Monday, October 31, 2005

The Weekend at Brunner's Lodge/Camping

This was Josh's first camping trip ever, and our first trip with 2 kids in our trailer. On the way to Leavenworth, Caleb lovingly shared his shirt with Josh, offered him some grapes and crackers, even his juice. The cutest was when Caleb fell asleep with his hand on Josh.
Josh did well as far as camping; he slept well except for needing to eat, he stayed warm, he liked to look around the trailer especially at the ceiling vent/skylight. As far as camping with 2 kids, I thought that it went ok... I could have done it with less dogs under feet. But Caleb had a good time too; it was his first time sleeping in a sleeping bag. I also got him his own flashlight. Caleb, Josh, and I AND Zuma shared the back bed. It was almost like at home, night time feedings and middle of the night Juice requests and everything.

As far as the rest of the weekend....

Caleb make no secret of his affection for Nick. He followed Nick around, ate his french fries, and crawled up on the his lap or the same chair frequently. It was nice to see the cousins get to know each other and genuinely like each other. All the boys played well, especially on the foosball table and air hockey. And by the end of the weekend, all the adults' supply of quarters were exhausted by the machines that held special prizes that the boys went to over and over. It was nice to share some activities with the kids like reading "look and find" books, painting, playing with Play-doh, and coloring.

A funny story: I was painting with Tessa and Caleb walked up to us. I asked him "Do you want to paint Buddy-bud?" and Tessa said "Yeah, Buddy-Butt, do you want to paint?" I laughed out loud for that.

Caleb enjoyed running around with out apparel when I was trying to get him dressed in pajamas. He seemed freer and to put on a show for any audience that he could find. It was fun to see what he thought was impressive behaviour.

Josh was off schedule because of the drive all the way up there, the difference in routine, and constant activities; he became short on sleep and I think, like me, has come down with some kind of flu/cold. He has never been the crier that he was this last weekend... I'm hoping that it is illness/schedules being off rather than a new side of his personality that I will have to adapt to. Regardless, if his crying was irritating, my apologies. I was glad that everyone did seem to get a chance to hold Josh, including Gi-Gi as you can see.

Another highlight for the weekend for Caleb was going to the Smallwoods Harvest fruit stand on Sunday afternoon. Fruit stand doesn't begin to describe this place. They have swings, tricycles, hay pyramids, a tee-pee village, a pumpkin patch, a farm with countless animals, and food of course. But Caleb really liked the tractor pulled "cow carts" and the animals the best. It was such a joy to have Caleb experience such a place, and even better to have shared it with Peter, Lynda and the Surface Family. Caleb and Tessa chased a bunny quite efficiently, I thought. Caleb had such a good time, he didn't want to go. Pictures really do say more than I can....

Well, that was our weekend. As I remember, I'll write more stories.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dahl, Dahl, Dahl, Ochoa, Surface, Gribble, and Small Family Portrait

More stories and pictures to come!

And for those who haven't seen my email yet...check out the following website for a possible December/Christmas family activity.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Great news for Caleb..

Mike took Caleb to the doctor today for a check up and x-ray of his arm to monitor the healing process. The good news is that we are in the clear as far as any concerns about nerve damage, he has good mobility, and good symmetry between the arms. The GREAT news is that he is healing 4 times faster than expected! He's doing so well that we don't have to go to any more follow up appointments. The doctor discussed with Caleb just one limitation... "no more jumping off couches", which Caleb repeats as he shakes his index finger at you.
A couple things that I have noticed about Caleb is that he has retained the skills and dexterity that he acquired in his left arm when his right arm was out of commission. And on his right hand, he has regain stregnth, skills, etc, but he has a habit now of fluttering/feathering his index and ring finger against his middle finger... I guess this was the only thing that that arm/those fingers could do while in a cast. He doesn't even know that he is doing it.

