Monday, July 26, 2010

This morning the boys were awakened "early" to get ready for VBS. They have VBS all week. While both of them expressed being tired and Caleb says he doesn't want to go.... I know that this is a great time for them to see their friends. Our house is too torn up to have too many people over so a pre-arranged get together time is great.

It was so hot in the house last night that the boys ended up sleeping in our air conditioned bedroom on the floor. They were so cute this morning cuddled up at the end of the bed sleeping through the alarm clock, the shower and me walking around the bedroom. They are deep sleepers, which is advantage right now... we'll see about it when they are teenagers and have to get up to their own alarm clocks.

The bunny rabbits are adorable. The perfect size/age to watch them explore and discover. They are starting to eat "real" food, and they are loving the dandelions and Timothy hay. They are starting to show personality. We have some lickers in the bunch, which is what we were hoping for in this litter. They are still a bit young for an untrained person to be sure what gender they are, but we look forward to knowing. We've named them, although a couple of them we are not sure that's the final name... and the solids are hard to tell apart so the names rotate on which solid gets the name. Names are: Sparkler, Streak, Indy, Dash, Boom, Freedom, Bottle Rocket, Jet/Parade (see what I mean about the undecided names). We've had lots of warm evenings holding them in the backyard, a great summer activity.

We've also had more campfires in the last month that we would have in 1-2 seasons of camping. The boys are loving it. Roasted hot dogs and smores often... and lots of reasons to poke at the fire. The little pyros in training.

Mike is in his fire training twice a week at Index to become a volunteer. It's hard training, very physically challenging and there are also book tests. Lots to think about.

I've been working alot too. I work 8 hours over 3 days this week. I'm fortunate with that # of hours that the boys do have VBS so I can get the hours done.

The kitchen cabinets are 75% done, we have an experimental first coat of red paint on the walls in the kitchen, and the t-moldings etc arrive this Wednesday so the flooring will be laid this weekend. Lighting is due to arrive early next week. LOTS changing. Mike fought hard and finally got the faucet and sinks hooked up, which is great after a long week and a half without water in the kitchen.

So that's the latest.

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