Thursday, August 05, 2010

We had a campout. At the campfire last night I came up with the idea of sleeping outside. Mike brought out the tent, and we all piled in with blankets and pillows. So we had our campfire, held our bunnies and slept outside. I read them a bed time book and it was lights out.

We woke up to the sound of birds and garbage trucks. But I leapt out of bed when Caleb cried "the rabbits are out"! One of the doors didn't get all the way latched last night in the dark... and 5 bunnies had jumped out of the hutch and tried to explore. We discovered 2 behind the couch (the backdoor had been left open to the house), 2 under the wagon next to the house, and the last (after looked for another 15-20 minutes) Tigger lead us to him ... he was behind the stack of firewood next to the house. So they were all rustled up this morning and put back because I'm sure they missed their water and mom-food. All safe and calming down now, and it's only 9 AM.

Still more painting today. Ran out of paint yesterday so today I have higher hopes. Unfortunately, once all the red is done.... I have all the ceiling to paint WHITE... sigh. But then REALLY, I'm done. oh, except the new moulding will have to be painted before being installed. And the rest of the kitchen subflooring will have to be ripped up so that the hardwood can get laid down on Saturday... and the last edges will have to get glued down since the pnuematic nailer won't reach those areas.... AND THEN, we have new lighting to install. It's alot. I'll be relieved when I no longer live in a construction zone, then I can actually have friends over who have smaller children.

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