Saturday, April 05, 2008


Well, I'm starting to feel like the trip is winding down. I feel the clock ticking away the moments of the trip. A little sad.

But to fight that feeling, I had planned on another day of playing at a park, errands, and finishing off the tokens at Chuck E. Cheese. Until....

Caleb woke up and went to the family room and laid down. I asked him if he was hungry and wanted something to eat, no. But Jockey was zooming and loudly said yes. OK. So then I went and sat next to Caleb, and he said he felt cold, but really he was a little war, little fever. But as I started getting ready and puttering around getting Jockey ready... at nearly and hour later, he was much hotter. He was not quite 102. (101.8). We are not going anywhere, I thought.

Grandma Bishop stayed with the boys and the ice packs that we packed onto Caleb while I ran to the store and got Children's Tylenol. I don't normally act so quickly and jump on the bandwagon, but with Caleb's history of fever in the last two weeks, I was willing to overreact and panic about this. I'd much rather get a head of this than have him spike to 104 something and have to find a hospital in California that is also covered by my insurance.

Joshy was the sweetest brother, Caleb was a bit tearful, fearing another cold shower/bath and being sick again, and brother Joshy was gently wiping brother Caleb's tears away with a little tissue. It was so heart warming to see the compassion for his brother when Caleb really needed it; Joshy knew that he could go back to fighting over toys later, but now was the time for taking care of Caleb.

So after prayers, Tylenol, slurpee (to wash the medicine down and cool from the inside out) and a nap, Caleb was down to 99.? by 1ish. Just as a precaution, I did give him a bit more Tylenol just before afternoon naps, because his fever likes to climb when he is sleeping.

Good news, he is acting his normal self and running around with lots of energy. I have no idea why this would happen, but I think it has past us. The sun is still out and looks like a Washington sunny 2-3pm afternoon; the day is not over yet, we still might have a little fun.

Tomorrow is a packing day as well as time for fun and making the most of the waning time. I don't want tomorrow to come, although throwing what I know is going home is alot less work that trying to decide (and wash) what will come out of all the possessions that live at home.

Caleb says he misses Daddy, mostly when he isn't happy with the rules here. Like bedtime.

I think the boys are ready to be home, but I'm afraid of the free-for-all back to the same old get away with EVERYTHING, respect nothing, stubborn, obstinate, backtalking, obey NOTHING behaviors. They have been slowly improving here, and I don't want to see the strides forward be just temporary. Life is alot easier with children who mind me, give me privacy for use of shower and toilet, and Grandparents who are willing to be the extra eyes on the kids when I can't keep mine open out of exhaustion anymore... or just because. I told myself I wouldn't get emotional over leaving this time. But I feel it happening already. It will be hard to say goodbye to the support system here and the improved behaviors. As Grandma says, just keep at it and don't let it be temporary. Don't let it go back to before when we go back. If I can keep that in mind, it might make it bearable.

I can't wait to download and post pictures though. I promise not to upload all 300 though. Just a few great ones. And I can't wait to make a few changes to the house, in the attempt to make things better for me and scrapbooking.

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