Wednesday, May 05, 2010

So a little catch up...

Caleb has graduated from literacy lab. He was the only one. He did really well at the the graduation activities according to Mike who attended that day. He is reading the Bob books quite well. His confidence will come with practice.

Today was Jockey's Preschool "Mother's Day Tea". He was cute, easy to love and yet a bit frustrating. I must have birthed genetically unable to hold still and sing boys. For the second of Jockey's (and nearly all of Caleb's) performances... he sang while spinning in circles and a step out of line. Still he gave me a delightful card... he both knows me (in my affection for MOPS) and doesn't know me (I like to cook, WHAT? And apparently I'm just 22 yrs old. Thanks buddy!)

Tomorrow is Jockey's Awards Night for Cubbies.
Next Thursday is Caleb's Award night.
School field trip to Zoo for Caleb.
Last 2 MOPS meetings this week.
Of course, Caleb's birthday is later this month and planning is in negotiations. Kids have different definitions of friendship than we do, that kid that you knew last year who isn't all that nice to you, but you know him... isn't a "friend". Right now we are toying with the idea of a sleep over.. MAYBE; I really have to gear up my mind for a wild pack and horde of potty humored whirlwinds. Gulp.

This is Jockey's last month of school, only about 10 days left! I can hardly believe it! I'm already getting dates for VBS, summer camps etc. WOW. Well, we'll see what we actually do as far as activites.

Well life is just clicking by with homework, verses to learn, end of the year activities, new bible study beginning, work, school and chauffering, pet care, home maintenance, getting new-to-us carpet in our upstairs. etc. etc. So that's the current nutshell.

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