Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Mid-week. Time for a little update.

The boys has a GREAT weekend with Daddy and Grammy and Papa Dahl. They talk and talk and talk about swimming, the hot tub, the "Robot" in the pool (the vaccum), biking, and all the food (must be a change they relished in). They talked about Papa Dahl helping Joshy to climb a tree. Grammy giving Caleb a foot rub. Caleb talked about how much Grammy and Papa took care of him, even Foster who would come when called and licked his hand as he danged out of the tree.

As for me, while the mice were away, I vaccumed the minute they left. I cleaned and set up a baby gate so that I wouldn't have to fight dog hair or dogs for my food. If I was going to be alone and enjoy it, I wanted things clean and picked up so that I could enjoy my surroundings.
I took a spin up to see Papa Bill's new Lake Conner campsite. Then home again to scrapbook. Saturday, I attended the Ladies tea. Very nice. I took pictures of the tables and their interesting, varied, and beautiful table settings. There was a comedic speaker who really lightened the mother's frustrated heart with humorous tales. I saw Brittany for the 4th time since her baby was born and home from the hospital. The food was good. It was nice intermission between careful scrapbooking moments. I had a merchandising job to do quickly and that was ok. I was invited for a walk afterwards and dinner out, but if I was having alone time, I didn't want to waste it with being around people. Quite, peaceful, alone time has got a market value similar to an ounce of gold in the current economy ($1,000 an ounce), and I didn't want to share my peace and quiet. (Brittany understood my declined to the invitations, 100%, she knows me.) As for scrapbooking, I had a goal of 6 pages. Well I have 5 done and a 6th @80%.. not bad. I'll have to post a couple pictures later of the tea and the pages. I even squeezed in sleeping in, which surprisingly was only to 8:30 and 9 in the mornings. It was calm, peaceful, clean, productive. Nothing could be better. Thanks Daddy, Papa and Grammy Dahl.

Good News: Caleb gets in to see his Children's Dentist/periodonist TOMORROW! Yipee. Tomorrow is just another exam/evaluation day and deciding on a treatment plan day, nothing huge or tragic. And at least tomorrow is covered by insurance. We have to see about the treatment they decide on to see if and how much is covered. Previously it was rumored that Caleb my have to be under general anesthia for the work to be completed... this is only done once a month. I have HOPE that if it is needed, that perhaps he can get in before his birthday and fixed teeth for his birthday! (The alternative is that since we will most likely be out of town for the June day, that July is our next option, and that is a bit saddening.) But we will see.

Tomorrow is also Awana cubbies, and my night to both help AND bring snacks for 45 kids. So I'll be having to make cookies all day while Caleb is being taken to the dentist.

Friday is MOPS, and that's all that is planned until next week. I'm going to try to drive as little as possible to conserve and stay inside of budget.

So that's the update. I'll try to get pictures up soon. (Sorry, Mike forgot his camera when packing for Toppenish, so no pictures of the boys' weekend.)

Here they are, the pictures:

So that is it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy weekend!

We've woken up to beautiful brisk sun. It's cool outside, but it is light and airy.

The boys are chipper and enjoying their waffles with whip cream. And they are pumped to go camping with Grammy and Papa Dahl. Theya re really looking forward to it. They don't care where they go, they don't care what they do, they are just excited. (Although I had to break it to each of the boys that Tessa won't be there, they both asked or assumed that she would be there.) I think they are headed over to Toppenish. It's suppose to be decent weather and the pool is open. The bikes will be packed and taken over. It will be a great time.

So what am I going to do? Well, as I learned a few months ago, Caleb REALLY liked looking back at his scrapbook and seeing himself and asking what he was doing. Birthdays are generally when I the past year's scrapbook pages are completed, and I haven't finished a single one! So, that's the mission, hopefully not mission impossible. To get as far as I can on Caleb's scrapbook. And I have a ladies tea at the church on Saturday. I've never been to one, but I'm joyfully anxious about this new experience. It's a bunch of ladies, prettily set tables (dozen's of them all set individually), good food (I spoke to the "caterer" lady and got a sneak peek on what's being served), and a speaker that to be honest is expected to be good but I could care less about because I'm just looking forward to some female socialization. I might even dress up, the opportunity is so rare.

