Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We are all finally healthy! I'm still a bit raspy/coughy... but definately not contagious. I'm good enough to be helping in Jockey's Awana class tomorrow night. Oh, boy do we have to work on our verses!

Jockey had a "mouse-stache" today. That's how he pronounced mustache.
The boys discussed jail today in the car. And you get to sit in box and do nothing but pray to Jesus that you get out.
I won't repeat the mundane, no sense, viciously repeated babble that they filled my ears with, just know that it was incessant and ridiculous.

Jockey and Daddy carved a pumpkin at school yesterday. Jockey's pumpkin earned the "tallest" or the "skinniest" pumkin. I forget which.

I earn the craziest "make it work" mom award turning a brown girl's shirt into a boy's cowboy vest today. Good thing I have a scrapbook etc jumble of stuff I've hoarded (not packed) in the closet. Hey, Caleb's happy that's all that matters.
We'll be popping a bunch of popcorn tonight for his harvest party tomorrow.
Friday night is the church's Fall Carnival. Indoors, lighted, warm, $2/kid, candy, activities, jumpy houses.... what more could we want! So that's our plan. Mike hunts this weekend.

House News: Patience. Probably going to rescind the offer on the "tree house" just to have a clean slate going forward. Just reduced our house by $2,000 to see what nibbles we get. Tigger lets us know anytime someone is getting a flyer. (eye rolling.) The house is difficult to keep clean, but I have hope that this experience is going to shape cleanliness and clean patterns of clutter pick up into the boys. One of the houses we've been watching, now has a lock box... which means the bank is getting ready to list it. We are watching a few other bank owned ones. Bank owned seems to be the route we will take. Simpiler and easier chance/process than auction. Banks offer good deals, which is basically our only shot. Remember, we are ONLY wanting to do this to get a bigger house, bigger lot, and smaller payments. (Although, if approved for the children's medical that I've applied for... we'll free up some cash that we are considering if it might make sense to put towards a monthly mortgage IF we get a better/long term quality of life. Still undecided though. A vastly better and great quality of life in your home environs still dwells in an unpredictable world where life tends to throw $$$ curveballs that we need to be prepared for with a little wiggle room, not same situation nicer house/yard.)
We'll see. Still refusing to get emotionally sucked into depression/despair/drama.
The boys understand why we need to keep it clean. Caleb has developed set ideas of his own criteria for the next house. Specifically in lot size... as if HE pays the taxes!

Ok, time to cook dinner.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It is so funny how life's events shape the boys. I had to smile today when Jockey picked up his toy today and said "It's a fixer." (Not that there is anything wrong with the toy). But you just know where he picked up that term. It's hilarious to see him use the term and know that he wouldn't have even had that in his vocabulary if it wasn't for this house event. I'm going to have to watch for the other things that shape the boys, and make sure that it's good stuff.

Jockey still has a low fever, but he's feeling good. He'll be fine by the end of the day. So I hope that he can go to the field trip with his school.

Well that's it for now.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Well, last week Caleb was a bit feverish and didn't attend school on Tuesday.
This week, I guess it's Jockey's turn. He was over 102 yesterday, and still hot at 3:00am, so now he's home today from school. I hope that he is better by Wednesday, that is the day of his class field trip to the pumpkin patch. It will be fun to see him do something so exciting with his friends.... if he's well.
Caleb goes to Remlinger this Friday for his field trip. That is a fun, but pricey, place.
Conferences next week, so Caleb doesn't attend school on M, W, F. But Jockey does, except on Friday when they are both out.
There is a fall carnival that weekend to have fun at, otherwise I might've thought about "camping" at the club in a trailer. But we'll make it through the weekend with enough to do I'm sure. Mike is going hunting that weekend and Monday.

So that's the update on the kids, sicky, school and schedules.

The treehouse: We got word that the agent for the other house submitted more than just our offer to the bank (contrary to the information we were told on how things are done). We were also informed that the other offer was about 25K higher than our offer and it has an escalation clause, but it had a low down where as we have 40% down. We've decided more or less to "let it ride". We can't afford to go up 25K (and possibly more with and escalation clause) with the amount of $ needed for repairs. So if we can't go in for a pound, then we can't go in for a penny to my reasoning. We'll just have to let the bank decide. In the mean time, I keep thinking about the amount of work that it will require, and to be honest it is daunting in the volume/type of work. And I wonder about our capablities and amount of time to get it completed in. (and the finished result, we were not trained in construction you know.) So we'll just have to wait and see if this is really what we should have (work included) and if not then I'm sure that we will find something even better (ie LESS work!) God's Will, will be. We are "against the odds" here so it is either a huge area for God to show His work and power, or He is priming our hearts to be endlessly grateful for the final house which ever it is. If we found bigger house, bigger lot, suitable neighborhood, SMALLER mortgage payment, AND LESS work, that would be ideal. God does work in ideals. So we wait, we watch, we pray.

I've gotta check on little buddy now.
Side note: Jockey is so talkative and smart in his deductions. His Awana teacher said he was very smart, even if he doesn't look like he's paying attention. Everything is "booaful" (beautiful). or "the worst day ever" or the "best mommy/daddy/brother/Jesus he has". He asked to be prayed for at 4Am this morning, which was sweet and nice to see he knows whose in charge. Also, Jockey really wants a little brother so that he isn't the baby.
Caleb is ATTITUDE with a capital A. And he seems to think that as a teenager you're suddenly and adult, boy is he in for a shock. He is doing markedly better with his reading though.

