Thursday, August 31, 2006

About Joshua's first birthday party, and long overdue at that.

This will have to be quick for multiple reasons, but I don't want to make it seems like I'm trying to short cut the store at all.

Josh had a good time, although he was putting on a brave face the entire time. He was fighting a bit of a cold, and because of the day's activities he only got one hour of a nap rather than 2 1/2 hrs. So he did amazing for having those two issues on his plate. He loved seeing everyone and interacting with everyone. He was walking around and playing. Caleb and Tessa were fun to watch in his opinion. We kept Joshy busy by opening gifts for him. He was amazing and gave each toy it's own separate attention. It was very neat to see him interact with new toys, and finally toys that are just his own and ones that big brother can't lay claim to. Everyone has Joshy's interest pegged pretty well. He likes things that flash, light up and play music. He liked the Elmo electric guitar from Grammy Judy and Papa Bill and the light up and musical lady bug from Auntie Charlotte the best. Caleb was really taken with all the toys. I keep having to tell Caleb that those are Joshy's toys and he then asks Josh if Josh will share. Cute. But Josh has fun with each item and does share without hesitation, just don't take what he has in his hand at the moment. So thank you to all who were so thoughtful and came to Josh's party and got him such gifts that he is truly enjoying!

Josh, our eater, was hilarious when it came time to have cake. We had angel food cake with chocolate frosting and accented/topped with strawberries. We got close so that he could see the cake and blow out the candle (with help, Caleb elected himself as the official candle blower) and Joshys began grabbing the strawberries off the top. He was enraptured. He ate half of the strawberries right off the top. He got very tearful when I took the cake away for cutting, but when his slice returned with extra strawberries, all was forgiven.

The whole event was very laid back, calm and over quickly... although clean up was a process. But my precious boy was worth it, and everyone did have a good time.

Here are a few pictures;photos tell a better story than just words.

Thank you all who came to Joshy's party. It means alot that his family is around him. I know that we have all done 1st year parties before, but this is Joshy's first and I'm grateful to all of you who prioritized Joshy and made time to come and celebrate with him.

Our baby boy is a toddler now, he is growing so fast. He is so cute and expressive in his mannerisms or attempts at words. He really knows what is going on. He loves his world around him. I'm very glad that I get the oportunity to stay home with him and see him grow and develope. I wish his second ear is as happy and fun as the first and brings new experiences and joys. God bless.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Joshy all dressed up on his actual Birthday!

And a good picture of GG too!

Monday, August 21, 2006

An amazing, great picture of Caleb and his Great Grandma Dahl!

What great smiles. The picture taken just before this was of a huge hug that Caleb had to get a running start for. It's wonderful to see the oldest and one of the youngest in our family sharing such love for each other. It is rare for children to have great grandparents, but such an amazing blessing for the great grandparents to be around long enough for the children to build a relationship and memories that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Also, here is a picture of Joshy and GG at Joshy's year old b-day party.

Thank you GG Dahl for being a kind and loving great grandma to Caleb and Joshy.
Isn't Joshy cute!?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Another week of busy!

Sunday: Grandpa Dahl, Mike and the boys visited the Marymoor Off-leash dog park with Tigger, Zuma and Foster. Grandpa Dahl pushed Josh in the stroller around the whole park. They all had a good time; Tigger the puppy was well behaved, that's something good to report.

Monday: We visited the park and Caleb got to play with his friend Donovyn. Caleb asks about Donovyn almost every day, and it was very nice to, at least one day a week, be able to give him what he asked for, especially when it is something so simple and pure hearted.
Right after our visit to the park, we drove to Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. Caleb would spend the rest of the day, night and most of Tuesday with them. He loves to go there, although he often doesn't want to be left, this time I'm told he didn't want to leave their house when it was time for Daddy to pick him up. Caleb gets to do a bunch of fun things. And Mommy gets to spend time with Jockey. This Monday it was a particular blessing to have just one boy at home; I didn't sleep one minute Sunday night and was more than exhausted!

