Monday, October 03, 2005

Caleb and potty training, we are still trying....

Today, Caleb had to make sure that Buzz (as in Lightyear from Toy story) used the potty first, THEN it was Caleb's turn. Which when it finally was Caleb's turn, it was successful. I guess I'll be training an action figure AND a little boy how to use the potty. Hey, whatever gimmick that will work is fine by me! Caleb also tried the pull ups, because as it turns out they have Buzz on them. Totally unplanned, but he asked for them this morning and was willing once he detailed who was on them to me. Of course, they were on for about 2 minutes because they are kind of stiff and Caleb immediately said "hurt" and pointed to them. Well, maybe next time.

For being the "Sleepy" baby, Joshua has now flipped to fighting sleep in the morning (8am-12pm) and he fights again from 4pm-12am. It makes for a challenging evening trying to get anything accomplished, dinner, laundry, putting Caleb to bed, etc, because he wants to be held all night and bounced and rocked.

Caleb learned a couple things today. He now says "mommy tired". And then he fake yawns. It's very funny.
The other thing that he is picking up is that he has two grandpas and they have different last names and they are in two different locations. Today he understood and repeated that "Papa Dahl" was at work with Daddy. And then just to clarify, he added "Papa Dahl, Daddy Dahl, work, yeah". Well, at least he knows his daddy's last name.

Caleb is now the proud owner of two "forts". We have some Playhut, nylon cubes with a couple tunnels. There is now a fort in his bedroom and the living room. He hides in them, but not before he collects his treasured objects to take with him. His shirt, ball, buzz, snacks, and today for some reason he was carrying around a roll of masking tape. He's really excited about them and had to show daddy when he got home.

We (the whole family) got out for a walk this evening before the sun disappeared for the day. It was nice to know that we got some exercise for the day.

Well, I'm going to drive and get a slurpee for a 15 minute break.

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