Friday, September 23, 2005

Caleb has a favorite book!

Thank you again Joann for the Look and Find Tigger book! I didn't know when you gave it to us that it would be such a hit! This is Caleb's nightly favorite! I can't put him to bed without going through a couple of the pages and letting him find everything on them. Admittedly, I'm a little worn out by the redundancy, but Caleb is definitely not tired of it. This is Caleb's chocolate.

Also, another of my favorites to share with Caleb are the "First Virtues for Toddlers" series. Thank you to my mom for giving us some more. I love the principles, the method they are displayed and the use of God's Word as the authority we answer to that these books use. I am proud to share these with Caleb. Thanks Mom.

Caleb and Grandpa Bishop continue to have a great time. Caleb climbs up and cuddles with Grandpa all day. Every day Caleb wakes up he asks for Papa, and is excited that all he has to do is go downstairs!

Josh is doing well. Still an amazing sleepy head. And gaining weight! He is my little chunky buddy! He is doing well and nearly over the thrush. (All the antibiotics that I took with the cold and c-section killed the good bacteria in his mouth). So I am very happy that it was so easily diagnosed and cured. Thank you Lord.

Josh is getting up at least every 3 hours during the night for meals, sometimes every 2 hours, which is tiring... And during the day he can go longer because he sleeps. My next goal will be to flip flop the sleeping to make him sleep longer during the night rather than the late afternoon and early evening.

So I am crossing my fingers in hopes for success... and I'll write more soon.

Oh, something funny.... Caleb has seen me (and Grandma Bishop) yawn so much, now he copies us. He fake yawns. It's so cute.

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