Sunday, February 17, 2008


Caleb rode his bike without Training Wheels!!!! He went anywhere between 10-25 feet at a time. He needed a little confidence pep talk, but then he was going and going! He needs a lot more practice, but when he really gets it, Caleb has chosen the reward of a new BLUE helment. For some reason he thinks that his red one, doesn't match his red bike. (I totally disagreed that the red and red don't match, but Daddy thinks that a milestone of achievement deserves recognition.)

Joshy has now been told that he will go into his "OWN" class at preschool if he potty trains. He understands the concept of Own, so we'll see if that plays out in an effective bribe... right now, I am trying to bribe him with showers (something he loves) if he goes to the real potty. I feel pressure to get him trained by this coming fall. I really want him to be able to go to preschool. But I also keep trying to remind myself, that Caleb wasn't potty trained by his 3rd birthday, why am I placing such high expectations in Joshy? It's probably because I want him to be able to participate in something that I know he will love and excel in.

Joshy is talking so so much more. It's hard to come up with examples because he is nearly talking with the full understanding that Caleb does. Although in his adorable baby-esque way, he adds "EE"or "S" to nearly everything. Juice-EE, Brush-EE, Man-ssss, Shoe-EEE, Fine-ss. He says prayers with us at dinner. He says thank you to God for the food. He says he is fine if you ask him if he is ok. He says he loves mommy, and daddy, and brudder, God. And says all those people love him back. He likes to sing "twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle star". But says "no sing" (and if we don't stop he says "Stop that") when we try to sing. He's also, unfortunately, picked up "no talk that me"... translation Don't talk that way to me, something Mommy is ALWAYS saying to Caleb in our struggle to get polite tone and words from Caleb rather than demanding tones and disrespect. If only Joshy would pick up the potty training from Caleb.

This week is a pretty quiet week until later on. Potentially we have dinner with GG on Wednesday as an early celebration of her Birthday. I have Awana cubbies, and parent assisting on Thursday. Friday, we are really really hoping to get Caleb together with his preschool buddies for a little AM fun, and then home again so Daddy can take off and go to work. Saturday, Mommy AND Daddy work. And somewhere in all of that, Mommy has to hem Aunt Brittany's bedskirt and begin many of her other projects. The to-do list goes ON and ON!

So, I'll close this post with a Good Night and Have a happy week.

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