I'm working on getting Caleb to stop sucking his thumb. Although I probably should be worried about his habit because he's growing up and his teeth might grow in weird, I admit the reason why I'm trying to get him to stop is because he has practically sucked the thumbprint right off! He has also developed a little callous on the back of his knuckle too from his teeth gnawing on his thumb while he's sleeping. He thinks it's a game right now to stop sucking his thumb. It's got to be hard on him though to have his thumb and his shirt be taken away, or cut back on at the same time. Oh, and let's add potty training to that too. I've moved the potty down to the TV room. The best of both world. Now he can watch Pooh while pooing! Any gimmick that works, right!

Another sentence for the things I didn't expect to say:
"Don't drink your bath water."

Caleb now routinely poses in the "thinking man" pose and tells me he is thinking. I ask him what he is thinking about and it has developed into quite a list. Frequently it is about mommy, daddy, trucks, papa... and gets strange from there. So we have the "love list" for bed time and the "thinking list" for any time he is "thinking" which he still pronouces "finking".

Tomorrow we leave for the weekend to go camping at Leavenworth. We will be staying in our trailer at the St Park in Wenatchee and visiting the rest of the family at a lodge in Plain. This will be Josh's first camping trip ever, and our first trip with all four of us (plus dogs) in the trailer... we'll see how that goes.

Well, I'll update you all on Monday sometime about the weekend. I'd better go and use the time I've got right now for more constructive things because both boys are asleep... for the moment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This is one of the best pictures of Joshua. Smiling and no drool. He bubbles at the mouth quite a bit. Another point of interest about Joshua is that he often sleeps with his eyes open. It is crazy. He has REM sleep with his eyes open. The eyeballs dart back and forth and up, the eye lashes flutter. It is sometimes creepy and mostly funny. But it does make it hard to know whether he is asleep or not if he isn't in REM sleep but his eyes are still open. I love my little guy. He keeps you guessing that's for sure.

He is bearing his own weight now. I can hold onto his fists and he stands. Not for very long, but he does it. And I haven't gotten a picture yet because I would need a third hand to snap the shot while I hold his fists. Maybe in the future.

And since I love both my little guys, but every one wants to know how their different, I've looked up a few facts. I looked up how much Caleb weighed at approximately the same age Josh is now (give or take a week). Caleb was 12 lbs and 12 ounces on 7/31/03, about 2 months old. Which puts him just 4 ounces behind. And surprisingly, they both measured 23 1/4 inches long, but it really seems like Josh is outgrowing clothes faster than Caleb ever did.

But here is a good visual comparison. Caleb on the right is 2 1/2 months old Joshua is nearly 9 weeks old. Same outfit, and thanks to the surface family for it by having a Tessa rather than a Benjamin.

Aren't they cute; so similar, but very different, too.

Mike and I were having a conversation just a few days ago that makes me say again: Thank you Lord for giving me boys, I really am a better boy-mommy than I ever would be a girl-mommy. I'm sure that I would have risen to the challenge, but I really am better suited to boys. I built forts, I don't mind a little mess as long as it's contained, I know what to do with a truck or a train far more than a doll... etc. So thank the Lord for knowing me best and giving me what I need. And also, after going to play group and seeing one child with deformed ankles and another with a growth on it's head, I have to praise the Lord for the blessing of Healthy, Physically formed perfect and Cute boys! Again, something He knew what I could and couldn't handle. The Lord is great and deserving of all recognition and praise for how wonderful the little Dahl boys are and turn out in the future!

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Caleb's new adventure...

Last night, for a special treat I offered to let Caleb sleep in his "Fort". His fort is a couple of the pop up, Play-hut cubes with a tunnel attached. I put them side by side in the closet with the tunnel out the front (which means the closet door is perpetually open... but it was a small compromise to make my little guy happy). He slept in there all night. He was telling me what he thought about the fort and he said "cold" and stiffened up is arms and neck like he was chilled and shivering to express "cold". I asked him if he was cold and he said "fort cool, neat, yeah". I learned that "cold" is the same as "Cool" to him. It was funny. Of course he was having so much fun that he wanted me to sleep in there with him. But in the end he was content to have Buzz and his shirt. He was very proud and talkative about sleeping his is fort this morning. I might let him sleep in there more often if he is having so much fun; because hey, if he sleeps fine, the fort is IN his room, and if he stays in it all night... I call that fun success.

