Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jockey had a rough night.

The first difficult night in 2 weeks. But with good reason. He is beginning to cut in his 2nd molar, for the record, that is his 8th tooth. The little guy has a bit of a fever and is most likely in pain. So I try to keep him medicated, make sure he gets his naps, and I let him eat more often because sometime the chewing makes the gums feel better. This too will pass. But I feel sorry for the little guy. He is still trying to be happy though.

Caleb is off with Grammy and Grandpa Dahl again today through tomorrow evening. I heard them mention a swim in the outdoor pool, and even a pony ride! I hope that all of that happens for him. He will find great joy in those things if he gets to them. This depends a little on how GG Dahl is doing. We are praying and keeping her in our thoughts because she hasn't been feeling too good. So GG, here are the prayer vibes ~~~~~~, I hope you feel better soon.

In the meantime, while the 3 year old is away, the Mommy is scrabbling to get much done. Joshy's birthday is right around the corner and I am determined not to finish everything for his special day on the morning of the celebration. FYI, invitations will be going out, but the party will MOST likely be on Aug 20th, a Sunday, in the afternoon 3-4ish for a start time. Save the Date if you want to come.

So in the spirit of getting things done, I'm going to end this post so that I can get to it....
Have a day!

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