Monday, June 07, 2010

A little catch up...

We did go camping the second half of Memorial day weekend. We wandered up to Lake Connor park which was nice, except the rain kept coming down. We returned home in time to have the sun break open about an hour after unloading the trailer.

Last week was pretty much normal as usual. School, Bible study, work.
The only variences: Friday, Mike went to school to help Caleb build a birdhouse out of a juice carton.
Saturday, Mike attended a training class that got him certified as a Healthcare Provider CPR and Basic Life Support. I'm proud of him getting an extensive certificate as this. Tests are never easy to face.
While Mike was in class, I took the boys to a birthday party at the Children's Museum. The weather could not have been better! The roof top playground was open and it was perfect to sit out there and watch them have fun with all the kids.

The next two weeks are routine with School, Bible study, work, cleaning, cooking, etc.
The only variences coming up:
1-Caleb's last day of school is the 17th!
2-We've booked our trip to California, we will be gone 6/18 through 6/30. We were so blessed that at the last minute the airlines reduced the rates, and our mileage points were posted... 1 free ticket and and 2 at a sale rate! And we are going down before the average temp is over 100!
3- If all is going as planned, we are expecting baby bunnies on Fourth of July weekend! It was such a great experience with the last litter. I envision this summer two months full of family time, cuddling baby rabbits on warm evenings in the backyard at sunset and twilight, while having long chats listening to the wind in the trees and the frogs across the street serenading. The boys will love this summer, and I hope it will be something they will always remember.
4- Also, we are in the middle of refinancing our house, and if it goes through, we might be able to use a very modest about of $ to make capital/home improvements that will increase the value of our home, so in the eventuality of the next time we try to sell, we will get a better sale price.

So that's the news on the Dahl front.

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