Thursday, May 20, 2010

So life is just whipping past....

Caleb has lost (naturally) his second lower front tooth. He's got quite the odd smile lately, and yet he still asks for apples to eat. That is a really slow process.

Caleb heads to the zoo today with his class field trip.

And TOMORROW we are celebrating his birthday. We are praying for good weather for the afternoon all the way through to Saturday. That way we can put the up the bouncy house. We are having 3 other little boys come over and spend the night. We are just doing things low key... buy pizza & drinks. I think instead of a cake we'll do carmeled apples with choclate sprinkles as the special treat. Caleb's requested Bugles as the crunch snack. The Wii is working again and that should consume some time. There's games to play, toys to play with, a movie I'll rent etc etc. It's just 3 extra little boys... SHOULD be manageable.

I've been working lots, MOPS is winging down so lots to complete by Friday. Both boys have graduated through this year of Awana. Jockey's Parent teacher conference is tomorrow. He only has 2 more days of school and then the end of the year picnic. Caleb looks like he'll be in school until 6/19. whew.... So much going on and so quickly. Speaking of busy, time to go and pick up Caleb from school. More later if the computer lets me on to this site again.

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