Monday, September 26, 2005

Grandpa Bishop went home today, but not before an hour of Play-Doh fun! Caleb is really getting into the Play-doh, I'm a bit surprised... pleasantly surprised. I find it kind of funny and interesting that since he hasn't ever been exposed to play-doh before, I have to open his eyes to the creative possiblities and techniques. He learns quickly how to make the long spagetti noodle shapes and the balls with the palms of your hands. But it is neat to see the door open on his creativity.

Yesterday, Caleb attempted to feed Joshua for the first time. He was really interested in it. He held the bottle quite well even. He really loves his little brother, judging by the spontaneous requested to hold him, feed him, or kisses. It is heartwarming. Just wait until Josh can walk and talk back!

Caleb also got really hungry, and impatient yesterday in the evening. I was feeding Josh and I couldn't get up to get him his food. So he requested to be fed like Josh. I guess he's learned early resourcefulness and that there is more than one way to accomplish your goals. It was just funny, although a little sad for me that I couldn't meet my precious son's needs as quick as I'd like because I was meeting my other precious son's needs.

Well, I should go, feeding time and keeping Joshua awake time.

Caleb is watching "Pooh's Heffalump Movie" for the 2nd time today! And for the 5-6 time since Thursday! Lucky for me it is a library rental and it will go back!

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