Sunday, July 26, 2009

VBS ended with a nice picnic. The boys were entertained, Joshy more than Caleb. Caleb was very vocal on not enjoying the singing. Josh stood slumped over during the final performance, but at least he didn't sit down and face backwards the way Caleb did...
We've visted the parks several times, gone for walks.
Today we went to church and we are working on steam cleaning the carpets (I know, we nearly couldn't have chosen a hotter day to do this.) The carpets are really starting to look better. Mike's put in the majority of the work, although I've done a large amount too. I've also taken the time to wash down all the walls while the furniture is pulled away, and then cleaned the bathroom. The boys are loving visiting with Uncle Brian who stopped by, and watching Muppets in Space in the air conditioned TV room.
What's on the plate for this coming week.... we are going to try to find many ways to beat the heat. The first is going to a free movie on Wednesday in Everett. Ok, it's at 10AM before it REALLY gets hot, but it's something. And I think we will have to discover the splash parks in the area.
I work on Thursday.
Next weekend, we are trying to plan a camping trip towards the crab. I mean ocean water where putting out some crab traps is possible with good results. Cool crab around a campfire... only peel and eat shrimp/prawns beats it.
So that's the plan.
The following week: the boys are enrolled in swim lessons and will be with Peter and Lynda for 4 days. I'll be using the time to clean and work on projects to be entered into the Evergreen State Fair.
So that's the dahl nutshell.

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