Tuesday: Just a Josh and Mommy day. It was great to just spend time with Josh and play and teach him things. He is now crawling backward down the stairs. It is amazing to sit on the stairs and see him understand and do "feet first", which is sit down, put his toes of one leg then the other on the stairs and then slide down. He understands! I can see him think and remember what that instruction is. It is amazing. By the end of this week, he was doing stairs any time he wanted. I am still very cautious because the transition from a full stand to a sit and then inching just his legs over the top step is still a wobbly event, I don't want him to accidentally lean the wrong direction and take a tumble.

Wednesday: I'm quite proud of the fact that we walked approximately 3 miles... and by "we" I say me and I pushed the boys in the stroller. We walked to a park and then came back the long way. I think the boys really liked the park. Josh even got out and climbed on some of the play equipment. Josh had such joy, as if he was getting away with something and happy to explore. I really think that Josh wants to spend more time outside just looking and experiencing. Caleb, of course, had to find the only boys on the playground and initiate play. I think that's wonderful that he is outgoing enough to pursue friends and fun.

Thursday: Daddy helped hold Caleb still and Caleb got one of the best haircuts to date. It still isn't perfect, but it sure is cute. It could be that the little guy is cute and the hair is just the frame... But he was very proud of his haircut when Auntie Brittany came over and mentioned it to him. Caleb is now very insistent that he is a "big boy". It is cute, but I keep telling him that big boys use the potty all the time, and they don't have "shirts" and they don't suck their thumbs. I wonder when he really will be a big boy. Caleb is crazy about this potty training thing, and I'm nearly to the end of my patience. I'm starting to withhold juice from him because he KNOWS what he should do and chooses not to use the potty. It's beyond training, he is now able to do what he should and we've now got to treat this like a punishable offense almost. Without freaking him out and and making it a tramatic experience of course.

Friday: It was time to shop for Joshy's birthday presents. I think he will be happy. We got him a couple things that are very unique, age appropriate, interest appropriate for our little guy. I think, in fact, we might have spoiled him a little with 3 toys, a book, and a couple hand held little chew and mouthable toys from Value Village (will be dishwashered of course). But I am trying to remember that Birthdays are for them and therefore they should get more than Christmas which is about Jesus' birth. So for a little guy who won't remember a thing, I think he will be happy. And I will be happy if there is harmony in the ranks when Josh has his own toys that Caleb can't take away and say "mine" because up until now every toy in the house was at one point Caleb. Caleb may not play with a toy for a year but he hasn't understood the transfer of ownership. I think this will be a decade long problem. But we'll do what we can affordably avert it.

