Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How hot is it???

We have to be done walking by 10, done playing on the playground by 10:30, upon JOCKEY's request to go home. The boys have spent the last 3 nights sleeping in the TV room because that is the other air conditioned room in our house. I ACTUALLY got into the club pool and laster about 2 hours rather than 20 minutes. And now for the second day in a row, the spoiled rabbit comes inside during the day and stays in a crate in our air conditioned bedroom!
I saw 100 degrees today, and it's listed as 48% humidity. I never thought I'd have to visit California in July to get cooled off!

We went to the pool today and were there a very long time, and then into the AC at Grammy's motorcoah and then to dinner. At 10PM, my car still says it's 86 outside! It's sticky.

So despite being tired now, tomorrow I will be taking the boys to the movie, and then perhaps the pool again. I don't think I can even sit in the shade and watch them play at this temperature/humidity. I'd like to but I have to know my limitations.

Well, that's it for now. The office is hot and I must now retreat to the AC'd bedroom.

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