Thursday, March 23, 2006

The whole family has rebounded into the flu.

Caleb was sick Monday and I thought he was in the clear, but got sick again early Thursday morning. Josh is on and off again sick... and teething, poor little guy. I got sick late Tuesday night and on through Thursday (so still). I had a nice little temperature of nearly 102; I hope Jockey likes pasturized breastmilk. And Mike caught it Thursday morning.

We'll all make it through, but please nobody jump on anybody's tummies!

In the meantime, Caleb has enjoyed 3 baths today. Baths are Mike's way of warming up, and they are Caleb's idea of a good time, unless you want to wash his hair (a bad experience where he got into the wrong shampoo, definitely not "Tear-free".) Also despite him being sick, I caught him twice running outside with just his "shirt" and yellow, puddle boots on. Pictures to be posted later, can't miss these with his little bum hanging out.

Josh seems in good spirits overall. It's got to be hard getting that second tooth in; it has already cut through, just working on moving up now. It's still so very strange to have him laugh and see a little flash of white in his mouth; I keep thinking that he has gotten into paper or something else that I have to rescue out of his mouth. He is putting his teeth to useful, and painful, ways. He seems to like the teething biscuits; these are cautiously enjoyed. They can be enjoyed and are a great substitute for him biting me, but I have to watch Josh like a hawk to make sure that the little bit (or just big enough to be a problem) don't become choking hazards, and fighting Zuma and Caleb away from them is a chore. One blessing is that Josh is getting more "safe" time on the floor. He is getting up on his knees a bit now; crawling is just around the corner I can picture it! And when there are pictures, you better believe I'll have them posted ASAP!

I want to say thank you to my "new" sister-in-law and Brother, Aunt D and Uncle Jeff, for stopping by on Wednesday and helping with the kids. Caleb was very excited to see you from the moment I mentioned you were coming/here at the house. I wasn't at all a host, but you were such a sincerely help and welcome distraction from feeling sick. Thank you for helping in each moment trying to feed or hold Josh to every moment trying to keep the ever bounding Caleb from jumping on me. You brought a bright spot into a otherwise difficult day.

Josh and Caleb are still delights even when they are sick, unfortunately I can't say the same for myself. Caleb said today "Mommy no happy sick"; Darn right Caleb, and mommy's sorry too. But Josh and Caleb's kindness is getting me through mentally. Josh cuddles and smiles as always. And I laid on the bed so sick I was afraid (and didn't have the energy) to move, Caleb came up and gently stroked my cheek and forehead with the back of his hand. Several times he draped his shirt over me to make "mommy feel better". I'm truly touched and blessed to have such a caring little boy. Caleb is kind and gentle on moment.... and the next he is playing with one of two monster trucks that have songs attached to them and he's saying loudly "wild thing" in the funniest voice I've heard out of him. With us being sick and unable to do much more than what slugs do, the TV has been on more, Caleb is quite ready to be a contestant on Deal or "NO DEAL" as he yells repeatedly.

When we are all well again, I look forward to playing with Caleb in the ever improving weather. If he is going out in less that adult chosen apparel, then he is obviously anxious to explore the outdoors too.

So here are prayers wishing us all well soon, and good night.

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