Thursday, February 28, 2008

The field trip!!!!

We went to Dig It! The Fossil Workshop. It was a neat experience. Of course, all his buddies were there which was priceless. But they all got to burn off a little energy at the soft play area which happened to be adjacent to the Dig It location. They all lined up and filed into the back area where they were seated and given a few basic pieces of information and shown some fossils. MOST, if not ALL, of the pieces of information were over their heads in understanding, and definitely in retention.... but it's the attempt that counts sometimes with this age group. (Ex: there are 3 basic things that are in ALL rocks... Yeah, my four year old knows that.)

But then they were given aprons with pockets and allowed to go into the digging areas, one area at a time and a total of three areas. They found all sorts of things. They could pick up ANYTHING they wanted, but had to choose just ONE at the end (that was probably the hardest part of it all!) But they found dino backbones, shells, ebbeded and loose shark teeth, dino poo (yes, that's correct), quartz, polished rocks, geodes (both open and whole), etc.

It was fun to watch them all belly up to a sand "quarry" and start pushing sand around to discover what it underneath. And all the fossils are supposed to be real! Caleb had a very very tough time deciding which ONE he wanted. He finally chose two shells. BUT, when he saw one boy get to smash a rock (aka geode) with a hammer.... he just jad to exchange his shells for something he could smash! Then he got to sand it out on the edges and make it smooth. We browsed the store a bit, and then played just a little more at the play area, and that was it.

It was fun, although I think it would have been fun to go through the steps of an excavation and see a real, ebbeded skeleton/fossil unearthed, but I suppose the kids might get bored, want to take it home and not be able to, and Dig It! can't sell a whole skeleton of a dinosaur and actually make money, which let's face it, is their whole purpose, they really are trying to capitalize on a specialty product/experience... duh, they are in the MALL. But all in all, it was a very neat experience. Caleb wants to go back soon! (Maybe in May for his birthday, but it can be pricey.)

So that's our big adventure today. Tomorrow we will head up to Anacortes to camp. And so far the weather is looking nice out, although I haven't looked at the forecast. Ignorance is bliss and all that...
Have a nice weekend if I don't post more later.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So this last weekend was pretty quiet.

We made sure that Caleb's tithe found it's destination at church.

Caleb was thrilled that two of the boys in his class were the ones from his Awana group. As always, Joshy cried at parting, but was fine 3-4 minutes once we were out of sight.

Mike tried to work on the Bronco during the day. I went to .25 Bingo night.

Monday we were once again blessed with clear and sunny weather. The boys played outside for over 5 hours in combination before and after naps. I'm so glad that the spring weather (and better yet the summer weather) is just around the corner. I look forward to the warm (turn my furnace off type of warm) weather, long days full of play. Berry picking in our own backyard. Maybe an campout outside. And of course, camping trips. We have several trips already planned...

This weekend we are going to Anacortes. A favorite of ours; a nice town, terrific distance away (Close so we can get their fast and start the vacation fast, close enough that if the weather turns or some snag happens we can get home), looks like the forest in the little Washington park oasis where we typically see deer daily, playgrounds both at the campground and in town, Farmer's Markets in the summer, carnival, art walk weekends, etc. Great.

At the end of March, the boys and I fly to see Grandma and Papa Bishop in California.

In mid-June, right after school lets out, we head to Yellowstone. Hopefully we will avoid the super large crowds, although the trade off is that it is still be very cold, maybe even see residual snow.

I'm already looking forward and see so much going on. All the fun is interspersed with daddy working, my odd jobs, the presumed summer camp coming, Easter, fishing day at Tye Lake.

In the new of the boys:

They are now accepting registration for Preschool for this next fall. I have to look into whether Joshy will be accepted, he might be just a hair too young.... I'm praying he will be old enough.

Caleb's kindergarten registration night is Tuesday March 4th. I have to try to get him into the Fryelands Elementary since their WASL scores are double those of the school we are districted for, Frank Wagner... and Fryelands is closer, newer, he has friends there, and we live, hello, in the Fryelands, and smaller class size, which Caleb NEEDS. And of course, I'm hoping for MORNING classes so that twice a week the boys will be in school at the SAME TIME. (Imagine the possibilities.) So have a few things I have to gather together to get prepared for registration.

Tomorrow, is Caleb's field trip to dig fossils as they have been studying about dinosaurs. And then in the evening it is Awana again. Caleb's asked me no less than 5 times a day when it is Awana, field trip or camping time. I think he is excited, but it is quickly becoming frustrating to explain it so many times a day.

