Tuesday, November 21, 2006

See, it didn't take that long to get another post here.

Today, I only had Josh to look after. Caleb went to spend time with Grammy, Daddy, and Papa. He tried gymnastics and the Daycare...success??? Well, we'll reserve judgement. He says that he misses us (mommy and daddy) and Joshy gets all the time and attention. So, we've got to make up some time with him to reassure him of his loved place in this world.

The flip side, Joshy and I got to spend time together. I thought I should update everyone on the person Joshy is becoming. He really likes to play catch (rather he throws, we catch and then roll it back to him). He really likes to listen to music. His new thing that causes giggles: sommersaults, he needs help, but loves it when we cause him to do them. He runs back for more. He's also enjoying the Baby Einstein movies. When Caleb's away we get a chance to pull out the shows that don't have words just visual stimulation, and he likes them! (Thank you Grammy and Papa Dahl for INVESTING in these when Caleb and Tessa were little, they are getting their use with the next grandchild.)

I should mention that we are going to be away this Thursday through Sunday. Thanksgiving will be sent in Cannon Beach (OR) this year with GG Dahl, Grammy and Papa Dahl and Papa and Grandma Judy. Pray for good weather because we are CAMPING not hotelling it!

Short and sweet, that's it for now.

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