Monday, October 19, 2009

Well, last week Caleb was a bit feverish and didn't attend school on Tuesday.
This week, I guess it's Jockey's turn. He was over 102 yesterday, and still hot at 3:00am, so now he's home today from school. I hope that he is better by Wednesday, that is the day of his class field trip to the pumpkin patch. It will be fun to see him do something so exciting with his friends.... if he's well.
Caleb goes to Remlinger this Friday for his field trip. That is a fun, but pricey, place.
Conferences next week, so Caleb doesn't attend school on M, W, F. But Jockey does, except on Friday when they are both out.
There is a fall carnival that weekend to have fun at, otherwise I might've thought about "camping" at the club in a trailer. But we'll make it through the weekend with enough to do I'm sure. Mike is going hunting that weekend and Monday.

So that's the update on the kids, sicky, school and schedules.

The treehouse: We got word that the agent for the other house submitted more than just our offer to the bank (contrary to the information we were told on how things are done). We were also informed that the other offer was about 25K higher than our offer and it has an escalation clause, but it had a low down where as we have 40% down. We've decided more or less to "let it ride". We can't afford to go up 25K (and possibly more with and escalation clause) with the amount of $ needed for repairs. So if we can't go in for a pound, then we can't go in for a penny to my reasoning. We'll just have to let the bank decide. In the mean time, I keep thinking about the amount of work that it will require, and to be honest it is daunting in the volume/type of work. And I wonder about our capablities and amount of time to get it completed in. (and the finished result, we were not trained in construction you know.) So we'll just have to wait and see if this is really what we should have (work included) and if not then I'm sure that we will find something even better (ie LESS work!) God's Will, will be. We are "against the odds" here so it is either a huge area for God to show His work and power, or He is priming our hearts to be endlessly grateful for the final house which ever it is. If we found bigger house, bigger lot, suitable neighborhood, SMALLER mortgage payment, AND LESS work, that would be ideal. God does work in ideals. So we wait, we watch, we pray.

I've gotta check on little buddy now.
Side note: Jockey is so talkative and smart in his deductions. His Awana teacher said he was very smart, even if he doesn't look like he's paying attention. Everything is "booaful" (beautiful). or "the worst day ever" or the "best mommy/daddy/brother/Jesus he has". He asked to be prayed for at 4Am this morning, which was sweet and nice to see he knows whose in charge. Also, Jockey really wants a little brother so that he isn't the baby.
Caleb is ATTITUDE with a capital A. And he seems to think that as a teenager you're suddenly and adult, boy is he in for a shock. He is doing markedly better with his reading though.

So that's the scoop. TTFN

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