Thursday, October 26, 2006

So here on some more of the random disconnected stories... but again, I don't think that I'll get them all told.

Grandpa Bishop took Caleb to Starbucks a few times. Caleb now knows Starbuck's logo as well as 7-11 the land of Slurpees and shouts out every time he sees one from the back seat. He met Grandpa Bishop's friend Bob, and had to meet Bob's dog Brandy, and show off his bike to the guys at Starbucks.

Josh really is an outdoorsy kid. He wants to see everything and touch and even try to taste everything. While Caleb was on his first bike ride with Papa, Josh was outside with Mommy and Grandma looking at trees, lights, mailboxes, clouds (yes 2 in the sky), grass, rocks, flowers, bushes. He wanted everything named and labeled for him, and I think he would have walked a mile if we would have kept on explaining things to him. I can see the information sponge happening right before my eyes. This trip was a huge experience for Josh. And his interest and attempt at words was astounding. He said Balloon, Ball, Bird, ME (****a big favorite), and several more. He ran after a person with cotton candy saying "ME ME ME", he really wanted some and he knew it. He did the same about the case of toys at Chuck E. Cheese. It is just amazing that the knows and has desires and is trying to get what he wants now verbally! He even nods his head or shakes it in response to questions! I can not believe that, and he is actually responding not just randomly answering!

Those who know Caleb, know that he is sensitive. And those that have kids, most likely know the story "Monsters, Inc." Well, the last 10-15 mintues were on and this was a better selection that the adult shows that were on the other channels. Well, all of a sudden Caleb started crying, he was terribly sad and want the channel changed. He was very upset that the big blue "monster", Sully, had to say goodbye to the little girl "boo". He was so so so upset, and he said this was a bad show. He was so compassionate to the sad feeling that Sully was having that he just was so upset on the "monster's" behalf. I love my sensitive guy, but I worry about him too. So as cute as that show is, it is a no go in our home.

Saturday, while in California. Caleb came to the conclusion that "Jesus likes funny jokes". This comes on the heels of a coversation about not crying wolf (a bad joke) because it is actually lying and Jesus doesn't like lying... so Caleb decided the flip side was that if Jesus didn't like bad jokes, he must like funny jokes. Caleb has also decided that Jesus is the biggest Rescue Hero, cute if you remember his obsession with Rescue Heroes. And we often have to include in our nightly prayers for Jesus to protect Caleb from Bats... I don't know why Bats, but we had to have a 45 minutes conversation with Caleb about how Jesus is stronger than bats. Caleb has decided that bats are bad and will get him, and he started a thing about owls and spiders but to a significantly lesser degree.

Cute Brief: Caleb grabbed Joshy's hand in the back seat and was making Joshy's hand wave and saying "Hi-lo Grammy" and "Hi Papa". Joshy loved it and giggled and then pulled on Caleb's sweatshirt and Caleb let him and thought it was great.

Cute Brief: We were all walking through the parking lot and Caleb was out ahead (the lot was closed to traffic). He hopped and leaped over a speed bump and thought it was a big one. So he ran back and said "here grammy" and took her hand and carefully helped her over the speed bump to make sure she made it. How kind and caring is that?!

Cute Brief: Caleb was sleeping in our bed one morning. Joshy woke up and I got him and brought him into the bed hoping that he would lay down and sleep again. No such luck. He rolled over and started talking, poking, rolling onto Caleb and trying to get Caleb to wake up and play with him. Caleb finally did sit up and gave his brother a little push and said "I'm not a toy Jockey! I'm a boy."

Well, that's all I have time for, and I'm still not done with the stories from all of California.
More soon, and always accummulating more. Good Night, God Bless.

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