Monday, September 20, 2010

So school has begun.... Awana has begun.... MOPS has begun... Bible Study has begun

Caleb is liking school. He thinks that the three recesses a day is the best thing about the entire 1st grade. He still sees his buddies on the playground, but gets to buckle down during class without those buddies he might be tempted to talk to. He is doing very well with all day school now. He isn't coming home exhausted, class weary or hungry. He's coming home ready to do just about anything, he runs to us when he sees us, he goes through the backpack right away to get out the papers, and he has remembered his sandwich holder EVERYDAY so far. I'm so proud of him for his smooth adjustment from summer play to the stiff school routine. I actually think Caleb flourishes with routine... not something I enjoy, but for the next 9 months... I can do it since it is good for him, as if I had a choice. ;0)

Jockey is loving school. Today was his first sharing day, and this first time he took his new birthday present Fire truck. It was kept a surprise under a towel until sharing time, and I'm told that it was a HUGE hit. Well, I'm glad that Jockey loved being "on". So far, the teacher has already told me that he is quite a leader. My concern is (after a big to do with a friend and her son in the same class with the school) that this class is truly Kindergarten PREP... aka Pre-K, not just a repeat of last year's preschool cirriculm. Not that I have many choices if I find I'm not satisfied with his class; really there is only one other school that we could afford... 15-20 minutes away, strict brand name lengthy supply list, $25 fees for just about any excuse possible. So, what that means is I choose to remove him from class and do work at home, or add work at home. The first option doesn't offer him intangible benefits like socialization, routines, following instructions (and selfishly, time for me to go to work). The latter option, I'm not a teacher and never claim to be, so I'm not sure if we could both survive the learning process. Although working with him this morning, he was already starting to understand a BASIC analog clock and digital read out. We'll see.

MOPS went smoothly the first meeting. The next one is the first craft... still working on the prep. But I'm confident we'll be ready.
Bible Study, good, lots of reading in the first week... but I think I'm finally caught up since I received my book late. Now I can pace myself and savor.

Awana. It's at a new place for Jockey (Caleb went to this church one year 3 years ago). Jockey's got two buddies in the class so I'm sure he'll acclimate quickly. And we were very happily surprised when Caleb found a familiar buddy in his class, so of course we are optimistic that he will have a great time too. They are both beginning to memorize verses and are showing promise. It's going to be a good year for them (and for Mom and Dad who will actually get 1.5 hours of alone, peaceful time TOGETHER once a week!!! Having our regular church cancel Awana and have to come to this one has GOT to be a blessing straight from heaven!)

I'll post pictures soon, I'm just too tired to search and post.
But hopefully soon.

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