Thursday, May 04, 2006

Jockey is unbelievable!

I just can't believe it. He is doing so much. And the progress he's made is amazing.

If I haven't mentioned it before, he is "crawling". Well, sort of. He doesn't get his tummy off the ground, but he's quick and it is so funny to watch. So I don't want to leave the impression that he's stationary if I say he's not technically crawling, because he is on the go. If he sets his sights on something he will get there! And is he ever determined, he will take on an obstacle course to get to the object of his interest.

Joshy will vocally let us know if he is upset about that item being taken away or removed from his reach, don't worry about that. Josh is very happy, unless the items that are currently making him happy are taken away. Of course he could be happy with any number of choking hazards and I just can't let him keep those even if they make him happier than a child in Disneyland. But also, Caleb sometimes tests to see if that toy or teething biscuit is really truely what Josh is enjoying, and that isn't a happy moment.

Josh is babbling up a storm. He has said Momma, Dadda, Caleb and a few other things. But he actually is puckering his cute little lips and trying to mimick sounds, on a good day. Other days he just wants to say what he has on his mind. I just can't believe that at 8 months he has already spoken a few words! Well, I guess if Caleb can walk early, then Josh has to be special too and talk early! I'm glad that each one has chosen to be special and unique. I can't wait for the funny things that Josh will say to me; it's been fun with Caleb. My favorite right now is Caleb says "Jesus in my heart, makin' me feel better" and "I say I love you mommy thank you". What really makes me happy, Josh knows his name.... and his nicknames, all of them. When I call out to him as he is crawling away, he stops and turns and smiles at me, and then of course he has to turn around and keep going!

Joshy, that crazy strong boy. He is pulling himself up on things! I had to go get the play table out of storage this week. He is crawling up to things, pulling himself up and doing the best he can to get into a stand position! Amazing. Time really flys and I didn't notice how much Josh is doing until Auntie Brittany came over and saw him. She hasn't see Josh in about 2 1/2-3 weeks and was shocked at all the things that he is doing now.

Josh really likes the outdoors. He sits still a surprising amount of time on a blanket in the backyard and watches me weed the garden. He looks up at the sky and trees, and back to me. He is stepping up his observation skills and learning curve. Eventually he does start finding the grass interesting, it's inevitable. But he is so calm and content with observing nature. I'm so happy with that, and very happy that the weather is turning nice and he will be able to discover and learn more.

So that's the Jockey update! (Caleb update to come!)

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