Sunday, December 09, 2007

Caleb's Christmas Program

We made it through our first Christmas program both as participants (that's Caleb) and parents. Joshy would have liked to participate or play with the toys in the lobby. As it was he settled for writing on blank paper. Caleb seemed extremely shy. He know the songs and poems so I'm sure it was just the spotlight that made him withdraw. He's like someone else I know in that regard.

The the program was nice, short and simple. The time afterwards was rewarding as well. We got to chat with the other parents and grandparents. It was nice to see Caleb even making friends on his own and strengthening the budding relationships he's got. Overall it was a nice time and we were happy to be a part of it and have Grammy and Papa Dahl with us too.

So I'm going to try something new this time. Since so many people weren't able to attend either because of distance or illness... I'm going to try to put a couple video clips here. It's my first attempt and I hope it goes well. (My computer doesn't even have the speakers plugged in so I can't listen myself, so I hope I choose the right one.)

Let me know if it doesn't appear for you.


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