Thursday, October 27, 2005

Great news for Caleb..

Mike took Caleb to the doctor today for a check up and x-ray of his arm to monitor the healing process. The good news is that we are in the clear as far as any concerns about nerve damage, he has good mobility, and good symmetry between the arms. The GREAT news is that he is healing 4 times faster than expected! He's doing so well that we don't have to go to any more follow up appointments. The doctor discussed with Caleb just one limitation... "no more jumping off couches", which Caleb repeats as he shakes his index finger at you.
A couple things that I have noticed about Caleb is that he has retained the skills and dexterity that he acquired in his left arm when his right arm was out of commission. And on his right hand, he has regain stregnth, skills, etc, but he has a habit now of fluttering/feathering his index and ring finger against his middle finger... I guess this was the only thing that that arm/those fingers could do while in a cast. He doesn't even know that he is doing it.

I'm working on getting Caleb to stop sucking his thumb. Although I probably should be worried about his habit because he's growing up and his teeth might grow in weird, I admit the reason why I'm trying to get him to stop is because he has practically sucked the thumbprint right off! He has also developed a little callous on the back of his knuckle too from his teeth gnawing on his thumb while he's sleeping. He thinks it's a game right now to stop sucking his thumb. It's got to be hard on him though to have his thumb and his shirt be taken away, or cut back on at the same time. Oh, and let's add potty training to that too. I've moved the potty down to the TV room. The best of both world. Now he can watch Pooh while pooing! Any gimmick that works, right!

Another sentence for the things I didn't expect to say:
"Don't drink your bath water."

Caleb now routinely poses in the "thinking man" pose and tells me he is thinking. I ask him what he is thinking about and it has developed into quite a list. Frequently it is about mommy, daddy, trucks, papa... and gets strange from there. So we have the "love list" for bed time and the "thinking list" for any time he is "thinking" which he still pronouces "finking".

Tomorrow we leave for the weekend to go camping at Leavenworth. We will be staying in our trailer at the St Park in Wenatchee and visiting the rest of the family at a lodge in Plain. This will be Josh's first camping trip ever, and our first trip with all four of us (plus dogs) in the trailer... we'll see how that goes.

Well, I'll update you all on Monday sometime about the weekend. I'd better go and use the time I've got right now for more constructive things because both boys are asleep... for the moment.

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bloggrez said...
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