Monday, May 01, 2006

We're back from Toppenish.

We had lots of sun. A surprise wind storm on Saturday that blew out our plans to actually cook at camp. The sky went from bright sun to a overcast, after dusk look within an hour; and the sand and dirt in the air was remarkable. I personally love wind, so I wasn't intimidated... but I agree, sand/dirt in my dinner isn't too palatable.

Caleb had a wonderful time. He rode his bike a few times. We were fortunate enough to get a spot right on the jogging trail, so Caleb could have a little independence to ride (if he chose to). We also colored on the jogging trail with chalk and had a hop-scotch set up, as well as lines of boundaries for Caleb not to cross. He made sure we know that we couldn't cross them either because those are the rules.
Caleb went swimming several times. He is really doing well. He was actually putting his face in the water and holding his breath all by himself repetitiously. He is getting so brave and confident in the water, the skills just have to come up quickly to match his enthusiasm. Until then, Daddy is a faithful companion in the water; I'd do it but all the waters see a little too chilly, and Caleb with Jockey is a bit of a handful in a pool.
Caleb slept in Papa and Grammy Dahl's motorcoach each night. They were happy to have him, but probably a little happier the second night when he actually slept in his own bed. He can be a bit of a mover while he sleeps. The second morning was a bit of a dream morning for him. Wake up, have cereal (no milk) and be able to watch cartoons before leaving the warm cozy covers. What are grandparents for but to let their grandsons have a perfect morning.

Caleb had a great time, with one exception. He is getting some molars in. I believe they are his 2 year old molars coming in late. It is hard to get a bead on and a visual on where it hurts exactly in a little guys mouth with a few fingers and a tongue bouncing around in a half open mouth. But molars are my best guess. I'm going to keep trying to check on his mouth because I feel that his eating habits are being interrupted by his discomfort. I am trying to keep him current on his Ibrophen and Baby Orajel.

Well, there isn't any playgroup today. But that is ok because there is lots to clean up from a camping trip, and I'm exhausted. The hopes for additional sleep were not fulfilled, and then last night Josh was particularly demanding and was up several times for over an hour last night. So we will find plenty to occupy our time this day. We are also hoping for the correct bouncy house to arrive this week, perhaps in time to play with Tessa while she is staying with Grammy and Papa Dahl. So off I go to get a few things done. Thanks for reading.

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