Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hi all.

It has been way too long since I have last posted. Well, life's been busy again, or as always.

I have almost completely recovered from my surgery... with the exception of when the boys jump, stand or land on me. Which is happening more and more as Joshy gets more active and mobile. THANK YOU to Grammy and Papa Dahl for the unforgettable, can't live without it help during my internment. Caleb and Josh had a good time and were in good hands and knowing that made the recovery go that much faster. Endless Thank yous!

Thank You to my Dad and Judy for bringing dinner on a Friday and keeping Caleb entertained as he talked and played endlessly.

Thank You Auntie Brittany and Brian also from bringing a meal to us when I wasn't even standing up straight.

Life forces us to hit the ground running and I realize that even more when kids are in my world. They don't give you much notice on when they are bored, want to get out of the crib, or have to use the restroom. But they bring such joy.

Caleb is enraptured with Rescue Heroes STILL. You would think that a 3 year old would shift focus as quick as it can start raining in Seattle. He asks to watch the movies all the time and he really learns the good lessons they speak of: teamwork, nobody gets left behind, and of course "Think safe". He plays with the figures daily, and even Jockey is getting in on the act. Of course, Joshy wants to be like Caleb in just about everything that he sometimes is a daredevil in the attempt.

Joshy has discovered he can climb onto the top of the coffee table, also he is doing very well at climbing and sliding down the slide we keep in the living room. Caleb tries to help, but also cuts in line occassionally. Josh is amazing me with what he is capable of physically. He has learned so quickly by watching that he might even be developing faster than the Amazing Caleb boy.

Caleb likes taking walks and he's always bossing around the dogs. He says Tigger is his, and we let him think so. Caleb also got to go to Remlinger Farms with Daddy, Joshy, Cousin Tessa and Aunt Kristina. He had a good time and was telling me all about the boats and ponies.

Playgroup has started back up for the school season, and none too soon with the rain arriving too. We go on Mondays and Wednesdays in the mornings. Caleb loves to see his best friend, Donovyn. They both play and bicker well. The one who is really shocking me is Jockey. He is very bold and willing to go all over the entire gym in pursuit of a ball. He readily climbs on the ride on toys or the rocking catepillars. He has watched so much, he's decided it's his turn to get into the action. He sees the older boys, and of course tries to keep up with them as well. He will get there. He really isn't my little baby anymore. He is SOOO active and is always moving. The closest thing to slowing down and a hug is when he decides it is time to wrestle on the floor.

Josh is in love with bath time! He can't get enough of it. He is even climbing into an empty bath tub trying to play. I am so glad that he isn't afraid of the water.

Josh is starting to say more and more. Single words and of course improper or incomplete pronunciation... but still. I have heard him say Hi, Tigger, I love you, all done, Daddy, more, and several other things. He will be an early talker too I think.

Well, I just wanted to update the blog so that everyone knew we were ok and live was just continuing on for us at a regular fast pace. Caleb and Jockey might even be starting up gymnastics here pretty quick. I can't wait to see how Josh attempts the various skills in gym class and meets with success and challenges that will bring leaps and bound in developement and abilities. Particularly the trampoline, it did wonders for Caleb balance, and I think Joshy would benefit and love it too!

Ok, that's all for now. I hope to update again real soon, perhaps even with pictures!

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