March 15th at 3pm is the Easter event/fundraiser at Caleb's preschool. Bouncy house, carnival games, chili cook off, bake sale, silent auction, egg hunt etc. All Grandparents, Cousin Tessa, Cousin Gavin, think about coming.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. More probably on Thursday.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It was FUN Friday!!!!!!

Chuck E. Cheese this morning with preschool buddy, Hunter R.

We stopped by the club today on our way home and picked up Jockey from Daddy. We got to spend some time in the sun with GG and Grandpa Dahl. This was especially fun. I like seeing them have such fun at Daddy's Second Home, and it's even better and memorable when it is doing something so zany and classic as wheelbarrow rides with Papa.

Then movie night at preschool with the other buddies. An evening of Bob the Builder, snacks @ intermission, and Veggie Tales. It was really fun and I was surprised at how much the boys sat still.

And if all that wasn't enough for today. I made cookies and iced them.... to take with us for snacks at Movie night. I'm very proud of them because they came out so great and everyone was appreciative. The color of the icing was a picture worthy, magenta, electric pink/rose. I will absolutely have to find something else (or and other event) to use my Beet juice-cum-food coloring again!

And now, for the humor portion of the post. Despite being February and the tail end of winter. Caleb ran outside today without a shirt on to swing and play.

"Caleb what are you doing outside without a shirt?!"

"I like the air on my tummy and nipples. I tummy and nipples are HOT!" (That's either a sweltering kid or one with a strong body image.)

At least it was a day that didn't require a coat....

So that's all for now. I HAVE to get off my feet and my contacts out. Then maybe a little R and R before getting up and going for work (yes, outside of the home and a paying gig.)


Thursday, February 21, 2008

A "Great" mom day.

So very often I feel like I'm not a good mom. I often feel tired, and my feet hurt so much I am not inclined to walk, hike etc with my kids. Or I'm worn out and exhausted with the frustrating aspects of a "terrible" two and "frustrating" (disobediance, demanding, challenging) four year old. (adjectives derived from my MOPS forum, my new best friend). Admittedly, I have sometimes nicknamed my children (when speaking to Mike) PITA's... Pain In The A.... (that would be an example of the "bad" days, when all I want to do is lock myself in my room for quiet time and use the bathroom in PEACE! ARGHHHH!

BUT suddenly a day like today comes around, and I know that I have it in me to be a good mom and it even happens sometimes.

I've been having Caleb save the pop cans from around the house for a couple months. Auntie Brittany and Grammy have chipped in a few cans too. Last weekend, Caleb (and mommy and Daddy helped, and even a bit of help from Jockey) got the cans all flattened. Today we took them to the recycling center here in Monroe. We asked what they do with them and learned all about that. They weighed them and then gave Caleb the money. He EARNED $3.00!!! (and the guy, although I really really tried to refuse, gave Caleb another $2.00, for a total of $5.00!!!!) Caleb was so excited, especially the recycling guy mentioned C-A-N-D-Y! So with that idea burning a hole in Caleb's pocket, we set off to the place with the best prices on Candy. Best Prices (think Stupid prices but even CHEAPER). We stopped before going in and talked about tithing, and set that money aside, then we talked about savings, and set that money aside. That left Caleb with $3 to spend, he was excited. So we went in and started choosing and deciding. I had to explain what the price tags mean, especially in quanitity of Candy etc. In the end he decided quantity was more important that size. He selected 10 /$1.00.... but when we went to the register, they were "ON SALE" (aka, in the wrong bin) and he got them for $.02 ea... meaning only $.20 total. (And the lady behind the counter had heard what I was doing, and gave me a little verbal kudos, which felt good.) Caleb was so excited because he had more money left over, to which I promptly explained that that was why Mommy shopped/bought things on sale! So then he wanted a toy, we went to the dollar store and I let him pick out a toy. I got to explain tax to him, and buying things still means that he had to follow the rules with his stuff (Ex: mommy bought the car, but I have to still drive the speed limit; he bought candy but Mommy can tell him enough, or after dinner etc, and the toy is an outside toy etc. Good lessons, all.) And then it really touched my heart when he said that he wanted a slurpee for himself and Jockey too. The slurpee part wasn't surprising, but his generous, sweet, caring heart to want to share with his little brother. AHHHH. I'll pay for Joshy THIS time. But the thought was soooo nice.

Well, such a great experience for Caleb. I'm sure that he is going to keep this up. And now, calling all cans from any who want to contribute to Caleb's cause. Caleb will completely appreciate it.