So that's it for us. Have a great weekend yourselves.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Caleb's class picture finally arrived!
He thinks his buddies are the best. He has special fondness for the Hunters (both of them), Hayden, and Alan. And they all get along really well! Since this picture was taken, two of the girls have stopped coming, leaving a class of all boys save 2. Wow! Miss Cheryl is brave! She is truly wonderful and encouraging to both Caleb and myself. She was really impressed this week when Caleb spelled for her.

Caleb was actually sick the day of this photo, but we tried to be quick and stick him in and then get him away from the other kiddoes really fast. I think he looks cute for being a little sicky that day.
Ok, that's all for now folks.


It's Tuesday. What can I say. It's beautiful, gorgeous morning wake you up sunshine, with a chance of snow and hail sometime today.

I work today, and fortunately it is something I can take the boys with me.

Preschool today, and NO, it is not show-n-tell. Inside joke. Caleb asks EVERYDAY if it is show-n-tell day.

This weekend was calm. It had to be, I was with the kids alone from Friday at 2pm until Saturday night until 10:00 pm. Any they were a bit sick and running fevers again.

Yesterday, we made it to a playdate at a Burger King in Snohomish. The boys and I packed lunch so there wasn't any cost outlay other than gas... Play dates are so rare, I went for it, 10 miles each way.

Joshy is into saying "You hurt muh fweelings". And yesterday we went without his pacifier from 11AM to 2PM. And shirts, no shirts for that same time too! Baby steps to leave babyhood behind. And Potty Training Scheme No. 98A: put big boy underwear on, with a pull-up over it (for our protection, the bed, the carpet, the couch, etc). Does it work? I don't know. Will it work? I don't know. After there is an accident, each time I take the pull up off and let him feel the underwear and we have a chat and ask him if he likes that feeling... if the answer is no, we change right away. If the answer is yes and a giggle and running off, then I wait for him to come to me and complain about it. Cruel, probably, but I'm willing to live with that if it works. I'm so over buying diapers! And so over being told he is too little to fart, but too big to use the potty.
Maybe the Veggie Tales story of little David and big Goliath will have an effect, the premise was that even though he was a little guy, David still won against the giant (or "BIG pickle, in the case of Veggie Tales) with the help and power of the God of Israel. Which leads me to Potty Training Scheme No. 99: I'll sit Joshy down and pray with him about using the potty. Bizarre, probably, but I'm willing to live with that, if it works.

As for Caleb, there should be applause****%%%%*** and an earthquake of triumph####!!!! for his success with words and letters. He can sound out any three letter word (and some 4 & 5 letter words) as long as the word is straightforward. No silent E's, no OO (like Moo), no TH, etc. No tricks. So he can spell verbally or write after being told the word and sound it out for him. He's got: cat, rat, bat, can, ran, pen, pan, pet, cabin, sand, box, fox, zap, and lots more. He is truly doing awesome. And to really shock him, I give him some of the words in order, add the The/and/it/in/is/a and he sees we wrote a sentence. Then he is really impressed with himself. Then he wants to call Daddy and tell him. I think that today, I might have him show off for Miss Cheryl. This will be great. Parent teacher conferences come up in May; I expect something like, impressive spelling, still can't cut straight. Oh well. It means I'll have a blissfully ahead reader for Kindergarten with unsaveable *rappy art. Heartless, probably, but I can live with that. (And I do save SOME anyway. Although, I wonder with 1-3 art/papers a day, for the next 12 years... do I really really really need to save it today, if I'm going to toss it in 3 years?)

So that's the update. Come back soon.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Welcome to April...... It's snowing outside!

Yup, it has been for a few hours.

When you see your kids behaviors that completely remind us of us, we know they really ARE our children. I've begun to have that kind of experience.

Joshy, is in love with the little packing bubble sheets. He likes to sit calmly and just pop pop pop. And don't try to take them away, he cries. I don't know about the crying bit, but I like to pop the bubbles when I was little, and I couldn't stop until every bubble on the sheet was flat!

Caleb is also a little control freak (gee, I wonder where he got that). And I know that I did that when I was little because I remember hearing (and now find myself saying) "I'zee boss, you the kid." And since I don't want to condemn the entire family to running naked, eating peanut butter and jelly, and dancing around singing "yeah, yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah", I think I still have to be in charge for a bit longer.

