Friday, April 04, 2008

Happy Friday for all of you who work the 9-5 and "regular" jobs. You made it!

For the rest of us with odd hours and odd jobs requiring us to work days on end and wipe others' butts... it is not the end of the week, but it was a great day all the same.

It was off to Funderland, the perfect little amusement park within striking distance of the house. While Grandma was at an appointment, Papa Bishop and I took the kids to this fun spot. It is fully fenced all around with the exception of the entrance. All the rides are geared for the 2-12 age group. Individual rides vary their height requirements, and Joshy was able to go on one BY HIMSELF. A few, the boys were able to ride together (which they loved and looked forward to), and a couple I had to go on (which I don't mind, especially when they don't "charge" for moms). They rode the planes and the cars by themselves. They each rode the Octopus. Caleb and I rode the rollercoaster and this other similar ride. I rode with the boys on the typical carosel. And the tea cups. I even got to tell them that Papa Bill took Mommy on the tea cups when she was little, but the tea cups made his tummy sick. They really liked it when I went on with them because I was able to get it spinning fast!

And if that wasn't enough to burn their little energy reserves. It was off to McDonalds (again) to the play place. It worked and they were TIRED.

I have to finish this up because I was just called to dinner (pizza) and following that we will be watching Alvin and the Chipmunks which just released this week. I think Caleb will be eating extra fast this evening, we told him that the movie starts when he is done eating!

So have a good weekend.

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