So we have recycled today and taught Caleb some valuable lessons. It is a good day in the neighborhood of motherhood. Plus it is another BEAUTIFUL sunny day. I am going to make sugar cookies and let the kids ice them.... I save the beet juice from dinner this week and will be able to color the icing with it. Perhaps the icing will be pink and more appropriate for last week's holiday... BUT I can't have great idea, great time AND a great day! And then of course is Awana tonight and I help in the classroom.

In Joshy News: He and Daddy went to the Sportsman show at the fairgrounds. Daddy was blessed that Joshy was Free, and a very kind man offered Mike a FREE ticket to get in. AND then as if Daddy-time wasn't great enough... Joshy caught TWO TROUT at the free trout pond. JOSHY'S FIRST FISHING experience. Normally he would just get one, BUT because it was during the day and so slow, he was allowed two. (Mike and I had been talking about getting some fish to smoke... now we do, and they were free... The Lord has BLESSED us today, as always! "all things work for the good for those who trust and believe in the Lord" I forget the scripture address.)

Well, that is our day so far. And I have hope that it will continue in such a fashion.
Thanks for reading.
We saw the lunar eclipse last night. It was great. I kept thinking to myself, when will my kids get to see that again. Or something just as amazing. I remember back when I was a kid, and my parents took my brother and I out to a field (far from any city lights) in Arizona, to see Haley's comet pass by. That was a probably a once in a lifetime viewing since it comes around about every 87 years, how similar will this lunar eclipse before my boys. Or for that matter, what once in a lifetime experiences can I provide for them, that they will remember years and years from now. I haven't come up with any answers, but at least I know what I'm looking for.

We also had the honor of spending a Birthday dinner with our GG Dahl last night. The boys put on an entertaining, dinner-and a -show experience for her. She expressed sincere delight in spending time with the boys and getting to know them. Caleb insisted on sitting next to GG, and then he talked with her quite a bit and gave her huge hugs during dinner. He told her all about dinosaurs and his preschool buddies. And at the end of the meal, Caleb and GG shared a chocolate sundae. It was very nice to see the oldest and youngest generations of the Dahl family spending time together. I'm very glad that GG loves my boys so very much and gleans such joy from being around them and seeing their antics.

We were sad that we couldn't make Thursday or Saturday plans because we both worked both days. But hopefully, she had a great evening. Dinner with the boys, a lunar eclipse, and we dropped her off just in time to finish a pleasant evening with a special ballroom dancing show. Sounds pretty good to me.

My boys are so very fortunate to have so many Great grandparents still alive. It is a rare and wonderful opportunity. They have 3 remaining GREAT grandparents, and they knew a 4th in Great Grandma Severson. And it brings tears to my eyes to know that Caleb even at a young age (whose memory seems to be selective or not yet fully recording) remembers Great Grandma Severson and still asks about her. I hope he never forgets her even in his limited experiences with her. But it is amazing that my boys get this time with such span of generations. I hope that they get a chance to learn from these Great Grandparents the differences of culture and technology and the memories that these treasured people can pass on.

Well, it's off to shower and go to the recycling center to turn in Caleb's hard saved and stomped flat cans into a little cash-ola. I'm hoping to teach him the values of hard work, recycling, and the value of money and making choices on how to spend it wisely and in ways that reflect the work that went into earning the money in the first place. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This was hilarious, and I just had to share it. Nothing but glasses and a pacifier on.

Did you see the eclipse? We did it was great.

Have to go now. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spring has sprung at our house, and the boys have spring fever.

Spring fever, as in "no nap, no nap" pleadings... to which I gave in today so that we could all take advantage of being outside in the most unusual, beautiful, winter sun. Yesterday we put of the new (to us, bought at Value Village) swing for Caleb. It's our first Big Boy swing. Caleb really likes in. Joshy is still in the baby swing, which he is also really really liking now that I cleaned it up and wiped it down. He is insisting that I, not Daddy, push him or get him in and out of the swing. I haven't figured out what the preference is yet. I mowed the lawn yesterday and picked up after the D-o-g-s, now it is safe for them to play in foot-free play without having to run while watching where their feet step. We got a good hour and a half in the outdoors today! I pruned the hydrangea and the clematis. I thinned out the raspberry bushes of the dead wood to make room for the new growth expected this season. When I went outside, I got quite and unexpected surprise, the raspberries are already starting to sprout... see pict. Also, another confirmation that Spring has sprung, my helleborus has come to beautiful purple life, though not quite in bloom.

So while we did not have naps, that meant that the boys fell asleep early (7:50-55PM). But can you think of a cuter way to fall asleep?! Ahh, if only they were this peaceful while awake. I'll settle for this moment of happiness, calm and quiet since I was able to get a picture of the fleeting moment.