Well, that's all for now. Back to snow watching.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Well here's an update:

The bad new first:
1) Caleb has what they are terming "catastrophic decay". They are submitting a referral request now, and HOPEFULLY (they don't know) it will be covered by insurance, what ever "it" is to get it fixed.
2) Jockey is struggling with a cough and green nose gunk.
3) Caleb had a fever yesterday a little bit, also the deal with the nose stuff, and some itchy (and crusty, this morning) eyes. I've given him and allergy pill and we'll see if that clears it up. He didn't go to school today, but if the allergy pill clears enough up there is still a chance for Awana tonight. But I'm not holding my breath, even though I know he is.

For the GOOD new, even GREAT news:
****1) Caleb was awarded his intra-district waiver. We got the school we wanted for him!!! I received the letter today. Now I have to go over and get him registered for the fall at the new school (as opposed to the school I went to initially in March).**** I'm relieved, to say the least!
2) Joshy had a great time with Grammy Dahl today. She was graciously available to watch Jockey while Daddy took Caleb to the dentist. He was treated a special time of swimming.
3) I completed two jobs today. One was a really big merchandising reset. It went very smoothly, due to, in no small part, the assistance from the store manager; she was very please to help out, and was pleasantly surprised that I brought her a coffee (by-product of my other "job").
4) We got the new screen for the old lap top, which we finally got to work, BUT (huge but) the keyboard and mouse pad are unresponsive and won't go into windows. Still working on that.
5) I've lifted up the bed 2-3", now the storage containers that I already owned will now be filled and things will fit under the bed for out of the way and out of sight stowing. $10.
6) I used a flat sheet and jimmied a bedskirt beautifully on the box springs to hide the bricks I used under the bed. Dressed up the room in 15 minutes.
7) I'm going to finally put up a very pretty stain glass piece in the bedroom for decoration, though, surprisingly not in the window. I already owned it, so no cost outlay here, and just one more thing out of the garage.
8) I am going to be brave and get the new "hand-reverse-painted, puff glass, Dale Tiffany" lamp shade out of it's box and put it in our bedroom. I've had it over a year, but didn't want to risk the kids breaking it again. So I'm going to be brave, I've had it waiting in the garage, so no cost outlay, and again, one more thing OUT of the garage!
9) I'm making plans for a headboard. Meaning I'm designing and plotting the best, easiest, and cheapest way to achieve for a great end result of a headboard.
10) I invested $15 on a iron scrolly thing and spray paint to add something to the wall (other than where the stained glass will go)
11) Sometimes it's the littlest things, in that theme, I invested $1 in getting little pads to affix to the inside of my armoir doors. Hence forth, a person may walk across the bedroom without having that rattle in annoucement!
12) The NW Center' for Retarded persons pick up truck came today and whisked 5 bags of unneed items away; a great "tax-deductable donation" that we will enjoy next April as we report this years taxes.
13) I saw Auntie Brittany yesterday for a quick chat and show/gave her some things. It had been over a month since I've seen her.
14) I'm going to fill out the rebate forms, but I just got 2 tubes of toothpaste and a coveted curl styling product (in the fruitless and vain attempt to control my hair) for FREE! Walk in and pay, fill out the rebate form, wait for the check to come. Just paid sales tax. Wahoo FREE.

The kids are still asleep for naps, and I will gratefully take this time for quiet, and accomplishment! I'm beginning to have a renewed fondness for my kiddos, the more I lock the bathroom door. (and do small things for me.)

So that is all for now. God Bless. (MOPS is tomorrow, and I'm excited!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Mid-Week.

Half way to the weekend. Of course, it looks like we are going to have a long weekend (and not in the good way) with Mike working the open to close shift on Saturday.

We are back from camping. We had a nice time. Tessa made Caleb and Joshy's weekend, although Grammy, Papa and GG Dahl were fun too. They played at the playground, threw rocks in the water, saw a seal, were thrilled with the items found at garage sales, roasted marshmallows, and much more. The weather mostly cooperated with us even.

