Friday, February 22, 2008

It was FUN Friday!!!!!!

Chuck E. Cheese this morning with preschool buddy, Hunter R.

We stopped by the club today on our way home and picked up Jockey from Daddy. We got to spend some time in the sun with GG and Grandpa Dahl. This was especially fun. I like seeing them have such fun at Daddy's Second Home, and it's even better and memorable when it is doing something so zany and classic as wheelbarrow rides with Papa.

Then movie night at preschool with the other buddies. An evening of Bob the Builder, snacks @ intermission, and Veggie Tales. It was really fun and I was surprised at how much the boys sat still.

And if all that wasn't enough for today. I made cookies and iced them.... to take with us for snacks at Movie night. I'm very proud of them because they came out so great and everyone was appreciative. The color of the icing was a picture worthy, magenta, electric pink/rose. I will absolutely have to find something else (or and other event) to use my Beet juice-cum-food coloring again!

And now, for the humor portion of the post. Despite being February and the tail end of winter. Caleb ran outside today without a shirt on to swing and play.

"Caleb what are you doing outside without a shirt?!"

"I like the air on my tummy and nipples. I tummy and nipples are HOT!" (That's either a sweltering kid or one with a strong body image.)

At least it was a day that didn't require a coat....

So that's all for now. I HAVE to get off my feet and my contacts out. Then maybe a little R and R before getting up and going for work (yes, outside of the home and a paying gig.)


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