Friday, October 07, 2005

Things I have had to say to Caleb that I never imagined I'd have to say:

Don't put your shirt in the toilet.
Don't put food in your diaper.
I don't want your shirt in my pants.
Don't lay on the cat.
Don't eat the dog food.
Get out of the dryer.
Are you taking Buzz into the shower?
Buzz needs to go potty?
etc etc etc: I've forgotten some of them already.

The second one down was just yesterday with Taquitoes. And I'm not sure why, but it took me telling him 3 times to understand. The last time being, when I said "Caleb, eat your dinner" and he calmly walked over and stood right in front of me and curled down the front of his diaper to reveal what he had stuffed in there. Yuck, a snack for later kid?

Another story, Josh was upset and started to fuss. Caleb promptly said that he needed a mommy's shirt. It's important to note that Caleb did NOT offer Josh HIS mommy's shirt, but rather rifled through the dirty clothes and dragged out several specimens for Josh to choose from. Interesting that he associates the need for comfort to "the shirt". I think if I wasn't "mommy" I'd have been offered his shirt a few times.

Lastly, some of you may know, others may not, but each night when Caleb gets tucked into bed there is a list. What kind of a list you ask? The list of people who love Caleb. It's interesting to see who makes the cut.
I start with "Mommy loves you" and then he prompts me with "Daddy?" and I say "And Daddy loves you"... and then from there the list gets interesting. Well, Uncle Brian got added to the list about a month ago. And Auntie Brittany got added just two weeks ago. (She had been waiting for that for a long time.) But Caleb also asks about Papa? And now he asks about papa Bishop, and papa Dahl.... and the grandmas. And Ike and Zuma. And Jockey (his name for Joshua). I always end with "and Jesus loves you too". But if Caleb doesn't prompt the list, then I go down the list and he says "yeeeahhh" after each one.
It's just funny that every night we have to go down the list, and who's on the list is interesting.

The other funny thing that Caleb does: When asked if he has poo'd his pants, he says "NO, Ike." We asked "Ike poo'd in your pants?" He responds "yeah, yeah". He's also blamed Zu-ie (zuma), or Daddy, or whomever, Uncle Brian did once. I hope we aren't starting a pattern of denial.

Gotta go, bye for now.

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