Friday, September 30, 2005

Caleb's cast has come off!!!

Yesterday was the big day. Mike said he was a trooper when they took the cast off. He didn't want to wear the earphones though.
He's got some dry skin and a couple good bruises on the arm but other than that it looks ok. He has exercises to do to restore mobility and muscle use, and he is still limited in his activities. He can't do anything "risky", basically we have to treat his arm although it is still in the cast, but now he can move his arm. I guess gymnastics class and climbing at the park will have to wait a little longer.
Caleb is adjusting well to his cast coming off. He still does most of things with his left hand, but he is already starting to do more with his right. I am offering him activities that will encourage the right hand, or at least both hands, to be used. Over all he is doing great.

Due to his limited activities that are allowed him, and my own recovery, Caleb has been allowed to watch TV more frequently. Not something I'm proud of, but have seen sometimes as a necessary activity to keep him still. As a result, he is in love with "Buzz" from Toy Story. He says Buzz in the cutest way, with a little lisp for the zz's. Grandpa Bishop bought a Happy Meal for him, and of all things, it came with a little Buzz figurine.

He loves that thing! He takes it to bed, he make Buzz do all sorts of things, and of course, because this is the other phase Caleb's in... Buzz goes into his pocket. This morning he learned that if Buzz was in his shirt pocket, and if he spun around, Buzz "flies" out. So guess what he did over and over this morning...

The other thing Caleb has now become enraptured by: Winne the Pooh, or rather "Pooh's Heffalump movie". He woke me up one morning saying "pooh, pooh". As the mommy, I asked and nearly jumped out of bed saying "ok, let's go to the potty, you want to use the potty?" And he said no, "Tee (his word for tv), Pooh". What would make an author name a bear after something in the potty, unless their child was potty training at the time... But I learned quickly what Caleb meant, I should have know it wouldn't be to use the potty, because that would be want I wanted for him. sigh

The other cute thing Caleb did yesterday: He said "papa, papa" and I asked him if he was talking about Papa Dahl or Papa Bishop. And he garbled out "Bissop". And I told him that Papa Bishop went to California to see Grandma Bishop. And he said "me, me". I think I see a visit coming, as soon as I figure out how to travel with two on the airplane.

Joshua is doing well. Still a little Chubby Buddy. Gaining weight etc. He is staying awake more during the day, and I had another night of 5 hours between his 10 next feeding. I'm hoping to devise a way to get his tummy really full at the 3 am feeding so that he can go another 5 hours for the second part of the night. It would eliminate a feeding, but it would nearly change my life. (No, I'm not saying I'm giving up afternoon naps.)

Josh is starting to want to be upright and stand, or at least look around more. I really think that I have another active one on my hands. Which is great, as they grow they'll wear each other out.

Well, time to go. Later.


Rita Earle said...
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Derek Rydall said...
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