wil grab you food right off your plate. What I do know is that he has no known allergies to chicken nuggets and a goldfish cracker, he tasted them both before I could keep it away. Big brother will have to keep his food away better, or I hope eaten up better.

Josh LOVES his teething biscuits. As I watched him, I can tell that I have a smart one on my hands. He drops the biscuit between a couple toys and he can fumble around and find it under them. That is a skill to find a hidden object, and he is doing wonderful at it. But for something he loves like a teething biscuit, I'm surprised that he would let it out of his hands for a moment, let alone his hands. He can be very frustrated with where he is at, but hand him a teething biscuit and he is occupied for 15 minutes. Beware of mess, however, those things should come with a plastic overall suit!

Josh's personality is coming through more and more. He is easily bored and frustrated. But just as easily entertained with new things or sights. He has proved to me that he wakes up before he is done sleeping and done with being tired, which means I have to MAKE him fall asleep again by rubbing his back or tummy... and don't forget the PACIFIER. That has become Josh's American Express "DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!!!!!" I'm trying to get Josh to take more frequent naps. If I left it to him he would only take 1 long one and 2- 15 minutes naps. Not enough for a little guy. So I have had to recognize the FIRST sign of tiredness and put him down, because if I wait for the second sign he will already be over tired and cry and distress himself trying to fall asleep almost to the point of inability to sleep. I am forced to be on top of the issue and astutue at watching his signals. With proper sleep, he is happy and less frustrated with the world and it's routines. He is trying to crawl with every ounce of energy so that he can get to the newest object to discover/taste! He is up on hands and knees quite frequently and rocking while he is in that position. He hasn't learned to move forward, but that doesn't stop him from trying to fling himself forward with the rocking motion. I'm trying to get it on video! The things that I don't want to forget. Learning to crawl, the soft warm fuzzy bald head, and his LAUGH. Priceless.

Well, that's all for now.

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