So, I am in hopes that I have stumbled upon the "trick" that is going to make Jockey potty train. He has always been in to books (way more than big brother). So today, he was sitting there by command, and I handed him Daddy's magazine. He actually sat there for 4 minutes without trying to get off. I'm thinking this is great and I will drag every children's book I've got into that room if it means he will actually sit and try to "get-er-done". Well, my bubble of hope hasn't burst yet, so I'll let that thought dance in my dreams tonight like sugar plum fairies.

We look forward to many clear and sunny days ahead and consider it a blessing to have them now. And perhaps dry both in rain and diapers.
On that note, good night and God.. please make tomorrow just as nice.

Monday, February 18, 2008

So what is with the new phase of throwing toys at each other and at other toys? The boys have entered into an enormous phase of crashing their toys into each other. I don't knwo fi they are looking for huge damage, loud noises, testing how much force it takes to actually break. Or WHAT?! I just don't get it.

And what is with the constant toys being out and not picking them up without having to be asked over a dozen times? I have gone horse a few times with the constant requests.

Just as I'm trying to house break Jockey, I'm trying to thumb break Caleb. I think it is well well beyond time to give up the thumb. It's going to be hard, but I can't help but think that the thumb has introduced germs etc into his mouth enough, perhaps in a twisted way, that is why Caleb hasn't gotten sick much, he's built up immunities due to a constant bombardment of germs into his system. But I think it's starting to move his teeth etc, and I want to stop that asap.

Well, time to move on with the other tasks of the day.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Caleb rode his bike without Training Wheels!!!! He went anywhere between 10-25 feet at a time. He needed a little confidence pep talk, but then he was going and going! He needs a lot more practice, but when he really gets it, Caleb has chosen the reward of a new BLUE helment. For some reason he thinks that his red one, doesn't match his red bike. (I totally disagreed that the red and red don't match, but Daddy thinks that a milestone of achievement deserves recognition.)

Joshy has now been told that he will go into his "OWN" class at preschool if he potty trains. He understands the concept of Own, so we'll see if that plays out in an effective bribe... right now, I am trying to bribe him with showers (something he loves) if he goes to the real potty. I feel pressure to get him trained by this coming fall. I really want him to be able to go to preschool. But I also keep trying to remind myself, that Caleb wasn't potty trained by his 3rd birthday, why am I placing such high expectations in Joshy? It's probably because I want him to be able to participate in something that I know he will love and excel in.

Joshy is talking so so much more. It's hard to come up with examples because he is nearly talking with the full understanding that Caleb does. Although in his adorable baby-esque way, he adds "EE"or "S" to nearly everything. Juice-EE, Brush-EE, Man-ssss, Shoe-EEE, Fine-ss. He says prayers with us at dinner. He says thank you to God for the food. He says he is fine if you ask him if he is ok. He says he loves mommy, and daddy, and brudder, God. And says all those people love him back. He likes to sing "twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle star". But says "no sing" (and if we don't stop he says "Stop that") when we try to sing. He's also, unfortunately, picked up "no talk that me"... translation Don't talk that way to me, something Mommy is ALWAYS saying to Caleb in our struggle to get polite tone and words from Caleb rather than demanding tones and disrespect. If only Joshy would pick up the potty training from Caleb.

This week is a pretty quiet week until later on. Potentially we have dinner with GG on Wednesday as an early celebration of her Birthday. I have Awana cubbies, and parent assisting on Thursday. Friday, we are really really hoping to get Caleb together with his preschool buddies for a little AM fun, and then home again so Daddy can take off and go to work. Saturday, Mommy AND Daddy work. And somewhere in all of that, Mommy has to hem Aunt Brittany's bedskirt and begin many of her other projects. The to-do list goes ON and ON!

So, I'll close this post with a Good Night and Have a happy week.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just a couple more clips of the boys' "Cool Moves" (Since this has become a household habit of late.)

Joshy has discovered Mommy does not have a "weiner". He was in the room with me one day as I dressed and he bent down to look and said surprisedly and concerned "no weiner?" He noticed one other day as well. He asks and is VERY concerned and sad, as if I'm an the poor unfortunate person without. It is touching that he is that concerned for my well being and being left out, and kind of humorous at the same time.

Caleb's preschool is having their Easter party/egg hunt/fundraiser/bake sale on March 15th. I'm told that they are going to have a bouncy house and everything. So Grandparents and cousin Tessa, you're invited. I'll update with the exact time and more details next week, but I hope to see you there.