A couple other funny stories, and I'll be as vague as possible.

Caleb is in a phase of self-discovery. Well, he has now tried to find out of other persons are built like him. He's grabbed at Mike a few times. Well, yesterday, he tried to grab my male parts...with little success. I don't blame him, everyone he sees looks like him (except me). Just another phases for a little boy.

Caleb decided/demanded to be a helpful boy yesterday also. While I was pumping to rid myself of a painful, clogged milk duct, Caleb very insistently climbed into my lap and pushed my hands off the pump. He said "My turn" and then pumped. I tried to fight him because this was on the side of feeling weird. But he was pushing my hands off and away and demanding that it was his turn. And I was laughing so hard at his insistence. Finally, I realized that if I said "mommy's turn" he would stop, which he did. Strange, but funny. I guess this would explain the first funny story of exploring his environment including the people around him.

Moms are the true multi-taskers, mostly by necessity, and thank God that He designed us for it. I didn't ever think that I'd have to sit on the toilet lid, nursing an infant, while my feet were propped up on the training potty, as I shielded myself with the shower curtian as I supervised a splashing, batheing toddler.

Last night, I added something new to the repretoire of things I didn't think that I'd say; and I also am chalking up the mental note of not to leave a toddler in the bath while I answer a phone call. When I came back to Caleb, my first thought was "my, that is murky dirty water" which was followed very closely with... "hey, that's not a crayon...eeewwww". I actually said the Caleb "You don't poo in the bath tub, you get out and use the potty next time".

Caleb is also being so helpful. Any time that Joshua cries he either comes and gets us, or he says "coming Jockey" and goes to Joshua's side. What a caring big brother.

And as if those stories are enough... One more.
After a grocery shopping errand, I decided that I would go to 7-11 for a slurpee. I asked Caleb if he wanted to go to get "mommy's juice, a slurpee" and he said Yeah. Then of all the funny things he said "own". He wanted his own! Which was cute that he learned a new word and used it properly... but the kicker was when he said "mommy, buying"! I laughed so hard and said "yes, mommy's buying".

Well that's all. I hope that the stories have been more funny than disgusting, but as most of you know...motherhood isn't all cooing, laughing and mess free.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is CALEB'S week! Let me tell you...

Caleb went to Playgroup on Monday. He shared toys with other kids without having to be asked or told. He did REALLY well at playing basketball. I am hoping to continue to take him once if not twice a week.

After playgroup, we drove and got lunch and then headed to Grammy's house. He stayed there for his nap and then overnight until Tuesday when Mike got off work in the afternoon. He had and AMAZING time! He kept saying "Me, Papa" so that's house the idea came about. I asked him if he wanted to play with Grammy at Papa's house and I got an unusually enthusiatic "YEEEEAHH"! And of course he loves to go and play with Grammy and the toys she has, and of course Foster and Papa are there. This time he had and over the top good experience. He spent some focused time with Papa, including cuddling time. On Tuesday, he went to "school", which is the daycare at the club; he played and interacted with the kids there. He swam with Grammy and then sat in the hot tub with Dad.
THEN, the biggest thing of all. When he woke up from a nap, Grammy had a surprise for him. A new Flying BUZZ Lightyear toy! Dad asked him if he wanted to see something new from Grammy, and he groggily said yes, but when he saw it he got VERY excited and kept saying Open, open! Wise Daddy made him say thank you to Grammy before it was opened... Which Caleb Ran downstairs and thank her and then Ran back upstairs and said Open, Open. He has been excited every since. He now has this new "big Buzz" that attaches to the ceiling with fishing line and flies around the room. "Big Buzz" isn't allowed to sleep in the bed with him, but he also has the original "little Buzz" from McDonalds... this one is allowed in the bed AND in the shower. So he is on cloud 9! When he got home, I asked him who gave him Buzz, and for the first time I have heard him say Grammy, of course it came out Jammy, and again later it was Mammy, but still. The first time, and he talks about Grammy ever since! So this is a landmark for Caleb.

