Thursday, February 10, 2011

Caleb and Jockey are just crusing along in school, pre-k, Awana, and life. They've made it to the park on nice days, and even met friends on occassion. For the Super Bowl, we all went over to our friend's house where they played the entire duration of the football game! Caleb went to Anacortes last weekend with Grammy and Papa Dahl, inspite of the weather. They even hit a few garage sales, places to eat, and did some homework reading. Jockey has been going to Grammy and Papa's house Thursday afternoons for tennis lessons and a stay overnight and being returned in time for School on Friday. It's a treasured time (and limited time, with him in 5-day Kindergarten next year). He comes home and "practices" his tennis by playing the Wii. He's silly, and surprisingly good... on the Wii. While he is gone, Caleb and I get time together. Today, we both did "homework"; Caleb read and I did my Bible study. Caleb's reading has now earned him minutes on the Wii... a new system of earn and reward to balance responsibility (homework) and play (Wii/TV/Friends/Park). I'm hoping to be consistent with him, at least long enough to get the point across and the lesson learned. Work before play, healthy food before dessert and the rest of those adages.

The "Big" day for us was Tuesday.... We had our 20 week ultrasound (techincally I was 20w+4). Healthy. GOOD sized at the 86th percentile, which per my doctor, means I'm on my way to having another 8 pounder. My response: good thing it's coming out the front then. The ultrasoundist looked for 2 hemispheres in the brain with both ventricles, 4 chamber heart, nose bones, the absence of a cleft palate, measured femurs and other arm bones, the insertion point for the umbilical cord, by turning on the "color" she could see the blood flow, looked at the spine checking for any gaps, 2 kidneys were found, and a bladder. The heart was beating at a healthy, normal 146 bpm. And it was a HE.....the long awaited, much prayed for, God foretold BOY. And thus the name Nathan Kai (Meaning gift of and messenger of God respectively). So being told ahead of time, and confirmed with "wait for the glory of God to be revealed" actually did reveal our intended and desired gender. And if you know about ultrasounds... parts are present= boy or the absence of parts =girl. We have a picture of parts. Again, like Caleb... sitting on the camera! We even came away with a DVD as the technician went through the exam. Little Nathan was ACTIVE, she was having a hard time catching him, and he kept facing my spine which made getting a traditional "profile" ultrasound shot impossible. But healthy. Weighed in at 14 ounces, and is approximately 7 3/4" long. He is kicking up a storm just about all the time, but I notice it went I finally hold still... or it's my bladder he's kicking. Last Friday, 3 people actually asked me if I had lost weight, a dozen other's (mostly pregnant themselves) complained that I wasn't or barely showing... all of which bely the 5lb gain(still below their curve of expected gains)... but I'm chalking that up to the 14 oz baby, fluid, placenta, and the doubling of my blood volume. And I have gone for 2 walks this week inspite of the below freezing temperatures! I'm going to kick and claw my way against gaining the quantities I did with the other two boys!

So that's the baby update. In other news, next Wednesday, Grandma Bishop flies into town for about a week. The boys have next Friday and the following Monday off of school which means they will be around for the majority of her visit. Jockey has a birthday party to attend on Saturday the 19th. Grandpa Bill's birthday is also coming up pretty darn quick, and GG Dahl too.
Mike goes in tomorrow for his MRI to confirm the actual condition of his knee and then the doctor will make a decision on a course of action. For the praying to God folks, all prayers are needed and appreciated for healing, miracles, best-case scenarios, quick scheduling in, quick recovery, and mercy/grace in the Fire Academy administrators that he isn't dismissed from the program... whatever you feel lead to pray, we thank you because it is only in our God's hands and power now!

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