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

So the rest of the week is: Mommy works (outside of the home), Mops, Preschool, Dentist for Caleb, visit with Grammy for Joshy, Work for Daddy.

By the way, a great book: "Live your Life for Half the Price" by Mary Hunt. I just returned it to our library and I love it. I knew lots of the suggestions, but there were some pearls in it, and it was inspirational with all the changes that CAN be made to life. I might even have to get some of her other books too.

I am about a book and a half away from starting "Death of a Garage Sale Newbie". Should be interesting.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy Friday!

It is gorgeous outside!

It looks like we are going camping. The trailer is being loaded as I type.
Anacortes again, our favorite place. Even now we still discover new things.

It sounds like Papa and Grammy Dahl will be in the vicinity with Tessa. Caleb's excited about that. And it also sounds like Papa Bill and Grandma Judy will be in LaConnor with their new trailer. And of course, the deer we are hoping to see too.

As happy as I am to go, I'm exhausted. I was up for nearly 2 hours with Joshy in the middle of the night. He had a fever of 102, and I was scared that it would be the fighting fever that Caleb had that wished to just keep climbing. It must have been the Lord who had me up later than what I should, and Who had Joshy wake up and climb into bed with me, and Who didn't motivate me to send Joshy back to his own room. I wouldn't have been near and felt Joshy grow hotter and hotter and I wouldn't have been able to do anything for him. The Lord works in mysterious ways; usually, I get sick of Jockey digging his little toes into my back and down the back of my pajama bottoms and quickly return him to his room. The Lord made this time different. And so I was able to fight the fever and now we are still able to go camping.

So that's it, time to pack!
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A few more details about the trip.

When we were in the hot tub one day, Caleb dipped under the water and came up with smooth hair. He scruffed up the back a little and asked "Do I look like a moose?" And then he asked this a few other times, with various hairstyles. I don't get the hang up on "Moose".

We arrived on time to the airport to fly. The plane was on time. The boys were so ready to sleep and they did the whole way (maybe not Caleb the last 10-15 minutes, but close enough). We actually landed a few minutes early.

We stopped at the club to drop Grammy at her car. (Thank you very much for picking us up!)
We saw Papa Dahl and Auntie Birdie too.

Got Home, to work. Unpacking. Laundry to re-run, bathrooms to scour and fresh towels to pull out, bed linens to change, bed to make, grocery shopping so that we have (and I know) what is in the house). Dinner to make and clean up from. Returning things to the library.

Injured my toe trying to move a couch. Don't know if the nail will survive being ripped half up. But Caleb was very helpful and prayed over me too.

Tuesday: Back to the usual routine. Errands and morning chores (and prep work for my long job coming up.) Preschool, and oh yeah, Caleb was so happy that Alan was back. Alan has taken two extended vacations nearly back to back. Caleb misses him so much.

So it looks like preschool is the big activities I have until next week. Mike has this weekend off, so I'm hoping that the boys will get some quality time with him then.

Next week I work 4 different jobs. (alot, but hopefully worth it.) And MOPS, YEAH!

So now, pictures from the trip:


Pump it up!


Picutres at A park...

Doesn't Jockey look like a big boy, not a wobbly toddler

THE PARK, the huge, enormous 3 level park.

Great Grandma Dyer, with Caleb

Papa Bishop saved some oranges on the tree for the boys to pick... and there were ALOT!

SO that is a sample of the over 400 pictures I took with my new camera. Yup, I couldn't live without a camera.

Monday, April 07, 2008

We are home; Safe and basically "On-time".

Lots to do, housework etc. More later, and pictures to follow.

But Home and Safe.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Our last full day here.

It is BEAUTIFUL sunshiny outside. The kids might pick the last of the oranges today, which is great because the tree is already to start a new set of blossoms and needs all of it's resources into growing those new fruit.

Caleb's fever came up again last night, but we kept it in a safe range with Tylenol. Including a 2:30AM dose. Yawn. He still has one this morning, so again with the Tylenol, but at least this morning he ate, yesterday he refused food. And I'm starting to think about "No fever tomorrow" because that would affect his first day back at school. It would be awful to miss the last day before break and the day when everyone comes back to tell what they did.

Joshy is full of spunk as ever.