Caleb is amazing. I know, every mom says that about their own child. But let me tell you why I say it about Caleb this time. I will be going in for an operation. I had a little pamphlet that had pictures/drawings of the internal organs and examples of gall stones etc. I had eariler explained to him in kid lingo that I would go to the doctor and he would take the "owie" out of my tummy and that he can't jump on Mommy. I showed him my c-section scar and told him that mommy would have more of those. He seemed ok with it. And of course he was sweet and prayed over me that Jesus would make me feel better. (I love it when he says "Jesus in your heart, make you better {or feel better}.) But later he was picking up my pamphlet and at first I just didn't want him to crumple/rip it. However, I decided to open it and show him. I was very nervous at showing him the pictures of the internal organs. I was shocked at how he wasn't scared or freaked out about seeing something about the inside of our bodies. I showed him the picture of the gall bladder, and the picture of the little "rocks" in the gall bladder and tried to explain, still in a kid lingo, the events that would take place. I even showed him about the little "places" where they go in to get the "owie". He was almost, dare I say, facinated. I told him that Jesus makes doctors really smart and they are the ones Jesus makes help people feel better. After I thought I was done, he points to the picture and asks me to tell him another story! Can you believe that! So I had to tell him about the stomach. Well, then he wanted another story, so I told him about the intestine. Well, this is where he got a little confused and now thinks that people poop food. So if he ever mentions it, this is where he got it from. I tried to re-explain that the stomach munches the food into little tiny pieces and the whole body uses it to be healthy and grow and only the leftovers are what go into the intestines... but by that point he seemed happily stuck on the notion that we all poop food. Sorry world.
Not to make the blog about me, but the previous paragraph has probably may you wonder. You've probably read between the lines by now, but yes, I will be having gall bladder removal surgery on August 30th, time unknown until the day before. Lapriscopic surgery is planned while I'm under a general anesthetic, of course, if the organ it more difficult to see, remove or the doctor believes it is just safer, a full open surgery is possible and I won't know that until I wake up. I will be going home the same day (if it is lapriscopie), and the estimated recovery is most people return to work between 5-10 days after (longer if it is an open surgery). This is a long overdue surgery, I was misdiagnosed 4 years ago with heartburn. It this is put off I'll be in continuing intense pain and actually risk some significant complications/illnesses/ICU and even mortality. So to avoid all that nastiness we are just going to take care of it. Mike will be taking the 31st off of work to take care of the kids and what ever parts of the 30th is needed. The down side is that this will be Labor Day weekend and I guess there will be no camping for us... What a way to waste a perfectly good weekend. But it can't wait, and the other option would have been a month from now, but as I'm having attacks with increasing pain and frequency (as evident by me being up to blog at 3 in the morning because I'm not able to sleep while in pain or on pain meds), therefore I didn't want to wait. Please pray for an uneventful, standard lapriscopic procedure, that's all I ask for.

Caleb was also cute tonight when I tucked him into bed. I told him good night and that I loved him. He said he loved me, and daddy and Auntie Brittany and Uncle Brian, and "Lotta of People". And then he said that he wanted to love more people. I was awed and smiling at that. I told him that that was good because Jesus wants us to love people. And he of course said "yeah". Then we had night time prayers and it was lights out.

Thank you so SO SO much Auntie Barb and Cousin Nick, Tyler, and Matthew for the Rescue Heros movies. Caleb is in love with them. And it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Caleb is really beginning the boy phase of action and physically showing off and wanting to pretend all at the same time. Because his imagination is greater than his skills (ex: he can't fly), this is the phase that action figures start coming into his interest. Well, Buzz Lightyear has revisited his interest, and the construction workers that have come with some other sets... but Rescue Heros are the PERFECT thing for him. Thank you to the Smalls for opening up this world for him, and it is a good world with a message I can get behind. Rescue Heros are about helping people, overcoming obstacles both physical (trees in the road) and mental (some fears, or pride of doing everything yourself), and safety. Safety is a message that Caleb understands, "Bob says, safety first" and so he can tie all the ideas together. He is really enjoying it all. But I have to say, I think he will become obsessive about it... just the down side to a phase, and every phase has an up and a down size. As long as I remember that, I'll try to keep it all in perspective.

So, not to leave Josh out. Some tidbits about him. Josh is really into climbing. The stairs are great, but he is really into climbing on his little play cube structure. He likes to get up on it and is amazed to see how "tall" he is. He is also really pleased with himself when he climbs up the stairs of the little slide we have. He hasn't quite gotten to the top or to the point to slide down. He will really like it when he does because when I put him on the slide at the park, he really giggled. Josh has been battling a cold for a little while now. Sore throat, cough, runny nose. So the best bet is keep him medicated and make sure he gets his naps. If we do that he is a trooper. He is generally always happy, and just making him comfortable is the best bet.
Josh is an eating machine. He eats a wider variety of food that the 3 year old brother, and he out eats the big brother. He is really trying to get big and being able to play just like big brother. And if I let him, Josh would go outside and help himself to every strawberry ( both red and green) in the patch! It's like a perfect snack and he gets to explore the outdoors too. The strawberries are at his height too. Caleb feeds him the raspberries, but they grow so high that the raspberry picking has been Caleb's domain. I can't explain how great it feels to know that I'm am providing such a simple, joyful memory of berry picking for Caleb and Josh's childhood. Hopefully it is something that they will look back and remember with fondness. Like today, we picked raspberries and then the whole family "pig piled"/laid in the tent int he backyard. Yes, the tent is still up. With such an amazingly dry summer, we have definitely used it to our advantage. What we didn't go trailer camping, we have certainly made up for in tent camping! I wonder if Caleb will remember this in 30 years.