This is a picture of Flying Buzz!

But as if that wasn't enough....

Does this look fun or what?!

We took Caleb and met Tessa and Grammy at "Pump It Up" in Kirkland today. The kids had SOOOOO much FUN! Caleb was running, laughing, sliding, giggling, jumping, bouncing, etc for the entire hour and 15 minute session. He hasn't been this nonstop active since his last gym class (thanks to his broken arm). But today, he made up for it! He was in constant motion with a huge smile on his face the entire time. I think Tessa had a good time too. They played well with each other too. I just wish I had remembered the camera. Of course, Mike and I were worn out, sweating, and panting by the time the session was over. We had to go on the slides, in the obstacle course and in the jumpy houses to introduce the kids to them, to make sure they didn't get stuck, and also because they kept asking us to come with them because they were having fun with us in there. Mike especially worked very hard to keep up, and did so quite admirably... and it showed, he had to take a second shower when we got home; he also had a big smile on his face most of the time too!!! It was worth every penny, Thank you Grammy for treating!!!!! It was a home run for Caleb! It is a definate repeatable activity... Although I know that I can't do it alone, Dad with have to go with!

So two slam dunk fabulous events and a playgroup for Caleb. He's had a good week, and I, as a parent, feel that I have done right by my little boy this week. I feel happy and proud of this week, especially after having so many down weeks in recovery, broken arm hiatus, and adjusting to two kiddos.

And Josh's contribution... He is just cute and well behaved. Here he is in is "going home" outfit, boy does it fit differently now. He is just cute and more smiling than ever!

Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I just had to share this picture. Joshua is developing quite a personality. Now that he is getting a better quality of sleep (now that his parents figured out what he likes and the right combination needs met to make him happy) he is more awake during the day, more responsive to stimuli, happier in his facial expressions, and that heart melting cooing is happening... Just joy...

And this picture is of my little guys' foot prints. Caleb at 1 week on the left, and Josh at 6 weeks on the right! Caleb has more of an arch, and Josh is just a big guy! Of course at 13 pounds and 23 1/4 inches long what do you expect! 90th % for weight and 60th % for length!

Caleb is staying the night at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. And I am blissful feeling free with just one child. It does feel like I am carrying just 13 pounds of responsiblity rather than the combined weight of 38.5 around trying to get errands done! Thank you Grammy and Papa Dahl!

Funny story: Caleb was put to bed last week at 9:20. He yelled about every 10-15 minutes for something, a book, juice, Buzz, TinkerBell (whom he calls either Ki-Ki-Bell or Kinky-bell), eat, etc. At 10:25, he calls again, after I had met every other excuse he had to stay awake, I come into his room he is sitting up in bed and he tells me that he is "finking". When I finally realize what he is saying, he is "THINKING"! And he says that he is thinking about Trucks (thank you daddy) and Papa. So I told him, "Why don't you think about going to SLEEP, is 10:30pm!!!

Ok, diaper time. Bye.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday!

We met Kristina and Tessa so that the cousins could have fun together just like last year. Caleb retained all of last years lessons from Papa Dahl. He rolled pumpkins, patted them, tried to pick them up, and kicked them like he was testing used cars. The hay ride was fun. And the kids picked beans for a craft project. The cutest occurrence of all was when we were in the pumpkin patch and Caleb wanted Tessa to come with him. He reached over and took her hand and walked, pull, marched, and drug her through the patch over vines, weeds and pumpkins. It was soooo cute, Kristina and I could just look at each other and smile. Overall it was a good day, tiring but worth missing a nap over. Afterwards, we went to Grammy's for lunch. Caleb thought it a funny game to feed Grandpa about 20 little tomatoes! It was funny, because Caleb has such dirty little fingers!

Caleb likes frogs. He was introduced to them by daddy when they were on a walk and again when they find them in the yard. Just a couple days ago, Caleb found one in our backyard and asked Mike to put it on his arm, then his shoulder and it went on from there. I finally got pictures...

