Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, here we are again!

We have settled back into a pseudo-normal routine. Or as normal as a Summer can be.
Caleb's had a dentist appointment, I've worked. Then Caleb is in Swim lessons and in Tennis lessons that mean he stays with Grammy and Papa Dahl for 4 days a week for two weeks. Next week is his second week. He LOVES the tennis, something we were unsure about his interest. But he loves it, and he is doing GREAT in his swim lessons, one of best in the class. He is learning all sorts of movements and skills. And the time with Grammy and Papa is priceless and fun. I asked Caleb what was his most favorite and he said All of it.

So today, Saturday, we are celebrating Joshy's Birthday, since the day is officially Monday. Just a little get together to provide food and photo ops to commemorate the 3 yr rite of passage. Joshy is all excited because it is nice enough weather to set up the bouncy house. I will be taking Joshy in for annual portraits on Monday and then dropping Caleb off in Woodinville afterwards. I am hoping to squeeze in blackberry picking too, last week I was rained out.

We just returned from the Monroe Fair Day's Parade. Fun, but HOT! The kids are stocked up on free candy for the next 6 months. But that's good since I asked Joshy what special thing he would like when he was all the way potty trained and he said CANDY.

Well, it's time to get things moving towards being ready for the party. Talk to you later.

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