Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news, we have been rained out for going to the Lights of Christmas. The good news... this rain is suppose to be "Snow Flurries" on CHRISTMAS DAY!!! It just might be a white Christmas after all. But in the meantime, we are fumbling for an alternate plan on what do with our evening plans.

The kids are getting anxious to see their presents. But they are still doing great about staying out of the tree. I'm impressed. I wanted to share a quote. I forget the source, and I'll paraphrase, but I just had to share even if I mutilated it....

The best presents at Christmas is the presence of family.

It's a nice thought.

Well, I knew it was coming someday, but I didn't expect it so soon. Joshy has entered the WHY phase. And so ensues the long explanations of everything. But he actually does understand what we explain to him. He is a smart cookie. And he says "I smart" too.

That's all for now, we have to get back to deciding what plan "B" is for the weekend.

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