Although Joshua is quite small and there isn't always much to write about him, there are a few things to note. We have gone back to swaddling him, tightly I might add. He sleeps more securely and less restless. I still have to lay him on a pillow so that his head is inclined, but he sleeps much better.
The other thing to mention... I think that Josh has a tongue shaped like Grandpa Dahl. It's a little rectangular shaped in the front; Josh frequently sticks his tongue out which is why I'd even pay attention. Grandpa doesn't think that having his short tongue is such a blessing, so I guess Caleb having a longer one with more of a point like is mommy is better.
And lastly, I went to my doctor and happen to weigh Josh. My chubby buddy is 13!!!!! POUNDS!!!! No wonder he feels heavy. Here is a cute picture, him and his chubby cuteness.

Hope you've enjoyed the pictures... bye for now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's been a while since I've written. Things have been busy.

Sunday, Mike watched the boys in the morning. I slept in the office on the guest bed and it was the longest stretch of sleep I've had since I can't remember. Thank you Mike.

Caleb is up to alot of the same antics. His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. And I'm proud of him. I'm glad he is finally liking and demanding to read books at night.

Yesterday as we were out for a walk, I told him that he didn't need to suck his thumb. It turned into a game to try to keep his thumb out of his mouth, the funniest thing reminded me of the story of Grandpa Dahl trying to quit sucking his thumb as a child. Caleb decided that the best way to stop sucking his thumb would be to bury it behind his back; putting his arm behind his back and sleeping on his arm was Peter's method of stopping too. Just a funny irony.

On Monday, playgroup was cancelled for some reason. So we were blessed with the opportunity to drive up and see Barb. Caleb had a good time with all the boys' toys, one of the best houses for him to visit if you ask him. The funny thing there was when the boys came home. Caleb didn't know the boys names since it had been a while, so when Tyler gave him something to play with or helped him with something Caleb said "Thank you, Boy". It was hilarious to me. It was also cute to see Tyler pulling Caleb in the wagon like Caleb was the little brother/ new toy that he wanted to take with him every where.

We are off today to see the family at the club. Hopefully everyone is healthy.

Friday, October 07, 2005

As I typed the last update:

Caleb crept into the garage and carried the barrel of animal crackers into the family room and somehow figured out how to get the lid off. Then had helped himself to a few handfuls. And that was the scene that I found him in when I finished. The funny thing is that I had to go.. to get the pizza out of the oven for dinner... I guess he was hungry and was going to do something about it.
Things I have had to say to Caleb that I never imagined I'd have to say:

Don't put your shirt in the toilet.
Don't put food in your diaper.
I don't want your shirt in my pants.
Don't lay on the cat.
Don't eat the dog food.
Get out of the dryer.
Are you taking Buzz into the shower?
Buzz needs to go potty?
etc etc etc: I've forgotten some of them already.

The second one down was just yesterday with Taquitoes. And I'm not sure why, but it took me telling him 3 times to understand. The last time being, when I said "Caleb, eat your dinner" and he calmly walked over and stood right in front of me and curled down the front of his diaper to reveal what he had stuffed in there. Yuck, a snack for later kid?

Another story, Josh was upset and started to fuss. Caleb promptly said that he needed a mommy's shirt. It's important to note that Caleb did NOT offer Josh HIS mommy's shirt, but rather rifled through the dirty clothes and dragged out several specimens for Josh to choose from. Interesting that he associates the need for comfort to "the shirt". I think if I wasn't "mommy" I'd have been offered his shirt a few times.

