Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We are all finally healthy! I'm still a bit raspy/coughy... but definately not contagious. I'm good enough to be helping in Jockey's Awana class tomorrow night. Oh, boy do we have to work on our verses!

Jockey had a "mouse-stache" today. That's how he pronounced mustache.
The boys discussed jail today in the car. And you get to sit in box and do nothing but pray to Jesus that you get out.
I won't repeat the mundane, no sense, viciously repeated babble that they filled my ears with, just know that it was incessant and ridiculous.

Jockey and Daddy carved a pumpkin at school yesterday. Jockey's pumpkin earned the "tallest" or the "skinniest" pumkin. I forget which.

I earn the craziest "make it work" mom award turning a brown girl's shirt into a boy's cowboy vest today. Good thing I have a scrapbook etc jumble of stuff I've hoarded (not packed) in the closet. Hey, Caleb's happy that's all that matters.
We'll be popping a bunch of popcorn tonight for his harvest party tomorrow.
Friday night is the church's Fall Carnival. Indoors, lighted, warm, $2/kid, candy, activities, jumpy houses.... what more could we want! So that's our plan. Mike hunts this weekend.

House News: Patience. Probably going to rescind the offer on the "tree house" just to have a clean slate going forward. Just reduced our house by $2,000 to see what nibbles we get. Tigger lets us know anytime someone is getting a flyer. (eye rolling.) The house is difficult to keep clean, but I have hope that this experience is going to shape cleanliness and clean patterns of clutter pick up into the boys. One of the houses we've been watching, now has a lock box... which means the bank is getting ready to list it. We are watching a few other bank owned ones. Bank owned seems to be the route we will take. Simpiler and easier chance/process than auction. Banks offer good deals, which is basically our only shot. Remember, we are ONLY wanting to do this to get a bigger house, bigger lot, and smaller payments. (Although, if approved for the children's medical that I've applied for... we'll free up some cash that we are considering if it might make sense to put towards a monthly mortgage IF we get a better/long term quality of life. Still undecided though. A vastly better and great quality of life in your home environs still dwells in an unpredictable world where life tends to throw $$$ curveballs that we need to be prepared for with a little wiggle room, not same situation nicer house/yard.)
We'll see. Still refusing to get emotionally sucked into depression/despair/drama.
The boys understand why we need to keep it clean. Caleb has developed set ideas of his own criteria for the next house. Specifically in lot size... as if HE pays the taxes!

Ok, time to cook dinner.

1 comment:

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