Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's been a while since I've written. Things have been busy.

Sunday, Mike watched the boys in the morning. I slept in the office on the guest bed and it was the longest stretch of sleep I've had since I can't remember. Thank you Mike.

Caleb is up to alot of the same antics. His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. And I'm proud of him. I'm glad he is finally liking and demanding to read books at night.

Yesterday as we were out for a walk, I told him that he didn't need to suck his thumb. It turned into a game to try to keep his thumb out of his mouth, the funniest thing reminded me of the story of Grandpa Dahl trying to quit sucking his thumb as a child. Caleb decided that the best way to stop sucking his thumb would be to bury it behind his back; putting his arm behind his back and sleeping on his arm was Peter's method of stopping too. Just a funny irony.

On Monday, playgroup was cancelled for some reason. So we were blessed with the opportunity to drive up and see Barb. Caleb had a good time with all the boys' toys, one of the best houses for him to visit if you ask him. The funny thing there was when the boys came home. Caleb didn't know the boys names since it had been a while, so when Tyler gave him something to play with or helped him with something Caleb said "Thank you, Boy". It was hilarious to me. It was also cute to see Tyler pulling Caleb in the wagon like Caleb was the little brother/ new toy that he wanted to take with him every where.

We are off today to see the family at the club. Hopefully everyone is healthy.

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