Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Saturday.

A little catch up...

This week was Jockey's last week of school. He is officially out until next September. I don't think that he has fully grasped that idea, more that he was just sad that there wasn't any more "show-n-tell" days. We are just going to have to find some play date days to keep up with his friends over the summer.

Caleb had his official on the day birthday party at the pool on Wednesday. Again, he had a great time. Cousin Tessa was there, as well as my friends 7yr old twin daughters and some Grandma and Grandpas. He loves swimming and playing, so how could something like this go wrong.

Caleb did not have school this Friday, nor does he have school this Monday. We are planning to pack up the trailer to go up to Lake Connor park (Lake Stevens) for 2 nights at Papa Bill's campsite. It's nice that it is close and all, has parks and (Caleb is hoping it's open) a pool. I'm just hoping for a clear night and maybe a campfire, no kid bickering, and a good warm nights sleep. It looks like pretty rainy weather, so maybe there will be time to get some good reading in.
We were going to head up to Anacortes on Thursday, but that was going to be pricey AND Tigger got so sick that we didn't know if he'd make it. He didn't eat for nearly 3 days... luckily he is better and looks to have healed up (answer to lots of prayer). Mike is also recovered from his own illness too. So we are trying to salvage the remaining part of the weekend.

Though the weather is drizzly, the summer holiday is in sight! Yahoo!

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