Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas blessings...

1- Despite Jockey microwaving a pancake for 6 minutes causing a microwave fire of 3-4" flames inside the microwave and smoke filling our main level.... No damage, just icky smell. The microwave is not going to come all the way clean, but it does still work. We are all safe.

2- I just got notice yesterday that the boys are now on the WA state medical coupon system!!! We were hoping for their highest tier qualification, but they gave us the mid-tier and therefore even cheaper premiums per month. We just saved 89% per month on the boys medical! Which is such a blessing because we had to cancel their medical due to strangling costs.

I'm a crazy one, hoping for snow this winter, so we are on Snow watch at our house. Should be a great Christmas season. Caleb says that Christmas is his favorite day of winter.

Jockey had a christmas program this Sunday, he still went up and sang despite having said "mommy, please don't sign me up for that". He wore his "handsome" clothes, a suit thing. He loves it, and has worn it several days in a row since Grammy got it for him.

On our way to school today I was giving Caleb warnings about the slippery icy ground, that even if he doesn't see it, it is still there. Jockey promptly asked if ice had super powers like a super hero because it was invisible.

Love to say more, but I have stuff to do.

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