Saturday, December 26, 2009

We got an unexpected visit of a fever upon Jockey last night. About 12:45 AM he was using the restroom and coughed and sounded like he threw up. I went to check on him and he was burning up. The highest last night was 103.6. I iced him, cold washclothed him, Tylenol, Ibrophened and prayed. He was down to 101.9 at 6 Am when we finally went to sleep. He's spiked back up to 103 mid-morning before more medication was put into him. But he's handling it well. I was wondering for a moment if I was going to have to hold him down in a cold bath, but we made it through the night. He has a very very bad cough, but thanks to our Rite Aid deals in August, I have all the sore throat meds he could need. So despite the beautiful sunny crisp day, we are going to stick close to home. Where did he pick this up... probably the Children's Museum one week ago. He'll make it through. I just pray the rest of the family doesn't follow in his footsteps on this.
Thanks to every one for their generosity to our family this Christmas and your prayers for Jockey getting well.

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