Well, I think that this is all I have to write for now. I hope that this makes up for the long haitus since the last post. For those who are coming to Josh's birthday, we look forward to seeing you Sunday! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, as always, we are keeping busy.

This last weekend we visited with Uncle Brian and Aunt Brittany quite a bit. We also visited the Snoqualmie Railroad Days. Caleb got to see the Reptile Man and all the pets he brings to one of those shows. He and I also rode in a "train" (tractor pulled but made up to look like train cars). He had a good time.

This Monday, Caleb was happy to spend a few hours at the park with Donovyn. Even as we were loading up he was still pointing at the park and saying he wanted to play with Donovyn... after nearly 3 hours!

Tuesday, we drove up to Mount Vernon to spend time with Cousin Matthew, Tyler, and Nick and see Auntie Barb. It was a nice visit, Caleb got to hang out with some Big Boys. He asked to see them again this morning.... silly guy!

Josh has tripled his drooling. His eighth tooth (a molar) is really fighting to come down. The poor little guy's gums are so swollen that the little white tips of the molar that were showing have been covered back up.

I think that Josh has also tripled his eating. I acts as if he is near hollow! He is eating more than Caleb! He will eat ANYTHING! Last night he wanted diced, BBQ sauced pork roast AND beef stroganoff! Unbelievable! He wants to see what ever we are eating. He even tried salad!

Josh is walking up a storm. He is getting quick and more stable, but he definitely still "toddles" around. He is also learning and starting to go DOWN the stairs. I'm relieved that finally he will learn to get himself safely down the stairs. He has been able to go up, but once he is upstairs and is done exploring he has been crying to get me to come up and get him... which then he would climb back up because that is fun to him. So the cycle was going on and on. Somedays I was tempted (and did) put a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs so he couldn't climb up.

Well, I'm going to put some Tigger pictures on here. He is the other baby in our family. He is definitely growing and he is looking good. We talked to the breeder a couple days ago and found that at 36 pounds, he is about 15 pounds less that his brothers. I know he is going to be a big guy, but if we are lucky he won't be ENORMOUS!

Ok, that's all I have time for. Talk to you all later.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jockey had a rough night.

The first difficult night in 2 weeks. But with good reason. He is beginning to cut in his 2nd molar, for the record, that is his 8th tooth. The little guy has a bit of a fever and is most likely in pain. So I try to keep him medicated, make sure he gets his naps, and I let him eat more often because sometime the chewing makes the gums feel better. This too will pass. But I feel sorry for the little guy. He is still trying to be happy though.

Caleb is off with Grammy and Grandpa Dahl again today through tomorrow evening. I heard them mention a swim in the outdoor pool, and even a pony ride! I hope that all of that happens for him. He will find great joy in those things if he gets to them. This depends a little on how GG Dahl is doing. We are praying and keeping her in our thoughts because she hasn't been feeling too good. So GG, here are the prayer vibes ~~~~~~, I hope you feel better soon.

In the meantime, while the 3 year old is away, the Mommy is scrabbling to get much done. Joshy's birthday is right around the corner and I am determined not to finish everything for his special day on the morning of the celebration. FYI, invitations will be going out, but the party will MOST likely be on Aug 20th, a Sunday, in the afternoon 3-4ish for a start time. Save the Date if you want to come.

So in the spirit of getting things done, I'm going to end this post so that I can get to it....
Have a day!