Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Saturday.

A little catch up...

This week was Jockey's last week of school. He is officially out until next September. I don't think that he has fully grasped that idea, more that he was just sad that there wasn't any more "show-n-tell" days. We are just going to have to find some play date days to keep up with his friends over the summer.

Caleb had his official on the day birthday party at the pool on Wednesday. Again, he had a great time. Cousin Tessa was there, as well as my friends 7yr old twin daughters and some Grandma and Grandpas. He loves swimming and playing, so how could something like this go wrong.

Caleb did not have school this Friday, nor does he have school this Monday. We are planning to pack up the trailer to go up to Lake Connor park (Lake Stevens) for 2 nights at Papa Bill's campsite. It's nice that it is close and all, has parks and (Caleb is hoping it's open) a pool. I'm just hoping for a clear night and maybe a campfire, no kid bickering, and a good warm nights sleep. It looks like pretty rainy weather, so maybe there will be time to get some good reading in.
We were going to head up to Anacortes on Thursday, but that was going to be pricey AND Tigger got so sick that we didn't know if he'd make it. He didn't eat for nearly 3 days... luckily he is better and looks to have healed up (answer to lots of prayer). Mike is also recovered from his own illness too. So we are trying to salvage the remaining part of the weekend.

Though the weather is drizzly, the summer holiday is in sight! Yahoo!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We survived the sleep over birthday party. We were blessed with 2 hours of clear weather and used that time to put up the bouncy house and wear the boys out. We made carmel apples (this was one boys' first time ever). We watched Astro Boy and there was a calm in the house. Then it was jammies and bed time. All the other kids had fallen asleep by 10:20, it was just our two boys that were fighting over who was touching whose sleeping bag and pillows and feet and whatever. I checked on them several times through out the night and then was up at just after seven making pancakes, bacon and eggs. We were blessed again with a bit of nice weather to put the bouncy house up again and fold it up in the clear weather. Caleb had a really really good time. He got to choose the chips he wanted (and I got a steal on the price, paid .89 for an enormous 3.89 bag of Bugles.) He received some very neat gifts, especially from Grandma Judy and Papa Bill. All the boys seemed to play well with each other despite the fact that they didn't know each other. No injuries. I think I could manage a similar event in the future. Really it was more of a big playdate than a birthday party, but Caleb had a great time and felt wonderful being surrounded by his friends.

Next Wednesday, his actual birthday, we are going to go swimming at the club and maybe have cake. And we'll for sure be making another trip to the Zoo in the future to use the zoo-pass-gift from Grammy and Papa Dahl. We have loved having that zoo pass and when we park on the street for free the cost is limited to gas. Great. I'm really looking forward to going down in the summer when all the roses are bloomed in the rose garden and seeing the beautiful colors and smelling all the different fragrances. But that is a selfish pursuit I know.

Only 2 more days of school for Jockey.
Awana is done.
Caleb goes through 6/18 or 6/19.
We are thinking of using some of the Christmas gift $ from Grammy and Papa Dahl and go to Anacortes camping this weekend (Thursday through Monday).

Mike attended Jockey's parent-teacher conference. He still is confusing his rectangles, but has excelled in many many other areas. His writing is now in a straight line and in the same size letters. He doesn't want to sing or join in with singing, but the teacher catches him singing by himself when he doesn't think anyone is watching. He is the dominant leader of the class without being aggressive. He has a protective streak when it comes to the girl in his class. He is at the top of his class academically, but still a little squirrely and has some defiant days. He would technically be a good candidate for the 4-day a week pre-K, but right now I think we are going to go with the 3-day, the teacher is looking into scholarships for the difference in cost. But the most wonderful thing is that Jockey appears to have an amazing understanding of God/Jesus, His nature/character, and has good demonstratable faith! If he did nothing else great but this, I would be happy. The faith and understanding in God is the long term, enduring, eternal purpose and is more important to me than if he can tell the difference between a square and a rectangle.

Caleb asked to go to the adult part of church today. I had been praying and wanting to show Caleb the more mature version of faith and relationship with God beyond that of Children's Sunday school. And it was upon his request today that he attended the adult services. It was great to let him observe and listen and quietly ask questions. I feel a new era of responsibility to Caleb in his area. It was great to see his willingness/readiness to move forward to greater depths of God. An answer to prayer.

So Sunday is the Sabbath and we are going to find something that relaxes us and refreshes us before the week of work begins...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

So life is just whipping past....

Caleb has lost (naturally) his second lower front tooth. He's got quite the odd smile lately, and yet he still asks for apples to eat. That is a really slow process.

Caleb heads to the zoo today with his class field trip.

And TOMORROW we are celebrating his birthday. We are praying for good weather for the afternoon all the way through to Saturday. That way we can put the up the bouncy house. We are having 3 other little boys come over and spend the night. We are just doing things low key... buy pizza & drinks. I think instead of a cake we'll do carmeled apples with choclate sprinkles as the special treat. Caleb's requested Bugles as the crunch snack. The Wii is working again and that should consume some time. There's games to play, toys to play with, a movie I'll rent etc etc. It's just 3 extra little boys... SHOULD be manageable.

I've been working lots, MOPS is winging down so lots to complete by Friday. Both boys have graduated through this year of Awana. Jockey's Parent teacher conference is tomorrow. He only has 2 more days of school and then the end of the year picnic. Caleb looks like he'll be in school until 6/19. whew.... So much going on and so quickly. Speaking of busy, time to go and pick up Caleb from school. More later if the computer lets me on to this site again.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

So a little catch up...

Caleb has graduated from literacy lab. He was the only one. He did really well at the the graduation activities according to Mike who attended that day. He is reading the Bob books quite well. His confidence will come with practice.

Today was Jockey's Preschool "Mother's Day Tea". He was cute, easy to love and yet a bit frustrating. I must have birthed genetically unable to hold still and sing boys. For the second of Jockey's (and nearly all of Caleb's) performances... he sang while spinning in circles and a step out of line. Still he gave me a delightful card... he both knows me (in my affection for MOPS) and doesn't know me (I like to cook, WHAT? And apparently I'm just 22 yrs old. Thanks buddy!)

Tomorrow is Jockey's Awards Night for Cubbies.
Next Thursday is Caleb's Award night.
School field trip to Zoo for Caleb.
Last 2 MOPS meetings this week.
Of course, Caleb's birthday is later this month and planning is in negotiations. Kids have different definitions of friendship than we do, that kid that you knew last year who isn't all that nice to you, but you know him... isn't a "friend". Right now we are toying with the idea of a sleep over.. MAYBE; I really have to gear up my mind for a wild pack and horde of potty humored whirlwinds. Gulp.

This is Jockey's last month of school, only about 10 days left! I can hardly believe it! I'm already getting dates for VBS, summer camps etc. WOW. Well, we'll see what we actually do as far as activites.

Well life is just clicking by with homework, verses to learn, end of the year activities, new bible study beginning, work, school and chauffering, pet care, home maintenance, getting new-to-us carpet in our upstairs. etc. etc. So that's the current nutshell.