So that's the scoop. TTFN

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12th.

Our house is suppose to go on the market today. (still has work to do on it. walls to wash, window sills to scour, base molding to replace, window to case, threshold thingy to put in, some molding painting, door painting to finish.) SOOO much to do, yet the house is suppose to go on the market. I've been praying for God to cultivate special grace-filled, with all the work still to be done, we'll need this quality, buyers for this house. And of course a decent to high selling price.

As for the "new" tree house, the most we know is that the sellers have signed the offer we made. They actually had to bring it back to us for slight changes (not to the deal but to who the escrow/title company would be), I actually saw their signatures on our offer! Now it goes to the bank for consideration because it is a short sale. The bank can think about it for an indetermined amount of time... two days, 6 months. They try to see if other offers will come in higher. From what I understand, any other offers would first have to go to the listing agent & sellers for signature before it would go to the bank, and they can choose to or not to sign.... whatever that means. But generally only one offer (best, not always/just the highest) is brought to the bank by the sellers/listing agent, and I think we are it right now. So it appears that we have slipped into first position and beat out the other offer for the sellers signature and submission to the bank. That's step one in this God work.

Bottom line now: Wait for the bank to give us an answer. In the mean time try to keep the house clean enough to get a screaming high offer in on this house. (and try not to sell this before we know we have the other... I don't want to be homeless... and the sad fact is that we could not afford to buy back our own house!)

This whole process is going to shape the boys. Each night we have to go through each room in the house and stand and look around for toys, shoes, shirts, dishes, etc and pick up. Each night, Each room. (sounds familiar... like from my childhood, hmmm.) I've realized my limits, and we are making one bathroom off limits for use to cut down on what I have to clean. Also the living room/ dining room is off limits. (I wasn't allowed to play in the living room dining room under normal circumstances in my childhood home either. So that feels normal to me.) I think they will appreciate the amount of work it takes to keep a house clean. Hopefully they will grow up being more participatory in the housework. It will make them better husbands I think. And I want them to feel a part of the process. This is for their life too. One of the biggest motivators for the "tree house" is the joy they have just playing in the backyard at that new house while we tromp around inside making a list of all the items that need to be done/repaired/replaced. The backyard is like being in a woods surrounded campground. (even has a former rock lined firepit).

In other notes:
Caleb is doing well in school, although not liking it in general, thinks that it's mostly a waste of time. Recess is the only worthwhile thing. He is doing great in his work though. He had got a couple dozen sight words down, and sounding out other things. His teacher visited the house, saw the rabbits/dogs/his room/ Jockey's room and they set goals for the year.

Jockey is having some squirrely issues. Each day (from any event, sunday school, awana, school) if he was bad that day he says: "It was the worst day ever. I was bad and disobeyed my teacher".... although he can't say why he did. Last week, he actually was breaking pencils on purpose. So he is going to have to replace those today. He's not looking forward to it, which means its a good thing for him to do. He is "coping a 'tude" lately on everything. I think he is just stretching his wings of independence and growing but not knowing how.

Well, there's more, but I have to get everyone ready for the day. Jockey has picture day, Caleb doesn't have school. But we are headed to a play date after school to keep the kids out of the house and not get it messy!

Monday, October 05, 2009

It's October, and I think we've all settled into the season and the routines now.

Caleb gets dropped off a little early for school so he can burn energy and socialize before he's expected to buckle down and learn. Mrs. Adams, his teacher, is visiting the house tonight and give Caleb a chance to show her around and tell her about his interests. The house is in psuedo disaster mode due to "remodeling"/finishing but she gets what she gets. The only really bad rooms are the family/laundry room and the garage. Caleb's not sure really why she's coming. I think it's a boy thing, why does she need to know me? Well, he'll figure it out when she's here.
He actually ask, "why does she get to tell me what to do at home, I thought she only got to be the boss of me at school?"
Awana was better for Caleb last week. I'm glad he was good, because if he is leading people, he might as well lead them in a good direction not into bad actions. He really doesn't want to be responsible for others, but I'm sure he'll be ok with it as he gets older. Because that's just what he's got.

Jockey is loving school. He calls all his classmates friends, but on the other hand if he doesn't feel he plays with them enough he says they aren't his friends. So it goes both ways. He wishes that he could play longer with his friends after class, and I wish I could let him, but we always have to rush to get Caleb that he doesn't get that chance. Maybe next year when Caleb is in first grade and he is in pre-k and we don't have to rush for the brother pick up.
Awana for Jockey last week... let's just say "caught red handed" was an understatement. The teacher said he was the only one who tried to take the red stamp pad out of it's box! We washed his hands 3 times with soap, tried rubbing alcohol, and then spray and wash! And they were still pink, the funny thing was though, the teacher had stopped him by saying "oh, oh, no no no Josh" and he said "what?" as put both hands on his face (like in Home Alone). So he also had pink on his face and neck. FUN. I almost took a picture. I almost had to send him to bed with gloves on to keep everything from getting pink on it.

This last weekend. We just puttered around the house trying to get various projects done. And we attended church. Still many more projects to do. Soon we should be listing the house for sale. I did find out if the paper work closes after 10/31, then we don't have to come up with so much for taxes reserve, which is great news. Maybe by that time they'll calculate using the 2010 rates and it will be even lower! We'll see, it seems so far off and very well might be.

ok, time to start the week/day.