Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This is one of the best pictures of Joshua. Smiling and no drool. He bubbles at the mouth quite a bit. Another point of interest about Joshua is that he often sleeps with his eyes open. It is crazy. He has REM sleep with his eyes open. The eyeballs dart back and forth and up, the eye lashes flutter. It is sometimes creepy and mostly funny. But it does make it hard to know whether he is asleep or not if he isn't in REM sleep but his eyes are still open. I love my little guy. He keeps you guessing that's for sure.

He is bearing his own weight now. I can hold onto his fists and he stands. Not for very long, but he does it. And I haven't gotten a picture yet because I would need a third hand to snap the shot while I hold his fists. Maybe in the future.

And since I love both my little guys, but every one wants to know how their different, I've looked up a few facts. I looked up how much Caleb weighed at approximately the same age Josh is now (give or take a week). Caleb was 12 lbs and 12 ounces on 7/31/03, about 2 months old. Which puts him just 4 ounces behind. And surprisingly, they both measured 23 1/4 inches long, but it really seems like Josh is outgrowing clothes faster than Caleb ever did.

But here is a good visual comparison. Caleb on the right is 2 1/2 months old Joshua is nearly 9 weeks old. Same outfit, and thanks to the surface family for it by having a Tessa rather than a Benjamin.

Aren't they cute; so similar, but very different, too.

Mike and I were having a conversation just a few days ago that makes me say again: Thank you Lord for giving me boys, I really am a better boy-mommy than I ever would be a girl-mommy. I'm sure that I would have risen to the challenge, but I really am better suited to boys. I built forts, I don't mind a little mess as long as it's contained, I know what to do with a truck or a train far more than a doll... etc. So thank the Lord for knowing me best and giving me what I need. And also, after going to play group and seeing one child with deformed ankles and another with a growth on it's head, I have to praise the Lord for the blessing of Healthy, Physically formed perfect and Cute boys! Again, something He knew what I could and couldn't handle. The Lord is great and deserving of all recognition and praise for how wonderful the little Dahl boys are and turn out in the future!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

It gives me great joy to see the "Benjamin" outfit on your two sons - that outfit was chosen (by Ryan) with a lot of love, and that love traveled with it to your family. It gives me even greater joy, though, to see how in love you are with the perfection of your family. Your sons are indeed beautiful and perfect, and their Aunt Kristina adores them. :-) I look forward to the next decades of observing and playing with your beautiful boys, and sharing my daughter with you, as we parent them side by side, sharing anecdotes and playtime together. Sending our love!