Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I know, I know, long time no post.

Things have been quite busy. We have seen Great Papa and Great Grammy Severson again. And we have seen Papa Bill a couple more times; we visited his house and then he met us at Great Papa and Great Grammy's house. We did some new things like Papa Bill took Caleb for a ride on Great Grammy's electric scooter... and we did some old things (like when I was little and growing up) like walk down to the beach and throw rocks. I'm very proud of Caleb's throwing ability and the beach is a perfect place with not alot of "no's". Caleb was ever the entertainer. This time he didn't try to take all the interesting things from G Gs' Seversons, he tried to leave half of his things... well, just another excuse to come visit again!

During the visit to Papa Bill and Judy's house, Caleb was introduced to two little black Shit-tzu dogs. Coalby and Mai-lee. He loved to play with them. At one point he even struggled and wrestled with them both and drug them across the floor as he scooted too. And then he somehow wriggled their harness' (not collars) off them without even unbuckling them, a feat since I'm told the harnesses fit snuggly! But Caleb was wrestling, chasing, and throwing dog toys with the dogs. The he did his own exploring and found a huge exercise ball to play with. Then Papa Bill sat down with Jockey... Coalby the dog jumped up into his lap, so Caleb thought that he should join the crowd and climb up too. There was no more room even if Mai-lee was interested. She was the cute and wise one, she hid from Caleb a few times. They were very good with the kids, wanted to lick them silly but even could be persuaded not to do that.

Caleb (and Josh) met someone new last night. He met Uncle Jeff. Again he surprised me with how quickly he warmed up to a new person. We talked about Uncle Jeff being mommy's brother all the way up to the McDonalds WITH Play Place! He said Hi and "me Caleb" and was off playing with the other kids. But when the fun fodder (other kids) left, he calmed down at bit and hung with Jeff and I at the table. At one point, he asked me if he could sit in Jeff's lap. So cute; I told Caleb he had to ask Uncle Jeff, which he did and Uncle Jeff allowed him to. Then Caleb took his shirt, stuck him thumb in his mouth and laid his head against Uncle Jeff's chest for a little cuddle. Now that was adorable! Unprompted love! And with someone new, Caleb what a blessing, and you bless others with your sensitivity and caring. He also did the macho "give me five" a few times, and when it was time to say good-bye, Caleb specifically asked to say good bye through the window. So cute again. I look forward to another time that I get to see Jeff and that the boys get to play/hand out with their Uncle Jeff. What a big evening out!

Caleb and Josh had Nichelle (a girl from church) visit to play with them for the second time. She is wonderful to have over; she watches the kids for a couple hours, the first hour I do errands and the second hours I get some cleaning done. They have fun, and I'm glad to get some cleaning done without having to redo and redo when Caleb undoes my efforts (i.e. folding laundry, and the picking up of the folded things and tossing them in the air).

Then as if I didn't get enough done in that second hour, a wonderful, helpful, thoughtful lady from church came today and watch the kids for 3 hours while I cleaned the entire time. She played with Caleb and all his trucks, she played with Josh and his little "gym" toy, she read to them. It was great. Caleb and Mrs. Stephanie even went across the street and fed the two city of Monroe goats and played at the park in the lovely weather. (I got SOOOO much done, corners, edges, details; the stuff that I don't generally have time to get to when I'm on a tight time crunch or worried to have my hands in chemicals and have to stop frequently to help the kids. It's wonderful to have the house feel "corners clean".)

So I am not sure what the rest of the week holds for Caleb, other than Wednesday Playgroup (which he asks to go to and communicates to me that I should keep going because he is having fun), but I'll keep everyone posted as much as time allows!

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