Lastly, some of you may know, others may not, but each night when Caleb gets tucked into bed there is a list. What kind of a list you ask? The list of people who love Caleb. It's interesting to see who makes the cut.
I start with "Mommy loves you" and then he prompts me with "Daddy?" and I say "And Daddy loves you"... and then from there the list gets interesting. Well, Uncle Brian got added to the list about a month ago. And Auntie Brittany got added just two weeks ago. (She had been waiting for that for a long time.) But Caleb also asks about Papa? And now he asks about papa Bishop, and papa Dahl.... and the grandmas. And Ike and Zuma. And Jockey (his name for Joshua). I always end with "and Jesus loves you too". But if Caleb doesn't prompt the list, then I go down the list and he says "yeeeahhh" after each one.
It's just funny that every night we have to go down the list, and who's on the list is interesting.

The other funny thing that Caleb does: When asked if he has poo'd his pants, he says "NO, Ike." We asked "Ike poo'd in your pants?" He responds "yeah, yeah". He's also blamed Zu-ie (zuma), or Daddy, or whomever, Uncle Brian did once. I hope we aren't starting a pattern of denial.

Gotta go, bye for now.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Caleb slept in today, which I'm grateful for. However, it was because of a rough night for him, which I'm saddened by. But it all worked out in the end.

The morning for him started with potty training Buzz...Again. This time Caleb didn't take his turn. sigh. I tried.

I've stumbled upon another activity that Caleb really likes. The watercolor paintings that have the color on the page already, just add water with the brush... He really likes it, and I like the fact that the worst that he can do is dump the little water that I place in the dish. And of course, the picture went on the refrigerator.

Last night Caleb and I had our first activity with just the two of us. We went to the library and returned the Pooh's Heffalump movie, and picked out others. I figured that if Caleb returned the pooh movie then he would understand where it went and why it's not at home to watch any more. And he had a good time playing in the kid's section too.

Then we went to get a slurpee, which I admit that he calls "mom's juice" and I do share a bit with him when he is good. Also, I'll admit to using it as a bribe last night to get him to eat a hearty soup last night for dinner. The positive perspective would not be to look at it as bribery, but as finding the proper motivation to bring about positive dietary habits. Ironic that I would have to use a nutritional vice in life to get a healthy meal into a toddler.

Josh is sleeping a bit more today, and I hope that he is getting sufficient enough sleep that he will not be overtired and fight bedtime again this evening. Here's crossing my fingers.

I've started comparing the two boys birth/1 month old pictures. Here's a couple of my favorites.

josh on left, caleb at right

Monday, October 03, 2005

Caleb and potty training, we are still trying....

Today, Caleb had to make sure that Buzz (as in Lightyear from Toy story) used the potty first, THEN it was Caleb's turn. Which when it finally was Caleb's turn, it was successful. I guess I'll be training an action figure AND a little boy how to use the potty. Hey, whatever gimmick that will work is fine by me! Caleb also tried the pull ups, because as it turns out they have Buzz on them. Totally unplanned, but he asked for them this morning and was willing once he detailed who was on them to me. Of course, they were on for about 2 minutes because they are kind of stiff and Caleb immediately said "hurt" and pointed to them. Well, maybe next time.

For being the "Sleepy" baby, Joshua has now flipped to fighting sleep in the morning (8am-12pm) and he fights again from 4pm-12am. It makes for a challenging evening trying to get anything accomplished, dinner, laundry, putting Caleb to bed, etc, because he wants to be held all night and bounced and rocked.

Caleb learned a couple things today. He now says "mommy tired". And then he fake yawns. It's very funny.
The other thing that he is picking up is that he has two grandpas and they have different last names and they are in two different locations. Today he understood and repeated that "Papa Dahl" was at work with Daddy. And then just to clarify, he added "Papa Dahl, Daddy Dahl, work, yeah". Well, at least he knows his daddy's last name.

Caleb is now the proud owner of two "forts". We have some Playhut, nylon cubes with a couple tunnels. There is now a fort in his bedroom and the living room. He hides in them, but not before he collects his treasured objects to take with him. His shirt, ball, buzz, snacks, and today for some reason he was carrying around a roll of masking tape. He's really excited about them and had to show daddy when he got home.

We (the whole family) got out for a walk this evening before the sun disappeared for the day. It was nice to know that we got some exercise for the day.

Well, I'm going to drive and get a slurpee for a 15 minute break.