I woke up and hopped on the ball, folded clothes, dried some more clothes, folded those. Organized/packed the clothes for travel. Picked up toys, selected the ones for the boys' back packs. Changed Joshy. Selected clothes for tomorrow so it's easy in the morning. That leaves toiletries, swimsuits, PJs and blankets. Basically. I thought it would be a LOT longer process. I'm glad it wasn't so time consuming, now we can be off and enjoy the last day here.

We might go to Chuck E Cheese since we missed out yesterday.... but on the other hand, it is sooo nice outside, we probably should enjoy it since we are here in it. So off to the park we go; and oh boy, is it a huge park! (I'll have to post pictures when I get home.) We will probably come home to nap. Then GG Dyer and Phinnas will be invited to come over to dinner and an infamous pie. I made Mango-Peach pie, a first time for this combo and I'm eager to see how it turned out. I might have to run to the store for the vanilla ice cream to accompany it. But it will be an experience nevertheless.

I hope to get the boys in the hot tub again tonight, but with company, we'll see.

Tomorrow is traveling day. Hard to imagine that by the time we leave here at 930-9:45 and won't get home until 4 o'clock (assuming no stops and hang ups, or the unfortunate but all to frequent flight delays...), it will be 6 hours of traveling. And the inevitable unpacking. sigh. And cleaning the house to get it back into shape. sigh. And I'll have to hit the ground running with making dinner. Sigh. And by that time it will be gray and cloudy most likely.

Well, we can't have sun all the time or help.

So enough blogging, time to get out there and do it, whatever it holds for us today!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Well, I'm starting to feel like the trip is winding down. I feel the clock ticking away the moments of the trip. A little sad.

But to fight that feeling, I had planned on another day of playing at a park, errands, and finishing off the tokens at Chuck E. Cheese. Until....

Caleb woke up and went to the family room and laid down. I asked him if he was hungry and wanted something to eat, no. But Jockey was zooming and loudly said yes. OK. So then I went and sat next to Caleb, and he said he felt cold, but really he was a little war, little fever. But as I started getting ready and puttering around getting Jockey ready... at nearly and hour later, he was much hotter. He was not quite 102. (101.8). We are not going anywhere, I thought.

Grandma Bishop stayed with the boys and the ice packs that we packed onto Caleb while I ran to the store and got Children's Tylenol. I don't normally act so quickly and jump on the bandwagon, but with Caleb's history of fever in the last two weeks, I was willing to overreact and panic about this. I'd much rather get a head of this than have him spike to 104 something and have to find a hospital in California that is also covered by my insurance.

Joshy was the sweetest brother, Caleb was a bit tearful, fearing another cold shower/bath and being sick again, and brother Joshy was gently wiping brother Caleb's tears away with a little tissue. It was so heart warming to see the compassion for his brother when Caleb really needed it; Joshy knew that he could go back to fighting over toys later, but now was the time for taking care of Caleb.

So after prayers, Tylenol, slurpee (to wash the medicine down and cool from the inside out) and a nap, Caleb was down to 99.? by 1ish. Just as a precaution, I did give him a bit more Tylenol just before afternoon naps, because his fever likes to climb when he is sleeping.

Good news, he is acting his normal self and running around with lots of energy. I have no idea why this would happen, but I think it has past us. The sun is still out and looks like a Washington sunny 2-3pm afternoon; the day is not over yet, we still might have a little fun.

Tomorrow is a packing day as well as time for fun and making the most of the waning time. I don't want tomorrow to come, although throwing what I know is going home is alot less work that trying to decide (and wash) what will come out of all the possessions that live at home.

Caleb says he misses Daddy, mostly when he isn't happy with the rules here. Like bedtime.

I think the boys are ready to be home, but I'm afraid of the free-for-all back to the same old get away with EVERYTHING, respect nothing, stubborn, obstinate, backtalking, obey NOTHING behaviors. They have been slowly improving here, and I don't want to see the strides forward be just temporary. Life is alot easier with children who mind me, give me privacy for use of shower and toilet, and Grandparents who are willing to be the extra eyes on the kids when I can't keep mine open out of exhaustion anymore... or just because. I told myself I wouldn't get emotional over leaving this time. But I feel it happening already. It will be hard to say goodbye to the support system here and the improved behaviors. As Grandma says, just keep at it and don't let it be temporary. Don't let it go back to before when we go back. If I can keep that in mind, it might make it bearable.

