Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hitting the ground running....

We got back from California, and within 12 hours of walking in our front door, we were pulling away from the house again and heading to Anacortes for the July 4th weekend.
(and of those 12 hours, we slept some, and I went to work, and loaded the trailer.)

The weekend was nice. Couldn't have had better weather. The new Off Bug repellant clip on thing seemed to do the job. We had nice campfires and delicious shrimp. The boys are slowly learning the peeling shrimp technique. Caleb's better at it, but he's had more years to learn than Jockey. We went on walks and hikes looking for deadfall firewood. We visited their parks. We met Papa and Grammy Dahl, we went to the Farmer's Market and the Parade. We watched the city's firework display from the cozy comfort of the motorcoach which had a perfect view being parked at the marina. On Sunday, we even got to visit with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Judy who drove up with their dogs.

It was a sort of quiet week trying to get the house back in order after having been gone so long. (still not their yet). We visited the park (and got stood up for a playdate) and met a new kid for Caleb to play with and perhaps befriend. Turns out Gage had Mrs. Adams for Kindergarten last year, and this coming year Gage's sister will be in Caleb's class. So it's possible that Caleb already has a "friend" (yeah, a girl, but still.... did I mention he's begun his only boys phase) for the first day of school.
I worked Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, Caleb left with Grammy and Papa Dahl and headed with GG to the Oregon Coast for the weekend. I hear all good things about the trip, though he's not back yet. Jockey and I have used the time to paint, play with play dough, finger paint, and a special treat of a movie on a TV in his room. (no fighting over the movie selection was a big treat.)

So here comes another week and we have high hopes for decent weather and good times.
Have a great week yourselves.

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