Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spring has sprung at our house, and the boys have spring fever.

Spring fever, as in "no nap, no nap" pleadings... to which I gave in today so that we could all take advantage of being outside in the most unusual, beautiful, winter sun. Yesterday we put of the new (to us, bought at Value Village) swing for Caleb. It's our first Big Boy swing. Caleb really likes in. Joshy is still in the baby swing, which he is also really really liking now that I cleaned it up and wiped it down. He is insisting that I, not Daddy, push him or get him in and out of the swing. I haven't figured out what the preference is yet. I mowed the lawn yesterday and picked up after the D-o-g-s, now it is safe for them to play in foot-free play without having to run while watching where their feet step. We got a good hour and a half in the outdoors today! I pruned the hydrangea and the clematis. I thinned out the raspberry bushes of the dead wood to make room for the new growth expected this season. When I went outside, I got quite and unexpected surprise, the raspberries are already starting to sprout... see pict. Also, another confirmation that Spring has sprung, my helleborus has come to beautiful purple life, though not quite in bloom.

So while we did not have naps, that meant that the boys fell asleep early (7:50-55PM). But can you think of a cuter way to fall asleep?! Ahh, if only they were this peaceful while awake. I'll settle for this moment of happiness, calm and quiet since I was able to get a picture of the fleeting moment.

So, I am in hopes that I have stumbled upon the "trick" that is going to make Jockey potty train. He has always been in to books (way more than big brother). So today, he was sitting there by command, and I handed him Daddy's magazine. He actually sat there for 4 minutes without trying to get off. I'm thinking this is great and I will drag every children's book I've got into that room if it means he will actually sit and try to "get-er-done". Well, my bubble of hope hasn't burst yet, so I'll let that thought dance in my dreams tonight like sugar plum fairies.

We look forward to many clear and sunny days ahead and consider it a blessing to have them now. And perhaps dry both in rain and diapers.
On that note, good night and God.. please make tomorrow just as nice.

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