Caleb is keeping on with Awana. He's doing well and learning his verses. He is even starting to like the games and "make friends". It is really nice to see. And he is REALLY getting to know his buddies at Preschool. We are trying to arrange a playdate next Friday. A big one. Chuck E. Cheese with the buddies! I'm hoping that everyone does actually show up, rather than cancel at the last moment. I could handle missing the cheesy mouse pizza place, but the little guy just crashes in despair when he gets a let down blow like that. So figures crossed and all optimism until we know otherwise!

Joshy can count to 2. He says, 1, 2 and then back to 1 (and repeat). Cute.

I try to hug my littlest guy often and hang on because he seems to be getting bigger EVERYDAY. With the exception of the diapers, I'm trying to cling to his babyhood and all of it that is left. Half the days he insists that he is a baby, and then the other half he says he's a "Brudder". It's sad to see the baby stage go, I know there are wonderful things ahead, but I haven't turned my mind eye to those things yet... I'm still stuck on watching my cuddly, simple, cute and loving "baby" melt into a very small boy.

With Caleb we are facing new challenges, and not just with learning. Behavior. Attitude with a capital A!!! Disobediance, disrespect; I'm feeling Dis-sed man! Somedays, I admit to failing and feeling like a failure when my reactions (yes, reactions, not thought out responses) are not optimal and the positive loving example of good behavior. I guess that both Caleb and I are in an adjustment phase.

In the meantime... I can't stand his (or my) behavior and everything in me is screaming to "MAKE IT STOP" and I find myself doing everything to change my entire environment. So I'm in a massive clean out phase of all the baby stuff (swing, pump, pack'n'play, toys, high chairs) to simplify life. And also every scrap of garbage needs to get out of the house. And those chores I've been putting off... or the clutter that's piled up because I haven't had time to file or organize, I'm going to start in on. I guess I'm getting the ROYAL SPRING CLEANING BUG early! I realized, I'm so stressed with the boys (whinning, fighting, complaining, demanding, backtalking, etc) that I go from room to room in the house, looking for the "oasis of peace"... and I haven't found it... so I get frantic and start cleaning to make that oasis. I haven't reached peace in the house, but the Lord's revealing the process to me and that has brought a little peace and even more hope.

Well that's all for now. It's late. I hope that you enjoyed the video clips. And yes, the one does have a diaper fly in from the right hand side and is shortly followed by a bare bummed 2yr old. ***rolling my eyes*** Dahl-house-Murphy's law: "When making a videoor taking pictures, one or both boys end up caught nekked somehow." At least it is all digital and I'm not sending the film out for prints at a store for all the clerks to see.

Ok, Good night.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just some quick clips of the boys "Cool Moves"...

Dancing in an Amish paradise clip

More to come later, but I have to run out the door. Time to go help Grammy. And the boys will have fun in daycare....

Saturday, February 02, 2008

So what do you do in the middle of winter on a partly-clear (speaking optimistically) day?

Go to the ZOO! That's right, the hours may be slightly shorter, but the prices are cheaper, and we found a great coupon. So we bundled up and packed lunch for a day at the zoo. Our first time daring to go without a stroller. The kids did ok, with the help of daddy's shoulders and the little help I could offer to carry them. They started out strong and running everywhere they were so excited, if they were seasoned at this type of thing, then the probably would have paced themselves a bit more. But all in all we did fine.
Caleb insisted that we have to see the Bears and the Gorillas. (and Mommy's favorite is the Nocturnal house, which we saw in the last 15 minutes it was open, I was happy.) Caleb also got a huge thrill out of the Otters, especially when we were there for feeding time. The Lions and Zebra were elusive. We saw the Elephant getting a pedicure. We of course saw lots of sleeping animals. It was cold, so the animals were not highly active, but if they were out then they were holding still... good for kids.

Jockey jogged from place to place, he got tired first. But he did have a great encounter with a little black monkey (I forget the technical name).
And I even got a rare picture of myself with the boys!

Our day ended with a "date". My MOPS programs brought to our attention that as Moms, we often forget that God has us prioritize as follows 1) God, 2) spouse and 3) children. Often the squeaky children get the attention over the spouse. In attempts to better find balance Mike and I had a "date", or as best as we can with no childcare. By the time we came back across 520, the kids were asleep... so we drove into Burgermaster (drive in eating) and got food, then drove to the Kirkland waterfront and sat and watched the park, the people, the water, the evening lights while eating and talking. It might have been the calmest meal I've had with the kids or my spouse in a long time. Of course, the kids took such a late nap, I'll be up late with them, but it is a fair trade off. I'm a night owl anyway (or at least in comparison to being a morning person.)

Mike will go out for a bit of guys' time tonight while I batten down the hatches (boy's room doors) a little later.

Good night for now.