Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's getting to be that time of year.
"Season of prohibition" on buying things for yourself (or others, if it isn't going to keep until Christmas.) It was a rule growing up, buy nothing between Thanksgiving and Christmas; one year we even waited until after Christmas clearance sales to get our Christmas gifts.
However, today I was at a crossroads. Jockey and I were in the store finishing grocery shopping. He requested to visit the toys, and I said we were just looking... in fact, only looking for brother. So he looked and looked and pointed and "I want this" and "Buy me that please". He was turned away with "I'll think about it", I'll talk to Dad about it, "I don't think so", you won't use that, too many small pieces. etc. EXCEPT for one toy. Of all the games, action figures, hot wheels etc, it was a stuff (beanie babie-esque) cat. A little gray and white striped off-brand cat. I told him it was not on sale, too much, wouldn't be fair if brother didn't get one, way way too much if brother was to get one too. 10 minutes to get him out of the department after "price scanning" it twice to show him the cost. He bawled from one side of the store to the other as if I had cut off his arm. That's all he wants, nothing for Christmas. I'm hurting his heart he says. None of his other toys at home are cute now. He doesn't want to live near me when he grows up now. By now I'm feeling like the worst mother, but a decent budget hold-out. ($7 each, too much for stuffed cats!) I call Mike to be reaffirmed that I'm not cruel and unusual.
In the end, after brilliant parallel parking and a visit to St. Vincent de Paul, and negotiation there.... two stuffed cats (one IS a beanie baby), 2 mini-beanie baby bears, 1 mini-beanie baby dino, and a stashed away beanie baby (WITH TAGS) for Christmas.... $1.63 with tax. 1 christmas gift, 2 happy boys, totally affordable, and a relieved mommy in a pear tree. Jockey said in the car, "Mommy, you made my heart happy". I did have to explain to him that waiting and seeing if Mommy can find a way sometime gets better/more than the thing he cries over right NOW NOW NOW about. He understood. Lesson hopefully learned, even if I was manipulated for $1.63.
A rough but successful mom-ing day.
After last week's MOPS speaker, I'm trying to be more "intentional" in my parenting. Finding what works/lights up my child in their minds and hearts and develope that; working on first time obedience (starting to see minor improvement already, although the frequency of "consequences" has increased). We were encouraged to ask "What did you want from your Mother?" (and I've tried to include father, and want Mike to ask both questions of himself to work from that perspective.) I decided that I would ask the boys that question. Caleb understood a little better (or maybe Jockey does understand, and I don't want to understand his answer.) Caleb said he wants me to take him to the park more and sit with him more, and got to the Children's museum more. OK, Can do. JOCKEY, on the other hand... When I said what do you want out of mommy more, what more do you want from Mommy? Answer: A baby, a baby brother. I'm just closing my eyes and shaking my head. This from the boy who said he wanted to hold his baby brother by the foot/leg upside down so that it won't bite him like the rabbits!

Ok, so that's todays points of interest. Hope it was worth a chuckle.

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