I can't wait to download and post pictures though. I promise not to upload all 300 though. Just a few great ones. And I can't wait to make a few changes to the house, in the attempt to make things better for me and scrapbooking.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Happy Friday for all of you who work the 9-5 and "regular" jobs. You made it!

For the rest of us with odd hours and odd jobs requiring us to work days on end and wipe others' butts... it is not the end of the week, but it was a great day all the same.

It was off to Funderland, the perfect little amusement park within striking distance of the house. While Grandma was at an appointment, Papa Bishop and I took the kids to this fun spot. It is fully fenced all around with the exception of the entrance. All the rides are geared for the 2-12 age group. Individual rides vary their height requirements, and Joshy was able to go on one BY HIMSELF. A few, the boys were able to ride together (which they loved and looked forward to), and a couple I had to go on (which I don't mind, especially when they don't "charge" for moms). They rode the planes and the cars by themselves. They each rode the Octopus. Caleb and I rode the rollercoaster and this other similar ride. I rode with the boys on the typical carosel. And the tea cups. I even got to tell them that Papa Bill took Mommy on the tea cups when she was little, but the tea cups made his tummy sick. They really liked it when I went on with them because I was able to get it spinning fast!

And if that wasn't enough to burn their little energy reserves. It was off to McDonalds (again) to the play place. It worked and they were TIRED.

I have to finish this up because I was just called to dinner (pizza) and following that we will be watching Alvin and the Chipmunks which just released this week. I think Caleb will be eating extra fast this evening, we told him that the movie starts when he is done eating!

So have a good weekend.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just a quick update.

The last couple days included more play time at McDonalds... there isn't a more contained, air conditioned, kid filled place to better occupy them and burn off their energy.

We did make it to Pump It Up, which did tire them a bit.
We dipped into the hot tub again.
They've ridden their bike/tricycle in countless laps around the patio table.
They've picked fresh oranges right off the backyard tree.
And watched a couple movies.
And play play play.

I'm not sure what today holds yet. If you ask Caleb... it's got to be John's Incredible Pizza, he wants to ride the indoor roller coaster. But we still have the tokens from Chuck E. Cheese, and you don't have to pay to get through the door at "Rat Pizza", like we would have to to go to John's.

Tomorrow, it is off to Funderland. A place where Joshy is old enough to ride some of the rides. Height is still and occassional obstacle but at least there are some options for little Joshy.

This weekend, definately no plans yet.

The weather is very nice. Nothing like eating fresh off the tree oranges and relaxing in the sun on a patio chair. Even if the kids are turning circles around you.

For the time, I seem to have beaten the "sicky's" with a Slurpee to cool off the fever and my allergy pills. I still have the ackes and a sore throat, but if I can keep it at bay until I'm home, I'll be happy. So that's the update from here. Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ever play on the play equipment until you fall asleep on the play equipment?

Well, that would be what Joshy did yesterday. Play play play until he fell asleep right there on the equipment. Of course before that he had to learn how to get in and through all the equipment and thanks to a couple girls helping him, his learning curve was quick. And being the littlest guy in there, he didn't let that slow him down. In fact, one big one 2-3 times his size, tried to take his pacifier away (a critical error in judgement); Joshy hauled away and whacked that boy who tried to mug him for his property. Don't mess with a boy's pacifier! Of course, the boy's mom came up and had to ask and try to get Jockey in trouble for hitting, which normally I don't condone, but Papa Bishop called it right, "I'd hit someone who is twice my size too, if they tried to take my pacifier."

So that was the majority of the day, then naps, dinner, biking on the patio, and a movie.

Today, I'm pinching time to write this, because we are going to Pump It Up (a bouncy house place) to try to get the boys to burn off energy that way. Then who knows. This morning is overcast, so I don't know what the weather holds, but it's definately NOT so cold it's snowing as I have heard it is doing in Washington. In fact, one day Caleb wore shorts!

Ok, that's it for now. We have to get ready and go... I'm sure Papa wants squeeze in a stop at Starbucks for his wake-up/stay awake juice.